Rabbia di origine alimentare

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DESCRIZIONE: Il consumo di carne di cane e gatto potrebbe svolgere un ruolo nella “massissima rabbia umana epidemie” in Asia. (Alcune persone potrebbero trovare inquietanti alcuni dei concetti e delle immagini in questo video) La contaminazione incrociata di agenti patogeni di origine alimentare durante la preparazione della carne è un problema indipendentemente dalla specie. Si veda, ad esempio, Food Poisoning Bacteria Cross-Contamination (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/food-poisoning-bacteria-cross-contamination/) e Unsafe at Any Feed (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/unsafe-at-any-feed/). Per un video più allegro, i gatti o i cani sono più protettivi per la salute dei bambini? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-cats-or-dogs-more-protective-for-childrens-health/) è il prossimo in coda, con la nostra 13 Lilly di 18 anni! <br/> Maggiori informazioni sui cervelli che mangiano su Evitare il colesterolo è un gioco da ragazzi ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/avoiding-cholesterol- is-a-no-brainer/) e Mad Fish Disease (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/mad- fish-disease/).
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione dei commenti su
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/foodborne-rabies/ e lo farà prova a rispondere!

Crediti immagine: CDC/Barbara Andrews e Liooneel tramite Wikimedia, e Mr & Mrs Stickyfingers tramite Flickr.

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31 Risposte a “Rabbia di origine alimentare”

  1. Seeing those poor dogs cut up like roasted chicken really drives home the point that we're very selective in which animals we consider food and which we consider friend. Had our culture developed slightly differently it could be Kentucky Fried Dog instead of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

  2. I hope that there are/will be some horrified people watching this. What happens to dogs and cats in Asia is no different than eating pigs chickens cows etc. Except for the rabies.
    How else to get everyone to have the brain shift?

  3. Jeez that is all so nasty, why does the human race have to be so cruel just to satisfy our gluttony? Thanks Dr Greger for highlighting this treachery, message is definitely – Go Vegan!!

  4. Can't go vegan.. I love nature and oxygen producing plants way to much. Are you saying you prefer saving methane producing cows than a forest?

  5. Several travel guides mention never to pet stray dogs, cats or other warm furry animals for the simple reason that rabies infected saliva can be on their fur. Note the mention in this video of the animal's bodily fluids (& with rabies, saliva is one of the carriers and transmitters via animal bite.)

  6. Ha serves theses pet killers right too! I hope they died a slow painful death and thought how those dogs and cats felt when they were getting killed😡

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