Quanta frutta è troppa frutta?

Ridurre i cibi zuccherati può essere più facile a dirsi che a farsi (vedi I cibi zuccherati creano dipendenza? http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/are-sugary-foods-addictive/) ma ne vale la pena.

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Questo video fa parte di una serie intermittente sui pericoli degli alti livelli di fruttosio negli zuccheri aggiunti. Guarda le prime due puntate di How Much Added Sugar Is Too Much? (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-added-sugar-is-too-much/) e If Fructose è cattivo, che dire della frutta? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/if-fructose-is-bad-what-about-fruit)<br/> Ecco dove mostro gli effetti di ottundimento delle bacche.

Cos'è questa storia dell'essere in debito ossidativo? Guarda la mia serie in tre parti su come tirarti fuori dal rosso:
• “Dose giornaliera raccomandata” minima di antiossidanti (http ://nutritionfacts.org/video/minimum-recommended-daily-allowance-of-antioxidants/) • Come raggiungere la “RDA” di antiossidanti (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-reach-the-antioxidant-rda/)
• Cibi ricchi di antiossidanti ad ogni pasto (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/antioxidant-rich-foods-with- ogni pasto/)

Ironia della sorte, quando si tratta di diabete i grassi possono essere più un problema dello zucchero, vedi:
• Che cosa causa la resistenza all'insulina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/what-causes-insulin-resistance)
• L'effetto di spillover collega l'obesità al diabete (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-spillover-effect-links-obesity- to-diabete)
• Lipotossicità: in che modo i grassi saturi aumentano la glicemia (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/lipotoxicity-how-saturated-fat-raises-blood-sugar)
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-fruit-is-too-much e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: vic xia via Flickr.

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• Negozio: https://drgreger.org

100 Risposte a “Quanta frutta è troppa frutta?”

  1. One side-effect from a 20+ servings a day of fruit, and 44+ servings a day of vegetables:  


    And I bet they felt GREAT!

  2. Fructose in fruit doesn't seem to be the problem as long as you eat the whole fruit including antioxidants, fiber etc. Seems logic to me.

  3. 1. Antioxidant theory is simply wrong: There is ZERO evidence that antioxidants promote health in humans (in fact, the strongest antioxidants such as vitamin E have been shown to have deleterious effects).
    2. According to the Institute of health Metrics: Eating MORE fruit is the number one thing to do for health.
    3. Agree that fruits are healthy, period, in any amount. It is the phytochemicals (highest in the skins), that make fruits healthy. Fruit JUICES that exclude the skins are NOT healthy.

  4. I just love Dr. Greger and the way he ends his videos!! lo that's great!! The largest reported bowel movements ever documented.

  5. I’ve been told my whole life that you shouldn’t eat fruit after 1 PM in the afternoon writing this even sounds ridiculous, but is there any truth behind it thanks

  6. How would you like to be the researcher who documented the record bowel movements ever recorded in a dietary study? You'd take crap (pun intended) for the rest of your life.

  7. Yeah but if I want to lose weight I can’t eat 2 bananas and 2 apples every day there are too many carbs in these fruits,Banana only has 27 grams of carbs,he didn’t mention about how fructose metabolizes in the liver and what consequences does this have like fatty liver disease for example

  8. We’re there any blood sugar tests done after eating he fruit? I know for me eating just a couple of pieces of watermelon will drive my blood sugar over 160. That is not healthy for me obviously. Recommendations like this should be checked with a blood monitoring because we all have different levels of insulin resistance. This is a very important point I believe especially if you are older.

  9. I ate about 800g of fruit the past few days.. Is that bad? The only thing I noticed is the bloating on the second day.. But that may also be from the excess water. I alsays drink about 2-2.5L of water a day

  10. Omg he sounds exactly the way I imagined his voice to be like when reading his books lolol especially the emphasis of words and pauses

  11. You should notice a total fruit diet for a while could be good, but what happens if you mix it with other foods because you need omega 3, or what happens in the long term? even people who consume only meat for few weeks report health improvements

  12. This might generally apply BUT what if fructose is the cause of gout I.e. high uric acid. I use to eat 4 fruit a day until I got gout now 1 fruit per week to keep the gout in check.

  13. Sugar high. It's always fun to tell amateur fruitarians/vegans/vegetarians about vitamin B12 and that cows get it from the dirt they eat.

  14. I've said it and I'll say it again: You can never be wrong when getting all your calories from whole real foods only. Only thing to watch is the caloric total and trying to balance it all out like not eating 2000 calories of red meat. And even then abusing of something natural is much safer then taking processed unnatural garbage and poison. I find it funny how some people say "oh i don't want to abuse on fruits because they have sugar" meanwhile they take tons of cereals, chocolates, processed juices or sodas, donuts etc. Like are you serious?!

  15. I've eaten more than 200grams of sugars for the last three years, in the natural form of fructose. Ive noticed only benefits when doing so. In fact, the fruit has lowered my Bp, stabilized my Blood Glucose levels and insulin levels, my weight has been reduced, my lung health improved, virtually all inflammation has stopped (apart from the good inflammation, ie when you get cut), and I honestly cannot tell you when the last time I was sick was. Do I think that we should only eat fruits? No. There are nutrients that we need, that cannot be found in fruits. D, b12, and sulfur. Virtually all others can be found in fruit. Do I think that our bodies react negatively to high fruit/natural fructose diets? No. In the short amount of time that I've done my own tests, and have eaten high amounts of fruits, I've become convinced that fruit is the answer to healing the body and maintain good and viable health. A possibile side effect I've seen, which would really be from anything, is possible tooth degradation. Otherwise I have none other to report. I have stable energy, get high fiber (the KEY), and my body heals so quickly I almost never get sick. My anxiety has disappeared. And many other benefits I've noticed. But the gist of my point is, laugh at those who claim "fruit has too much sugar". They simply do not understand the science behind how this form of sugar (it's natural form, accompanied by all the other nutrients – fiber especially), is digested and converted in the body. I come to these videos to merely get confirmation of what I already believe I know to be the case. I also, am open to real science claiming the adverse.

  16. Fantastic! I 100% agree. I should point out that the sugar found in fruits comes along with fibres. Now, fibres act as a 3-dimensional mesh that traps the sugar and release it into the bloodstream gradually throughout the day. This is why people who only eat fruits have no spikes in their glycaemic curve. I'm an ethical fruitarian, I only eat fruits. I do not eat seeds, nuts, leafy greens, cereals, legumes, etc. I think that you are doing a marvellous job. I have some reservations though. From my perspective, it is not acceptable to eat the odd lettuce or to bake some potatoes once in a while. Plants are sentient beings. Like us, they have feelings and emotions. When we eat their leaves, stems, roots, or seeds, we harm them. On the contrary, when we eat their fruits, we disperse the seeds away and fulfil their wishes. Plants are our sisters and our brothers. We should love them unconditionally instead of eating them. Love, Cèdre Verdoyant.

  17. I forgot to add: if you want to deepen your knowledge of ethical fruitarianism, you may want to have a look at my blog by googling "Ethical fruitarianism: Like us, plants have feelings and emotions".

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