Come evitare l'avvelenamento da lectina

Come cucinare correttamente i fagioli.
Per fortuna, anche le lectine che sono tossiche, come quelle che si trovano nei reni fagioli: vengono completamente distrutti da una corretta cottura.

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Paradosso vegetale? Se ve lo siete perso, quello era l'argomento del mio ultimo video. Dai un'occhiata a The Plant Paradox is Wrong del Dr. Gundry ( Ci sono anche prove (*avviso spoiler*) per suggerire che le lectine potrebbero essere buone per te. Resta sintonizzato per Le lectine nel cibo sono buone o cattive per te? (

Parlando di paradossi, dai un'occhiata a The Hispanic Paradox: Perché i latinos vivono più a lungo? ( .

E i fagioli, i fagioli il frutto musicale? Vedi il mio blog Beans and Gas: Clearing the Air (

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100 Risposte a “Come evitare l'avvelenamento da lectina”

  1. How weird I've been eating beans my whole life, since I was a little kid. I've never heard of anybody getting sick until now. I've cooked beans for my family and for myself for years and still do. I almost never eat can beans.

  2. I wish there wasn't so much contradictory evidence about what's good for and what's not.
    It's. Enough to drive you crazy.

  3. The main thing thru all this is our ultimate diet is fruits and that heals everything if you have the ability to live in an a tropical area where fruits are abundant. Humans are not meant to be in cold climates.
    We are all only fruit eating creatures from design. Herbs are used to adjust the body from diets not consistent of fruit diets. You want healing for whatever you got go strictly fruit and strictly fruit only and that of varieties. no need for vitamins no need for all the bull the system is trying to cell. If you're toxic from eating whatever you want with no care then you have a long process of cleaning up. And that will be starting with fruits and herbs to clean out your system and then stick with it with the fruit the rest of your life and all disease will drop from you. Follow up with Dr.Morse ND here on YouTube. Learn the facts and get straight and get on living a full life you've been missing.

  4. what about the phytic acid in fiber or bran? Gundry argues that it is an anti-nutrient and unhealthy. Most traditional cultures refrain from it. I didn't hear a refutation of this. Why do Chinese and Indian cultures take the expense of this if it were not warranted based on centuries of experience?

  5. Look. I get it that it's a series of videos, but thanks to those I actually learned about Dr. Gundry's book and I have to say his ideas do look promising, judging by other people who've improved a lot just by removing a few vegetables and starch out of their meals. Not everyone is healthy enough to eat whatever they want. Some of us get a little sick from certain foods, and that combined with stress, age and other factors may be the exact reason of our hormonal or autoimmune disease. So having a group of foods isolated and removed from the diet can be very beneficial, and his book is a starting point. He recommends adding foods later on one by one to detect the trigger. I've read about blood tests which can be done to access the triggers, just like the celliac disease test, but I'm absolutely sure most of us aren't that rich to afford testing everything, and also there's a good chance the science is not there yet anyway.

    There's an interesting, albeit small (180 people) experiment from 2013 which had striking results in dealing with autoimmune disease of the thyroid by just switching to low carb diet with green leafs. In just three weeks. Worth searching about it. If a change in diet is so quick to produce wonderful results why not consider checking your foods?

  6. Did our ancestors cook beans? no, they didn't. were nto supposed to be eating beans. enjoy your anti-nutrients and gas everyone.

  7. I soaked some kidney (and other) beans overnight, brought them to a boil in fresh water, and then simmered on low heat for a few hours. I made a huge batch of minestrone soup and froze it in Ball jars. Every time I ate the soup I got horrible stomach pain and figured out it must be coming from the kidney beans. So I boiled the soup for ten minutes and no more stomach pain. DEFINITELY boil beans for at least ten minutes. I now love beans!

  8. I don't soak my beans before boiling them. I just stick them in there in a pressure cooker and then eat after they are cooked. Is that bad??

  9. I'm gonna have to go breatharian…..because f*ck ME it appears, if one reads the comments, that human's shouldn't be eating raw or cooked food, meat or vegetables, beans or fruit. Honestly, I'm sick to death of the whole damn argument about what to eat or what not to eat. Eat what makes you feel good, don't eat what makes you feel like shit, is my new motto I reckon! mic drop

  10. You people crack me up. Gundry only wants you to eat Beans properly cooked. 5 Raw black beans will kill you, Ricin will kill you, and 5 raw kidney beans will ruin your day and many days after that. However, properly prepared they are safe — if prepared properly. Everyone has a different Biome. If I eat raw peanuts …I will be sick for many days after. Yet, if I eat some small amount of Creamy Peanut butter, it does not have same effect. We all react to differently to foods containing Lectins. Most of you probably don't even believe in the Science behind "Leaky Gut." And if you don't believe Lectins contribute to Leaky Gut — well, do some research. If Gundry's Diet makes people feel better without buying his products — then good for them. Beans are a staple of your Vegan world, and that is great, if you can stomach them. Many of us cannot, and therefore have learned how to prepare them properly in limited use like Hummus recipes. Haters will hate, and for those Vegan attack dogs out there — chill out — what works for you doesn't work for everyone else. You are not saving the planet alone — I wish you a healthy and fit existence.

  11. Pressure cooker makes beans tasty and safe. Make healthy and delicious natto from any kinds of beans to get that anti-aging MK-7 vitamin K2. Get a pressure cooker and you'll love your beans!

  12. While loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber, avoid beans, or consume very small portions, since they're loaded with carbs as well.

  13. Gundry carved himself a niche in the crowded nutrition circus and to HELL with any common sense. I have been shaking my head over his nonsense since the first time I heard him speak. He came up with a formula for cashing in big time–never mind reality.

  14. It is not easy to finf the roght way for autoimmindesease! Dr. Terry Wahls cookbook is full with olivenoil and coconutsoil and every day meat with much green or other vegetable, but the not allowed whole grain or legume!
    Terry Wahls which have MS and changed her diet, and reserve/stopped MS. And she like the book from Dr. Gundy .Also Matt Emy, which,have the website from MShope he not allowed grain or beans or milk and fast food. And he stopped MS. He have nothing to do with meat companys.
    But both not possible to eat legumes.
    The documentary Living Proof is a really,good film.
    Fr. Scasnic from WFPB have also MS, bit I coulnt found somethink what she eat. Dr. Brooke Goldner drink,much smoothie and,I think she eat,only raw for healing herself with Lupus.

  15. I dont know who is right and who is wrong and if it has any importantce, beaucause after all we are all different and all sensetive to different things. Even thought I love my beans I know that following Dr. Gundry's diet helped me a lot get rid of all skin problemes and low auto immune symptomes. so it does work for me only need to cook my beans in pressure cooker now.

  16. I was eating almost raw beans and never once had any problems. I accept that I might have been very lucky and won't do it again.

  17. Mic the Vegan has a good video where he shows yes foods and no foods in The Plant Paradox. No corn, potatoes or legumes, but yes to ice cream and oils.

  18. Before I had heard of Doctors Gundry or Greger I had developed serious bowel inflammation/pain and did my own elimination diet to see if my problem was food-based. I discovered that I was able to almost completely fix my gut problems by eliminating grass seeds (cereal grains), peanuts, chick-peas and soy from my diet. I had eaten these foods routinely until my 57th year (over 7-years ago). I don't know why, but at that point I could no longer eat them. I have tried to reintroduce each item that I eliminated individually several times but with no success. I appreciate the work of both Greger and Gundry. The hubris is annoying but seems very human.

  19. How to avoid lectin poisoning seems pretty clear. Not clear at all is how you go about if you want to get lectin poisoning. I do sample my soaked beans once in a while… takes me a while to chew them… not tasty enough to want me to skip the whole boiling process…

  20. In the UK, kidney beans are sold canned with water, having been cooked already. Reheat and they're ready in 5 mins.

  21. I looked at his do/don't list and watched a video on Bad Boy Lectin, along with part of an advertisement that says he dropped 70 lbs on this program even though he was already a vegetarian. Firstly, being a vegetarian is meaningless. It doesn't mean you aren't eating fried foods, sugar, oils, and all the stuff that makes you fat. Also, what kind of a vegetarian was he? Did he eat fish? Dairy? It doesn't really matter. We are led to believe that his lectin diet was what turned him into the slim, healthy version of himself. I think it was a lot more than that.

    I just started a whole plant food based diet that does not use oils, fats, sugar, processed flour, processed foods or incomplete foods, meats, fish, poultry, dairy or eggs. I have been on it for about a month and a half. It is not the easiest plan, but you can eat all you want, and if you are creative, you can get some really good meals going. Can you say "spices and herbs"? It's clean, provides lots of protein, and more fiber than you ever thought you'd eat. Lots of fruit, vegetables, grains, seeds, beans, mushrooms, etc. Whole grain bread is allowed. I feel so much better. I have a lot of weight to lose. My gall bladder was failing me, and I was exhausted, in pain, and feeling sick much of the time. I was familiar with McD's, loved fried foods, milk, butter/margarine, but was not a sweets/soda drinker. But I drank fruit juices. Can't do any of that any more. I cheat a little using sea salt, and sometimes a small dollop of sour cream on a whole plate of veggies, but my gall bladder is not happy when I do that. My gall bladder is reacting to everything "wrong" now. Even an egg can set it off.

    Thanks for the alternative opinion, as I was getting very confused.

  22. You are right. Science backs you up. Dr. Gundry is a money grubbing fraud. He has broken the Hippocratic oath, do not harm. He should be ashamed.

  23. What about the lectins in foods we eat raw? (Such as tomatoes and peppers?) And maybe lectins are ok in a healthy gut, but are they ok in a leaky gut?

  24. I didn't know this and tried cooking beans. They were still hard, but eatable. I didn't get sick, but when I found out they could poison you undercooked, I panicked and didn't try cooking them for years. I finally got a pressure cooker, and I LOVE them. But I've only been cooking them 35 min, not 45. They are soft and not hard at all. But I guess I'm ok, since I literally eat a cup a day and haven't felt sick. But I guess I do add brown rice after the initial 35 min and cook them another 15 min. I think I just need to stop worrying. Haha

  25. So DR. Steven Gundry is exaggerating when he speaks against lectin-containing food? I found your video after hearing his lecture on that matter and I must say I feel relieved now. I really enjoy those foods and always ate them thinking I was doing something good for my health. But it's not about my preferences in diet, but your information and the documents you show make your statement more reliable than Dr. Steven Gundry's. Anyway, these are hard times dealing with contradictory information all the time. I hope this is the right approach. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.

  26. Great, now we know beans can be used to kill people. See… I wasn't sure that I'd listen to Grundy, till I see the major dissenter say, well besides those super toxic lectins which have killed many…. but if you boil it for two hours making them some kind of goo.. they might be alright. (FYI, it's not that lectins are absorbed, or in the blood, but harm the gi lining.) See.. who hasn't taken a raw soaked bean once in a while making one's own food. Who's this guy? A canning company minion?

    And a wad of people professing to love beans from dry journal references? I know for a fact no one ever comments popularly on scientific journal reviews. unbelievable. Heck, he's unbelievable people love beans period! Though I do have a couple of refried beans in the cabinet. And going off about how great tomato juice is… strange deseeded and skinned Grundy says is good too.

    Us reviewers.. (I'm one too), all qualitative and no quantitative. Want to challenge a quantitative? Well by science, you have to re-create the test… anything else is going, "whiff tests" is moronic talk of someone being talking who's in someone's pocket in my vast experience. There's a population of red kidney bean eaters in some sociological study somewhere? I'd want to see the citations.

  27. I'm wondering if we really need to change the water after soaking the beans and before cooking them? I've heard that this process is needed to remove anti-nutrients, however I'm curious what is Dr Greger's opinion on that.

  28. Thank you for the clarification. I am concerned about the acidity in tomatoes. When tomatoes are cooked are they more acidic? I usually feel awful in my skin as I have PA.

  29. So glad I can eat canned beans or don't need a pressure cooker for cooking raw beans. Glad I can eat green beans. Not crazy about a lot of meat or fish. I have trouble digesting meat protein. Maybe still good to remove seeds and skin from tomatoes, peppers and night shades. The word out is lectins are bad for immune system, if you have rheumatoid arthritis, any "itis" or psoriasis or a 100 other immune deficiencies/ diseases, you can't eat the seed or the skin. Gundy isn't the only one making these statements. Sometimes you need more Vit B's, D3, C or other supplements. High dose of Vit D3 helped me get rid of psoriasis all over my scalp. The MD's just don't approach things this way; they have a prescription that doesn't go to the root of the problem.

  30. If I remember correctly, Dr Gundry said they’re good as long as they’re pressure cooked?
    I may be wrong, but that’s what I remember. It’s been a while

  31. I soak 24 hours the mixuture 1 kg of legumes (chickpeas, soy, pinto) changing water 3 times then cook them 45 min in a pressure cooker, then i would put it in a freezer. I cook them again for 20 min every day with brown rice etc, that batch of precooked de-gased beans lasts me about a month.

  32. Any else here who has soaked Kidney Beans overnight but didn’t boil them and finding out how much longer they have left to live?

  33. Flat beans are green and soft and it's tempting to cook them as little as possible. Alas, that created a lectin poisoning for me.

  34. I made a great chili out of kidney beans, herbs and plants.
    No doubts about the taste and health merge. But the alleged plant paradox is all about the money and publicity. I prefer the simplicity and health.

  35. Dr. Gundry says some things that don't make logical sense to me. He always tells the story about uncooked kidney beans. Then when asked about cooking he moves on. He also talks about ancient civilizations as if they somehow had scientific knowledge about which foods were healthier.

  36. Yes, I listened to Gundry, but never felt sure about his endless statements.
    I think this here is right.
    E.g. any moring a big fresh tomato breakfast with just salt&pepper made me slimer and feel well. The stem in side I always do cut away. If needed … I do not know.

  37. My sister just served me some undercooked green lentils and let's just say I will not eat that again. It was not a good idea. Thank you for the video. How do I make the pain lessen? And I am worried that lectin poisoning has negative long term effects as well. If so, please tell me about it. I am very interested to know more about this.

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