Come cucinare le verdure

Le verdure a foglia verde scuro sono gli alimenti più nutrienti del pianeta. Qual è il modo migliore per prepararli?

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Spesso ricevo domande su come preparare determinati cibi per massimizzarne i benefici, quindi adoro quando posso portarti video come questo e il modo migliore per cucinare le verdure. Ne ho anche altri sui metodi di cottura ottimali. Scopri:

• Miglior metodo di cottura ( /)
• A volte il mito dell'enzima è vero ( a volte-il-mito-enzimatico-è-vero/)<br/> • Il modo migliore per cucinare le patate dolci (
• Seconda strategia per Cooking Broccoli (
• Inibizione dell'attivazione piastrinica con aglio e cipolle ( e-cipolle)
• Come cuocere il riso a livelli di arsenico inferiori (https: //

Ho menzionato il microonde: i microonde sono sicuri? ( E che dire degli effetti delle perdite di radiazioni dai forni a microonde? ( Guarda il video!

Se stai guardando questo, probabilmente ormai saprai quanto sia importante mangiare verdura tutti i giorni. Ma ecco alcuni video per un ripasso:

• Mangiare verde per prevenire il cancro (
• Il recettore dei broccoli: la nostra prima linea di difesa (
• Verdi contro glaucoma (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/greens-vs-glaucoma/)
• Prevenire il morbo di Alzheimer con le piante (
• Rallentamento Il nostro metabolismo con verdure ricche di nitrati ( /)
• Lista di controllo della dozzina giornaliera del Dr. Greger (
• I vantaggi di Kale & Ca bbage per il colesterolo ( -per-colesterolo/)
• Alimenti per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche e il recupero (
• Cibi sani per il cervello per combattere l'invecchiamento ( -foods-to-fight-aging)

Ricorda solo che chiunque mangi tazze al giorno (come dovrebbe!) delle verdure a foglia verde scuro dovrebbe probabilmente attenersi alle verdure a basso contenuto di ossalato (cioè praticamente qualsiasi verdura diversa da spinaci, bietole e barbabietole) per evitare il rischio di calcoli renali. Ho dei video in arrivo su questo e su cosa succede quando cuoci a pressione le verdure (ti sto guardando Instant Pot). Resta sintonizzato!

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100 Risposte a “Come cucinare le verdure”

  1. Just remember that anyone who eats cups a day (as they should!) of dark green leafy vegetables should probably stick to low-oxalate greens (i.e. basically any greens other than spinach, swiss chard, and beet greens) to avoid the risk of kidney stones. I’ve got videos coming up on that as well as what happens when you pressure cook greens (I’m looking at you Instant Pot). Stay tuned!

  2. I didn’t really get the answer to the question. Is it to not cook greens? Or just eat kale? Or steam if you have to cook? Anyone know ?

  3. One tip: instead of throwing away the water you use to boil vegetables, just use that same water to make soup or freeze it for later.

  4. So if you slow cook in a soup the vitamins and minerals that come off in the water will still be eaten in the soup broth?

  5. The body can not use all the nutrients from plants very easy….one reason is anti nutrients! Some meat in between though makes it a bit more healthy!! lol! Look at those grass eaters getting so thin and weak!! Many look like skeletons. Also do not forget all the insecticides used on all the veggies!!

  6. thanks again to gregor. I am 45 years old. I live alone with my son, we are vegans, do not eat white flour and white flour paste, and have excluded all vegetable oils in bottles. I will look for a beloved man and only vegan. Because the rest of life I want to live with pleasure, and not to hurt in old age.
    Looking for a vegan society in New York. I’m living in NYC.

  7. so, what's with all the fuss about 'you must cook your vegetables' or else you'll die or get very sick then? i've seen videos of these warning for a while now. spinach is an example. i have never cooked mine, and i eat them raw, always. same for broccoli. i eat them raw with no salt. same for cauliflower which tastes similar to broccoli. i eat all my vegetables raw.

  8. Nutrients are bleached into the water when boiled.
    Make soup with veggies and you will consume most of its nutrients.
    Think of Tea.

  9. Alright – keep a bag of shredded frozen kale in the freezer for cooking with, and some fresh and ready to be sliced up for a red cabbage and kale salad with cashew dressing. I try to eat that salad every day and when I'm eating out or travelling I honestly miss it.

  10. I fear that you may not know the full impact your work has on the world Dr. Greger. Thank you for all your hard work. I enjoy your books aswell.

  11. Eat red cabbage raw, boil kale, steam brocolli leaves and never boil/freeze greens[except kale].. watercress is best raw. Typically we all had to sit through BS ..UNTIL NOW..

  12. I run a group for those with macular degeneration. I'm looking for a list of each of these leafy greens with an indication of what nutrients are in them such as antioxidants, lutein &zeaxanthin, vitamin A, C, E, etc. Do you know where I can find one?

  13. How is it possible that Collard in this study has such a huge amount of Vitamin C ? All nutritional databases indicate max 40 mg Vitamin C for 100g of Collard.

  14. Thanks for sharing this information, but I don't eat cucifious vegetables, only raw spinach in my smoothies or raw in my salads. But love your work Dr you're awesome….❤🤗❤🤗❤

  15. My Chinese mother in law always keeps all of the broccoli 🥦 leaves in her broccoli garlic dish, so I started doing the same. 😋

  16. I eat ~5-6 c greens daily and always eat broccoli/cauliflower leaves and stalks (just lightly peel). So many plant based recipe videos incl peeling skins off veggies (and fruit) and removing leaves and they’re often just as or more nutritious. Also add raw cruciferous/mustard seed (1/2 tsp) to incr sulforaphane (thx Dr G). Per Dr Esselstyn add vinegar to cooked greens to incr nitric oxide absorption. 👏🙏🌱

  17. Well great! I have frozen kale that I cleaned and froze myself so I can throw it in a soup when I’m ready for it. So I guess I’m good with my frozen and boiled kale! Kale in soup is divine… Of course, lots of other veggies too. The consensus to me is eat as many raw as possible but also it’s OK to eat them in other stages. Not a fan of the microwave, though.

  18. I'm curious to see if "massaged" kale as some people to instead of blanching also increases the antioxidants? And I'd love to know how fermented cabbages fares also (e.g. kimchee)? Oh please someone answer these questions. Thank you Dr. Greger.

  19. I grow lots of broccoli, but never get the florets. After watching the bugs eat them up too many times, I started juicing the greens, instead. Now, by the time the plant gets ready to flower, I've been eating off of it for 3 or 4 months.

  20. Woohoo, more excuse to make & eat my homemade freeze dried kale chips. I’m not a big fan of spinach other than in salad & my miso soup but i LOVE broccoli & kale so much that i decide to grow my own. At harvest i’d pick just the flower along w/ some leaves. The florets i cut up & soak 5 min in salt water to get rid of the bugs while the leaves go straight into my freezer to go into my daily smoothie. These days on lock down i’m not short on veggies to eat & blend. Starting to feel glad to be 1 of those doomsday prepper.

  21. Cruci-ferocious works. 😂 Thanks Dr. Greger for freely giving such a valuable education. Thank you Sir. 😀

  22. I eat about 3 cups a day of “power greens” blends, usually kale, beet greens and spinach. I can’t stand the taste raw. I just wilted them down in a small frying pan with a bit of water and it only takes 2 minutes on low . Would that be considered “stir fry”? I’ve tried and tried to eat kale raw but damn, it’s disgusting.

  23. Pretty interesting. We need more data on amaranth family of greens – Spinach, Chards, Beet, Amaranth, Orache and Goosefoot ( wild relatives of quinoa!) – None of them are safe( barring spinach) to eat unless blanched for 8 minutes – they taste too bitter or insipid, and also they are rich in harmful needle shaped calcium oxalate crystals which boiling reduces or dilutes away.

  24. Many thanks. A question: Is the loss of antioxidants caused by cooking due to some chemical change, or only due to antioxidents being carried away in the water or steam? What about using these veggies in soups and stews? The greens get cooked, true, but one also consumes the liquid (water or veggie broth) they're cooked in. Any work on that? Thanks!

  25. Freezing does NOT improve vitamin content. It's that fruit and veggies are picked fresh, ripe, and frozen immediately. Most of the unfrozen store bought fruit and veggies were picked too early, ripen later, and often never fully develop vitamins and other micronutrients.

  26. If you have never experienced this spark of unfathomable proportions, it can be difficult to dream. It can be difficult to know where to begin. The quantum cycle is calling to you via bio-electricity. Can you hear it?
    Our conversations with other warriors have led to a flowering of pseudo-primordial consciousness

  27. Interesting that my doctor for years has been me ,myself and youtube – normal doctors are virtually pointless -ive cured a bunch of stuff on my own just using common sense , the scientific method and great resources like these – thank you for this great resource!

  28. I tried Curly Kale for the first time a few months back and I absolutely hated it, not least of all, because,in spite of following the instructions on the packet, it was unbelievably tough and almost impossible to chew without worrying about damaging my dental work.
    I am a vegetable lover, in general, but found it inedible.
    However, I gather that stripping the leaves from the stalks is helpful, in terms of tenderness?

  29. Thank you so much , listening to YOU helps me sooo much! You help me keep on the right track, I’m a grandmother I’m hoping my grandson love me as much as you love your grandmother

  30. What is the recommended amount of kale that you should get in dried form? As in, literally the plant itself (NOT a pill), but instead of fresh or frozen, in dried out and powdered form? Thanks.

  31. Enjoy your greens folks!!!! The best thing you could ever consume. No wonder the Bible book of Genesis highlighted its value to all creatures….

    Genesis 1:29,30
    Then God said: “Here I have given to you every seed-bearing plant that is on the entire earth and every tree with seed-bearing fruit. Let them serve as food for you. And to every wild animal of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving on the earth in which there is life, I have given all green vegetation for food.” And it was so

    No doubt these fruits and greens are amazing for us, as Jehovah God saw it to be very beneficial for humans to eat them. Keep indulging friends, they are a healthy choice gifted to our bodies by our creator……Enjoy!!!!

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