Come evitare l'effetto boomerang dei messaggi di rimedio

In che modo l'imposizione di messaggi di alimentazione sana sugli annunci di fast food può ironicamente peggiorare le cose? A volte gli sforzi per un'alimentazione sana hanno conseguenze negative non intenzionali.

Opzioni sane di fast food portano a scelte più sane? ( è il video che ho menzionato sull'auto-licenza.

Per una buona inquadratura negativa vecchio stile, vedi Tagliare gli alimenti ricchi di calorie e trasformati (<br/>
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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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43 Risposte a “Come evitare l'effetto boomerang dei messaggi di rimedio”

  1. Sure seems like Health Insurance Companies and Medicare would be receptive to a WFPB vegan message.
    It would save them money on health care costs. This could off set the lobbying by food manufacturers.
    Maybe educating health Insurance Companies should be a priority.

  2. I struggle with this without the messaging when I stray from my healthy eating.. I eat more bad stuff in a day and always tell myself tomorrow I will get back on track and sometimes tomorrow is weeks or months away.. even though I know what I’m eating is killing me I can’t seem to avoid it.. drives me nuts!!

  3. People have to make the decision to eat more healthfully for themselves. We can't rely on most of the "industries" to help or care. It's your body, your choice what you put in it. Choose better if you care about yourself. I'm not perfect in my plant based/vegan diet, occasional vegan junk food, but I limit it. Best wishes to eating a more healthy, wholesome diet 😉

  4. Health care costs are out of control. Going vegan can save money, pain and suffering from disease.
    Lower your chance of high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer by going vegan. Hospitals, doctors offices and schools should be places where good nutrition is taught and provided not places that contribute to disease and obesity. It is crazy the hospitals are feeding people the very food that caused the heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer that they are treating. Every person in the hospital should receive some nutrition education before being released. Every doctor visit should be an opportunity to educate patients about how food choices impacts their health outcomes. The fact that doctors do not get nutrition training as part of their training makes no sense. Medicare and Medicaid should require nutrition education as part of patient care. Focus should be on food choices.

  5. Even if there were public service announcements, people are brainwashed with the world of fast, junk and unhealthy foods. The ads tell them what they want when young and thinking they are healthy. I did.

  6. In a word: corruption. Governments should be working to benefit the majority of their citizens, not to preserve the jobs of a minority. Hopefully, their political rivals will jump on these facts and use them against the political party currently in power. As always, thank you for presenting this with such concise clarity.

  7. The problem with these kinds of notions appear to be the mentality–as seen in several other domains in your presentations–that subjects are somehow "appropriately" infantilised through attempts of persuasion and influence. It's fundamentally dehumanising and boundary-breaking. Not only is it ineffective, but I'm gonna suggest it has severe downstream effects on public mental health. I believe the formal terminology for this notion is behaviourism, it's hogwash.

  8. Again this is a video that lacks focus. Two points have been made into one video. Separate and explain thoroughly.

  9. Most jung and old just do not care until they are on the edge of death ….. just let them live on that edge and forget to save them from falling to the dark side, they have made that choice for many years.

  10. Don't know if anyone can help me but I'm getting desperate. Vegan for 5 years and had perfect digestion up until 6 months ago. Very extended stressful illness in family with too much caffeine consumption. I've been having digestive / gut issues for months and nothing I do seems to help. I'm very strict WFPB, low SOS. My main issue is cramping, gas and loose/weird stools. All health and energy levels are fine otherwise. I don't have insurance so I have to be very careful about where I go for diagnostic help. If anyone has any suggestions I would be so appreciative.

  11. Dr. Greger, perhaps people resent being told what to do by other people who are not actually omniscient super-people. You seem to be "morphing" from providing nutritional info to people who want it, to wanting to control people.

  12. Any time the government trys to protect us they just take our money and our rights away. Or else they will jail us or shoot us. Then they will regulate what weapons we can have. We live in a fascist oligarchy. Its best just to do your own research.

  13. What if instead of warnings, or advice, they made results driven messages like, for a healthy sexy body, eat more fruit. People would be all over that. I though of it because the reason people buy books like yours is because they want the results that it could bring them, freedom from pain, and healthier sexier bodies. No matter the current trends, one thing is always true, sex sells.

  14. There was a bicycle helmet safety study that had a surprising finding. Automobile drivers drove much closer to bicyclists wearing helmets compared to bicyclists without helmets.

  15. Sounds like cognitive dissonance? People are shown an ad with something unhealthy …then there’s a message about being healthy. Their minds don’t like these conflicting messages so they go towards the thing that’s comforting ie the junk food

  16. Binge watching your episodes is what keeps me motivated to do better, however, I have felt the pull of "all I have to do is eat some berries with a meal that includes meat, and it's ok."

  17. This reminds me of a religious pamphlet that I read several years ago. It said that the Devil's favorite tactic is to tell people to repent- but that they can always do it later and indulge in their debauchery a little while longer. But of course later never comes and they die in an unrepentant state. It seems to me that deciding to eat healthy is a bit like a religious conversion: before the conversion, you were a food sinner and after the moment of conversion you've repented of your food sins. My 'come-to-Jesus' moment was on my 50th birthday when I reflected on how I had aged, felt like crap and I became disgusted with my fat, sloppy, slothful, gluttonous and lazy self.

  18. I have high blood pressure but I cant find a way to exercise bc I have disability in my ankles and feet, so I could only swim in a pool for exercise, but I dont have enough money to buy a pool membership, bc I am disabled. Anyone know what I can do?

  19. Hypothetically, if someone had equal amounts of unhealthy foods and healthy foods or a 1 to 2 ratio would the healthy food cancel out the unhealthy food? Same question but more specifically about carcenogenic foods and antioxidant foods (i.e If i eat a piece of salami and then have a kiwi or 2)

  20. Most people think being vegan is eating salads all day, but salads won't give you satiety because you need complex carb in form of starch. Pasta, bread, rice potatoes etcetera.

  21. Believe or not herbal medicine still remains the best when it comes to curing the herpes simplex virus #DrAjayi on YouTube has the complete effective natural herbal medicine that will cure you from herpes with no side effect isn't amazing. Kindly get connected with him , visit his YouTube channel to reach out to him

  22. I agree, Dr. Greger. It's only when I remember how I get pimples if I eat dairy or how I can't run everyday if I eat meat that I can resist the desire to buy McD fries – Just Say: Baked Potatoes!

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