Come i tumori usano la carne per crescere: xeno-autoanticorpi

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DESCRIZIONE: Il cancro può utilizzare una molecola trovata nei prodotti animali per indurre il nostro sistema immunitario ad alimentarlo con infiammazione. Assicurati di vedere i “prequel” di questo video Il cancro come malattia autoimmune ( e il video del giorno di di ieri The Inflammatory Meat Molecule Neu5Gc ( infiammatorio-carne-molecola-neu5gc/). Perché altrimenti coloro che seguono diete a base vegetale potrebbero avere un minor rischio di tutti i tumori combinati ( Potrebbe essere la mancanza di IGF-1 (, ferro eme (, infiammazione ( causa-infiammazione/), virus ( in-eggs/), antibiotici ( -o-antibiotici/), grassi saturi ( cancer-survival-butterfat-and-chicken/), nitrosammine ( /video/quando-i-nitriti-diventano-cattivi/), e acido arachidonico (http:/ / associato al consumo di prodotti animali. Oppure potrebbe essere la riparazione del DNA (, difese cellulari da stress ( diete-e-difese-da-stress-cellulari/), proprietà antinfiammatorie (, soia (, lignani (, fitonutrienti ( e fibra ( -yourself-of-excess-estrogen/) associato a un sano consumo di cibi vegetali.<br/>
Hai una domanda per Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su usa-carne-per-crescere-xeno-autoanticorpi/ e cercherà di rispondere! Immagine di credito: patologia polmonare tramite Flickr e Ilmari Karonen tramite Wikimedia.
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51 Risposte a “Come i tumori usano la carne per crescere: xeno-autoanticorpi”

  1. funny video,but why dont you tell your audience,that a High Carb Intake may promote Inflammation and Cancer Growth?
    Also I'd like to know if the meat in the studies was Standard meat or some organic gras fed meat because there is a BIG difference.
    If you really were interested in Health,then you would also tell about the benefits of a healthy non vegan diet and the benefits of eating healthy organic meat and eggs etc.
    Or do you think eating a lot of grains is that healthy?

  2. Steve Jobs was a vegan he had cancer. "Why else might those eating plant-based diets have lower risk of all cancers combined" because vegans/vegetarians are more health aware, they don't eat poison processed foods not because they don't eat meat. They do have a high risk of coronary disease.

  3. So many pathetic comments 1) Steve job was not a vegan; in his youth, and later only some of the time; it is true he tried becoming a full time vegan once more in order to aid his healing process from cancer, and yet even if he was vegan; one person means nothing in a statistical relation. 2) All the latest studies compare healthy (=exercise, no smoking, etc.) omnivores, vegetarians, and vegans; and they all show the same results: vegans have significantly lower rates of cancer.

  4. And his statement was not picking data "Why else might those eating plant-based diets have lower risk of all cancers combined"? I am not going to get in a "debate" over dogma. Dr. Joel Wallach will show you the data of the thousands autopsies he did, and he cured thousands of people.

  5. I dont think that the animal Protein is a Cause for Cancer.
    If you compare todays cancer statistics with cancer statistics from maybe 50-100 years ago you would see that the cancer rates increased over the years (also other diseases) parallel to the use of refined products in our daily diet (especially refined carbs) and the high intake of them.
    If anything in meat causes cancer its probably the combination of antibiotics,growth hormones and other chemicals etc.
    sorry for my english

  6. About 60 years ago they started demonizing fat as if it causes heart attack and so on, so people stopped eating fat and est more carbs and sugar and we have more diseases then ever before. Almost all meats have E250 and E450 a known cancer causing chemicals and they are irradiated.

  7. why even mentioning steve jobs?just because he was a "celebrity" and became vegan doesnt mean it was the right choice (not saying that he did the right or wrong choice).
    Please show me the studies where Vegans have a significant Lower Cancer rate than a healthy i.e. Low Carb Diet with Organic whole foods,the fats etc.
    Take your time

  8. People didn't stop eating fat. They lowered the intake to around 30% but that is still quite high. In calories they were still eating way more fat than carbs.

  9. It's more likely in the fat. Toxins are stored in fat tissue. When you eat the fat of an animal, you're also consuming all the toxins that an animal has stored in their fat tissue from the polluted air, polluted food, and polluted water in their polluted environment that they have accumulated in their lifetime and stored in their fat tissue. healthyguy. com/cancer

  10. More important than 'grass fed' is the amount of antibiotics in the meat. Antibiotics destroy/damage intestinal microbiota and the implications of that are still being researched.

    The fats in meat are not a big issue if meat is seldom consumed. But exactly how the intestinal microbiota and dietary fat are related to each other and our health is still being investigated.

  11. "Enjoy Eating Saturated Fats: They're Good for You. Donald W. Miller, Jr., M.D."
    "Good Cholesterol, Bad Cholesterol: No Such Thing"

  12. honestly, Saturated fat is probably a well researched topic in nutrition research. Im sure there are plenty of studys that support the popular idea that they cause illness, chances are dr Miller there is incorrect, vs being some nutritional Gallieo.

  13. I remember reading somewhere that they found Mummies from point Barrow Alaska of Two Inuit Women. Both were dated from over 500 years ago. Both ate a so called "High Fat, High meat and fat Paleo diet" Even though their diet was probably very high in Omega 3's, they had severe signs of Osteoporosis and heart Disease, even in the younger mummy (Who was around 25 years old). Im sure you can find the article somewhere.

  14. Lol people will try and justify eating bacon and eggs. They have their blinders on and also their ear plugs in apparently. I can think of at least 100 reasons to go vegan or at least eat a plant based diet 95% of the day. But can only think of 2 to eat the SAD diet, 1, it tastes good 2, it's convenient. Notice how neither of those really equate to good health. But vegan food tastes great, more people should just give it a try, be a "week day" vegan and cheat on the weekend, anything helps you.

  15. High carb intake does not promote inflammation, in fact a high carb plant based diet is an ANTI-INFLAMMATORY diet! You're saying organic grass fed meat doesn't contain Neu5Gc? Keep lying to yourself dude, you just couldn't imagine a reality without eating dead animals so you attack plant based diet's science with your bogus claims to try and justify bacon and eggs? Just say "I couldn't be a vegan because I like the taste of meat", no one will argue with u. Attack the science you lose.

  16. Its mostly the processed Carbs,but also any kind of grains (if its too much) in any form like bread,flour etc.
    Too much (processed) carbs can cause Obesity or let you gain weight easier,they spike your bloodsugar which can cause Diabetes,they alter your gut flora so you have digestive problems,gluten can cause allergie,malabsortpion,gas (altered gut flora),they (carbs)can cause inflammation and of course they can let a tumor grow faster.I cant go into this topic that deep but do your research

  17. Hey, Just wondering: Do you have any studies on hand that may suggest what you mentioned here? I know Gluten is a problem for a subset of the population: Celiacs and Gluten Senstivities, but beyond that it seems to digest normally. I know Neal Barnard fed his diabetic patients a high carb, low fat, grain including diet and controled and reversed type 2 diabetes.

  18. Cattle are often grain fed these days and the grain promotes the growth of ecoli bacteria in their gut. When they are slaughtered, the ecoli often contaminates the meat and so is passed on to humans. Some meat is now washed in ammonia to kill the ecoli as a part of the processing routine to make hamburger patties. Check Google for Kevin's Law.

  19. I wish I understood what the heck you said. Looks interesting, but complicated. I got the part where your cancer cells want you to eat certain bad foods because THEY want to grow. (sounds like a scene from 'The Exorcist'!) Of course I got the main part, that a vegan diet is the best. Thanks!

  20. The issue is so complicated and busy people have such little free time from their daily grind that is is up to our highly educated and open minded societal watchdogs to make sure that what we eat is acceptable and not based on narrow practices. Take fast foods as a for instance. The deep fat fryers could be reasonably healthy if the proper oils were used and properly preserved. Conventional cooking oils expire, smell and taste bad and become loaded with toxic free radicals that attack our body

  21. not to mention Steve Jobs worked in a computer manufacturing facility during his teens, where he must have had contact with a huge amount of heavy metals and other carcinogens. His cancer was a very slow growing tumor and it is calculated that it first appeared either in his late teens or early 20s

  22. Hi Dr Gregor

    Great videos! So much awesome information! Thank you!

    I have a question for you. I had an ultrasound done about 6 years ago on the back of my upper leg or hamstring because i developed a tiny lump. Doc said it was a fatty lyphoma and nothing to worry about. I have paddled in the river for a few years doing events like the Dusi Canoe marathon and have spent many hours on a small carbon fiber racing canoe seat which used to catch my leg slightly precisely where the lump started to develop.Today it is a hell of a lot bigger and am concerned it might be cancer. I have been vegan the last few years and hoped it would clear. Plant based nutrition might have slowed the process but how do i reverse it?  I am also very active and train everyday either cycling or running for events like Ironman.
    From the information provided, what would you think the cause would be and how best can i treat it?
    Am i doing something wrong?

    Health is at the top of my values and having this lump in my leg really concerns me. I do not want to be operated on…

    Any thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.
    Please keep up the fantastic work.

  23. DomDom, animal protein IS the cause of cancer. Yes refined products cause obesity, not cancer. Do not mix the two. It has been proved over and over again. And yes, there has been a change of diet within the last 50 years. Not only refined products have gone up, meat and animal products intake has skyrocketed! Sorry that Dr Gregger's videos do not appease people who like Drs to tell them good things about their bad habits.

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