Dose giornaliera minima raccomandata di antiossidanti

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DESCRIZIONE: Quanti alimenti ricchi di antiossidanti dobbiamo mangiare ogni giorno solo per stare fuori del debito ossidativo?
Se quei fitonutrienti degli agrumi ti suonavano familiari, è perché li ho citati prima in video come Keeping Your Hands Warm With Citrus ( e Riduzione dell'affaticamento muscolare con gli agrumi ( È comunque meglio mangiare il frutto intero (Vedi Best Fruit Juice, e il succo di mela potrebbe essere peggiore dell'acqua zuccherata, -acqua/). <br/> La digestione non è l'unica fonte fisiologica di radicali liberi, anche l'esercizio fisico. Vedi Prevenire lo stress ossidativo indotto dall'esercizio con il crescione ( .

Il background sul ruolo svolto dai radicali liberi nell'invecchiamento e nella malattia può essere trovato nel mio video Teoria mitocondriale dell'invecchiamento ( Le diete ricche di antiossidanti possono persino modificare l'espressione genica: diete a base vegetale e difese cellulari contro lo stress ( -e-difese-da-stress-cellulare/).

Esiste un dolcificante raffinato che non provochi formazione di radicali liberi? Sì: l'eritritolo può essere un dolce antiossidante ( .

Qual è il modo migliore per raggiungere il nostro minimo giornaliero di 8-11,11 unità antiossidanti al giorno? Sono così felice che tu l'abbia chiesto! Coperto nel mio prossimo video, Come raggiungere l'antiossidante RDA ( antiossidanti-rda).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: TheFoodJunk via flickr; e OCAL, Joshua8420, e Philip Hilgaertner tramite
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36 Risposte a “Dose giornaliera minima raccomandata di antiossidanti”

  1. Are there good reasons to believe that there are any "oxidative stress diseases"? I cannot find any on searching reliable scientific, medical websites. Indeed, Wikipedia suggests, "The immune system uses the lethal effects of oxidants by making production of oxidizing species a central part of its mechanism of killing pathogens; with activated phagocytes producing both ROS and reactive nitrogen species. These include superoxide (•O₂-)
    2, nitric oxide (•NO) and their particularly reactive product, peroxynitrite (ONOO-)."

  2. 1Table 1. Composition and Amounts Consumed in Meals Containing Blueberries (BB), Dried Plums (DP), Dried Plum Juice (DPJ), Cherry, Kiwifruit, Strawberry (SB), and Red Grape: 189g. 131g, 315g, 280g, 300g, 300g, 280g : each blended with about 300ml of water so, 7 different kinds of smoothies 

  3. The micromole is 1 million of a mole. For an explanation of a mole, look it up on Wikipedia. It has to do with the number of elemental particles of a substance.

  4. HOW could I not like this???? Dr. Greger, you have shown me the way to antioxidant nirvana (I hope!!! LOL)…with all of your prior videos!!! Amla, blueberries, ground cloves, etc…I try to PLAN each day with antioxidants…green tea and hibiscus tea too! Thanks for all you are doing to help save us!

  5. This verifies what i have said for years. That all calories will create a basic inflammation if there aren't natural antioxidants to accompany them. But how much clove or green tea etc are you recommending?

  6. This could mean that reducing one's stress from all causes is the way to go, don't eat food that causes metabolic stress, don't go hungry, don't get dehydrated, don't lack sleep, don't over-do the exercise, don't have a stressful job, don't get stressed! 

  7. Thank you for a really great video – this is really important.  We always hear about anti-oxidants, but very little about the what or why of anti-oxidants.  How about some information on what an oxidant related disease is and how it works?

  8. Thank you for all your videos sir. Very well made and informative. I'm learning amazing things every week and sharing them with everyone!

  9. awesome… well then I get an Antioxidant overdose every day…I eat and drink tones of berries, leafy greens, veggies, wild foods and super foods every day …(raw, organic or wild of course)…..mmmhhh so yummy..  🙂

  10. Oh Dr. Greger is there anything you don't know?
    Seriously "Daktah Gee" , you are a continuing source of enlightenment to the rest of us.
    VMT's genuinely.

  11. Dr. Gregor, is there such a thing as getting too many antioxidants a day…to the point that a pro-oxidant effed takes place?

  12. why USDA said that the estimated amount requirment of ORAC is between 3000 and 5000 and the Prior's study (min 2.38) said that it depends on your energy intake? What the most researchers say about it?

  13. Hello Dr.Greger,
    Hello healthy people,
    Is it possible to take to much antioxidants??
    Do i have to limit or can i eat several gramms of amla for example??
    Especially after sport i read free r are neccesary.
    Who knows more?

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