Benefici ed effetti collaterali del sambuco: aiuta con il raffreddore e l'influenza

Quanto sono efficaci i vaccini antinfluenzali, le bacche di sambuco, l'echinacea e i mirtilli rossi?

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• I gargarismi possono prevenire il comune raffreddore? (
• Prevenire il comune raffreddore con i probiotici? (<br/> • Kiwifruit per il comune raffreddore (
• Preservare l'immunità degli atleti con clorella ( -clorella)
• Utilizzo della corsia dei prodotti per potenziare la funzione immunitaria (https://
• Miglior cibo per contrastare l'immunosoppressione indotta dallo stress (
• Benefici dell'aglio per combattere il cancro e il comune raffreddore ( benefici-dell-aglio-per-combattere-il-cancro-e-il-raffreddore)

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54 Risposte a “Benefici ed effetti collaterali del sambuco: aiuta con il raffreddore e l'influenza”

  1. Before listening to the entire video, I can say that elderberry syrup, specifically Sambucol has kept me cold/ flu free for over 15 years. Before that I was sick several times a year in both summer and winter

  2. I'm very disappointed in this video. What about people who protect their immune system from the start, as well as get plenty of sunlight and get their hands in the soil.?

  3. So the takeaway here is. Get vaccinated, said berries dont really help a lot and the studies that say they help a little, are funded by their producers. And I guess, unsave use of berries (oh well) can lead to death.

  4. Now, for the rest of the story. What food has by far the highest level of Quercetin? You guessed it, elderberry. And what does quercetin and hydroxychloroquine have in common? They are both good at ushering zinc into the cells. Zinc is the primary factor in XXing out viruses of many kinds – BUT it must first get into the cell. So, the moral of the story is be sure you take zinc with your elderberry. I do. (This is why the vaccine centric Industrial Complex insists on only testing HCQ on the sickest patients, who by that point have totally depleted their zinc supply fighting the disease. So of course, they find that HCQ doesn't work. But some sharp doctors called them out on it, so they had to retract their findings. But of course the controlled media did not tell you that part).

  5. I've never had a cold or flu when on a genuine whole food vegan diet. And that's going back to 1994.

    I ate junk vegan for two weeks when i was on holiday once and, sure enough, i got flu on the way home.

  6. WTH Now you're pushing vaccines? Can you do a separate video on all of the people injured by vaccines and how much money they received in court. THANKS

  7. Our immune systems are divine why do we continue to inject ourselves with a mystery concoction? Do you not truly have faith that we are made in the image of God do we serve a limited God? Power of God orchestrated in our lives is limited to the measure of our faith

  8. My Grandpa developed Guillain-Barré syndrome after the flu shot and was certified as such by his doctor. It paralyzed his legs and he's been in a wheel chair for the past 20 years.

  9. Vaccines are toxic cell culture soups consisting of poisonous chemicals, heavy metals, and diseased animal tissue (monkey kidney cells, calf's blood, sometimes human fetal tissue). You would have to be insane or profoundly ignorant to inject yourself with this garbage. Germ theory and vaccines are antithetical to natural healing through a whole food plant based diet. Nice one eye symbolism to open your video, Doctor.

  10. While camping in the wilderness once we’d made a crude elderberry pie and felt crappy afterwards, no puking though. I guess we didn’t get them cooked quite enough.

  11. Elderberry may be contraindicated in people suffering from inflammatory disorders – the increase in TNF alpha may increase symptoms in those with arthritis, for example. As with any food or drug, pay attention to your senses.

  12. A year ago I had covid for 9 weeks, toward the end of it I started thowing everything I could at it. I took B12, D3, D2, Geritol, turmeric, L-sine, melatonin, and I made a jam out of dried elderberries that you cook (you can find recipes for it on the internet.) I did get well in a couple weeks but it took awhile longer to get back to 100%.

  13. Cure for the common cold (and covid btw) if caught in early stages before virus gets embedded in cells–
    1. Buy a small electric heater and breathe in hot air for 3 minutes–kills virus in nose, lungs and throat–cure of choice.
    2. the docs have figured out that isopropyl alchol kills viruses on hands but mysteriously have yet to discover if you breathe in a small quantity it also kills also viruses in nose throat and lungs generally within seconds.
    3. early flu symptoms can be eliminated by swallowing a small glob of tooth paste–once again, docs figure that soap gets rid of virus on hands but seem too oblivious to figure out it also kills viruses elsewhere. Get a sore throat–breathe in alcholol or swallow tooth paste and it will go away within minutes.
    4. early flu–this one I have only had a couple of opportunities to test–combo of pills–high dose cranberry, high dose garlic + couple of Reishey or other immune mushroom supplements–cured my early stomach flu symptoms.
    1, 2, and 3 I guarantee working 100% of the time although if first dose fails to work may be necessary to try larger dose later, and, again, subject to one being health conscious enough to discern when a virus is first present.

  14. Oh no, every autumn I make elderberry wine and often eat a few handfuls of these tart and bitter berries during the day or two that I’m harvesting from the hedgerows. No adverse effects from either the berries or wine after 20+ years. I’ll certainly be more careful in future and probably stick to just drinking the wine

  15. I love that you included so many journal articles with titles and authors so that people can search for them on PubMed! So great that anyone can search for articles on PubMed. Empowering!

  16. I grew up on elderberry jelly, harvested and preserved in house. Still rarely catch a bug but it's short lived. Could be the cyanide is beneficial 🙂

  17. Elderberry yes it do work, yes I live in the city of London ,and i live next to a park ,so in the park there is a huge elderberry tree ,it was pack with elderberry so I pick some I fill up a huge bole ,yes I did use it ,and it work for me ,100%

  18. Hey Dr Greger, you've got a lot of great stuff on weight loss, but could you post a video or something about weight gain? I'm a 6'3 man and my family has said for years that I'm too thin. When my girlfriend's mom met me, she was worried I wasn't eating enough. What's a good way to gain some weight on a plant-based diet? Guzzle olive oil?

  19. I watched half the video then went out and ate a half pound of fresh elderberrys from the tree down the road going to finish watching now 😊.

  20. Haven’t had a Cold or Flu since going Vegan 35 years ago, I use Echinacea for toothache & Mouth Abscesses( from not looking after my teeth when younger). Which it is v good for, ive had one side of my face swell up and my Jaw bone felt infected, yet after 3-4 of using Echinacea Tincture directly on the area, the infection is either killed off, or substantially improved, with a couple more days use if necessary.

  21. My experience with elderberry syrup us a lot more positive. Take it proactively 3-4 times per week (about 1-2 ounces per dose). No flu, no colds, no sickness of any sort for the past three years. Before that I could count on one or two severe colds/flu a year. I'm sold on the stuff. I'm so sold that I grow my own and make my own syrup, using the elderberries from eastern North America (sambucus canadensis) as opposed to the commercial extract from European elderberry (sambucus nigra).

  22. What a lot of crap. Nothing wrong with elderberries but look at all the sugar in the juice. No way bud. It's an ad for cancer.

  23. Elderberry is a Zinc Ionophore. Zinc Ionophores + Zinc inhibit viral replication. Elderberry studies lacking Zinc supplementation aren't telling the full tale.

    American Elder (Sambucus canadensis) "has lower  levels than apple juice" but I cook it anyway. : )

  24. I'm pretty in tune with my body so I know when I've caught a bug of any kind and I've also noticed if I start to sneeze 2 times multiple times a day I will get sick shortly after(I don't have allergies) I stayed taking an elderberry supplement as soon as I feel "off" and it keeps me healthy. I rarely get sick anymore when I used to get sick about twice a year and the symptoms are significantly reduced. if the symptoms hit me hard and suddenly like I wake up in the morning feeling not so good I'll couple it with liquid zinc and I'll feel better by the afternoon. I swear by this plant. I take the pill form. nature's way brand.

  25. Holy S*** I had no idea fresh Elderberry was poisonous. Why is this not more well know? I was going to try to find some to eat raw, instead of buying the pills. So glad I saw this

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