Come convertirsi in un produttore di equolo

Alcuni batteri intestinali possono potenziare i benefici degli alimenti a base di soia, con conseguente protezione ancora maggiore delle ossa, migliore controllo dei sintomi della menopausa e riduzione del cancro alla prostata rischio. La domanda è: come possiamo favorire la crescita di questi batteri buoni?

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• Microbiome: The Inside Story ( )
• Prebiotici: prendersi cura del nostro giardino interiore ( prebiotici-cura-del-nostro-giardino-interiore/)
• Qual è il tuo enterotipo del microbioma intestinale? (
• Come cambiare il tuo enterotipo (
• Come sviluppare un ecosistema intestinale sano ( Come-sviluppare-un-ecosistema-intestino-sano)
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55 Risposte a “Come convertirsi in un produttore di equolo”

  1. I live in Colombia and my doctor told Me that I have to keep away soy because is transgenic and could cause cancer. It’s different the soy that people eat in Asia. in Asia is healthy not here 😕

  2. Find it unusual that no mention of Miso or unpasteurized tamari is being included in these studies considering they are loaded with beneficial bacteria ? Also commercial Soy Milk is processed food so let's talk about tempeh instead.

  3. Dr. Greger we need more videos on men and soy as well…I loved this video on equol but it had more to do with women…but it also seems that certain men tend to adhere better to soy products than others. I've often wondered if some of the adverse effects some experience with soy has to do with the fact that they may continue to consume a form of meat dairy or eggs in their diets. Great video! Would also love a video comparing plant protein to whey protein for muscle building. Cheers

  4. did they factor in that in Japan the old are "held high" and reverenced so their mental outlook on aging and getting "old" is far far better and the mind can be a terror against health

  5. Maybe it also has something to do with stress. In Japan the males are the producers who bring home the bacon so women have a lot less stress.

  6. Folks, also remember to avoid the [mainstream] GMO soy; make sure it's non-GMO/ all natural organic soy (w/e it is – tofu, milk, miso, tempeh, natto, etc etc).

  7. Every time a video mentions the benefits of soy foods, cattle industry propagandists and/or the people they have fooled start carrying on about how Asian soy is "different", and that genetically modified soy is making people ill.

    In my twenty years of eating soy foods I have never seen a carton of soymilk or block of tofu for sale that didn't say organic, made from non-GMO soybeans, or more recently, certified by the Non GMO Project. Where is all this GM soy that is giving women breast cancer and feminizing men?

    Oh I know. It's being fed to livestock and used in soybean oil production. And maybe used in soy sauce, but cattle industry reps don't worry about soy sauce because it isn't marketed as a healthy alternative to beef and cow milk.

  8. The groups that had huge benefits from soy as related to "equol" the material that cuts down the hot flashes were plant eaters, but he never made the point that we know for a fact. Eating animal products creates bacteria in the microbiome that inhibit or kill off the good bacteria that thrive on plant fiber and create the "equol" hot flash inhibition so some people eating the soy don't get the results because they are poisoning their good gut bacteria with animal products and possibly high fat intakes. This is just a guess, but the conclusion: use soy milk daily instead of almond milk etc. and strictly avoid animal products and probably excess fats. If soy causes gas and bloating then the solution is to add it gradually to the daily diet until the correct balance in gut bacteria is created which will minimize the problem. Using unsweetened soy may also help avoid fermentation and gas. ??

  9. Sometimes I find it sad that all these amazing scientists have to do all this intensive research only to reach the same conclusion: eat more plants.

  10. When I was in my hot flushes period, I drank and ate soy. I still have had hot flushes but it was not as bad. I did try drinking another glass of soya milk and discovered that if I ate or drank soy three times a day, there were no hot flushes experiences whatsoever. I thought there was something wrong with me. Lol. I then just kept my diet to eating or drinking soy once a day. I was concern for the GMO in my body. At that time, I did eat meat but my consumption was five to ten percent eating meat throughout the year, mostly stuck to veggies, beans, seeds, fruits and whole grains.

  11. please do a video about Hypervitaminosis A
    my favorite food is goji berries and sweet potatoes I am not sure if I should be worried 🙂

  12. could you make a video on the possible benefits of eating activated charcoal? it has become a trend lately and I don't wanna jump on the band wagon without knowing all the information!

  13. So not all gut microbiome is equol. But how do we improve this gut microbiome? A plant based diet rich in fibre and low in meat, sugar and transfats? More prebiotics? Selected probiotics or fetal transplant?

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