Come invertire l'insufficienza cardiaca con la dieta

Puoi invertire le malattie cardiache con il cibo? Un intero numero di una rivista di cardiologia dedicata alla nutrizione a base vegetale esplora il ruolo che una dieta basata sull'evidenza può svolgere nell'inversione dello scompenso cardiaco congestizio.

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Aspetta, ho detto malattia coronarica inversa? Come invertire l'assassino n. 1 di uomini e donne? Ho molti video sull'argomento, ma come non morire di malattie cardiache ( -heart-disease) è un buon punto di partenza.

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87 Risposte a “Come invertire l'insufficienza cardiaca con la dieta”

  1. Greger – Can you comment please on the recent news that a new study found that vegans were more likely to break bones? Please?

  2. Plants are poison. They don't want to be eaten and hence have evolved to wreak havic on gut health for animals not adapted to consume them, like humans. You can see Dr. Greger's wandering stare and unfocused eyes as to how plants are destroying this man's brain-health. Sad to see him degenerate before our very eyes from eating too many plants, and not enough animal protein/fat that are essential for humans.

  3. We can reverse ANY so called "dis-ease" by eating food that is appropriate for our species and by discontinuing eating an omnivorish diet which is only appropriate for omnivores like dogs and pigs. Trouble is humans love and are addicted to their meat, dairy and cooked food. We humans are primates with GI tracts designed to best utilize an alkaline forming diet of raw fruit, raw fruit-like vegetables and TENDER leafy greens like lettuce and sprouts. If we all ate according to what our GI tracts were designed to digest and utilize, there'd be no chronic or degenerative so called "dis -ease" at all and little need for health care.

  4. Every disease on earth can be cured by eating a plant based diet. Big meat illuminati is paying everyone off grrr. The doctor on the internet who tries to sell me books and is an ethical vegan is the most reliable not the decades worth of research nono just this quack cherrypicking.

  5. most people cant sustain a whole food vegan diet, it requires too much willpower and change. plus alot of people are addicted to animal foods

  6. Had my heart attack more than a decade ago. My ejection fraction remain roughly unchanged after 2 years on WFPB (from 45 to 44%). But I am grateful to discover WFPB as it allow me to exercise at high intensity with no issue.

  7. Bunk . My mom went vegan after her first stents her cholesterol went up a 100 points and got 4 more stents a year later . Now she eats what she wants with no problem for 6 years .

  8. Could you please start working with cooking/food tv channels to start featuring vegan/plant based shows. I totally agree with you on the roll of the medical field promoting this type of eating, but some individuals only go to the doctor after they experience poor health. If we could start having these tv channels promoting healthy eating, instead of showing the poor shows they are featuring I.e. Carnival Eats, we could reach more people and start working towards a healthier lifestyle.

  9. Anybody else notice the misspelled word “may” in the McCarty paper? They had it as “.. that my provide only modest benefit – “ lol

  10. You need to change the FDA to really get things to change. If the FDA allows for certain additives and crap to be allowed in our food it will continue to be sold and then bought.
    I know many people on a "plant based" diet and haven't seen results as stated. Things got better but not as described in this video. So if course people will say they aren't eating right… Fact is people are different and results will vary. Myself 5 yrs on a plant based diet and i still need to be on a statin. Yeah my cholesterol did go down but the ratio was still very bad requiring a statin so there's more to it than just how it's being described and as I said results will vary.

  11. DISCLAIMER: this is only about heart failure for people with BLOCKAGES. That's only a subset of heart failure. People with actual heart muscle damage will not be be healed by any diet or movement whatsoever, since heart tissue cannot restore itself. You can only lessen the symptoms a bit, but not heal anything in that regard.

    (Added this since often people who talk about this topic are not disclosing this. I think they should be honest about this. People should go plant based, but not based on misunderstood or half information, since it can throw them of the diet again if they find out later. )

  12. Sounds like that woman ate more than just low fat meats and dairy if her disease reappeared that fast. She was probably eating borderline keto or fast food if her condition changed back so fast. One does not get severe heart disease after adding some low fat animal products to a primarily whole food diet. It would have to be mostly from egg yolks to come even close.

  13. People don't want to believe the truth because they're addicted to their saturated fat/high salt diet. Meanwhile your taste buds will change and beans/veg etc will taste amazing on WFPB diet

  14. One of your BEST videos yet. Love that prescription pad.

    This video should be prescribed for every person in USA.

    GREAT WORK !! Thank you Ambassador Greger

  15. You don't have to go completely vegan.I'm 65 and had chest pain when exercising [working] two years ago.I didn't want to get involved in the medical system so I gave up all animal meat, all dairy eggs and sugar.I still eat a small amount of chicken as I find 100% vegan diet too demanding.Two years on and I have no chest pain whatsoever and my cholesterol has halved,much to my doctor's amazement.I swapped dairy milk for [calcium fortified] soya milk and use margarine.I now eat fresh fruit and vegetables,rice nuts and cereals and no processed food.My weight has dropped to nearer that when I was younger.I eat broccolli almost every day and a glass of red wine at dinner.I will never go back to my old diet because I know that will only be a shortcut to the graveyard for certain.

  16. Couldn't agree more about honest advice being sorely lacking yet desperately needed. One might be forgiven for just assuming some similar tenets were previously built into the Hippocratic oath somewhere in the fine print. Time to tighten up, G.P's and family Docs. everywhere.

  17. Torah clear on subject of sorcery. it commands not to live sorcerer alive and modern medicine of Paracelsus is pure sorcery

  18. I almost get sad when i see this vid. One of my best friends never exercises and is a big believer in the keto diet (and not the plant based version). I just think, what if he gets a heartattack due to his lifestyle? I have tried to talk some sense into him, but he stands by his views, that sugar or something is the enemy and that cholestrol and saturated fat never did the human race any harm. I would love to have him be open minded about a plant based diet and see the outcome of this diet so he could get healthier 🙁

  19. Some of the language used in those papers you cited seemed very non-scientific. "why not… " Anyone, vegan or not, should investigate further. This spells of BS & bias. I am trying to be vegan, but this …

  20. We have the blueprint for a totally healthy fast food franchise, we just need an Angel Investor. Business is the best way to make changes happen. The government is too slow, we can't wait 40 years. We can make it happen now.

  21. There was a story on NPR awhile back about a doctor writing prescriptions for vegetables. I don’t remember the details on how they were filled except that it was made easy for them. I like the pad you show in the video. My doctor pointed out where I’d find protein in the Daily Dozen list and when I saw 3 servings of beans a day, she had me. I rarely eat meat now, losing weight & have more energy.

  22. Is there a randomized control trial in the works for reversing Heart Failure with a WFPB diet? I have CHF and it would be of great interest.

  23. My husband has been disgnosed with prostate cancer psa 21.3 on Dec 10 2020
    Probably a very advanced state, how can he be helped, which way is the most beneficial
    Which concrete food could hopefull reverse lessen this terrible disease

  24. Your intros and outros need to be just a smidge quieter, its jarring to hear your voice so peaceful and structured and then have that loud noise break the flow

  25. You are doing great, but dont kill yourself. I wish more people would be able to pick up where you are at Dr Greger and carry on to making this information a norm in the society that knows no normal.

  26. Hoping to get some help. I have a father that is currently on plenty pills due to heart disease however none of these pilss are helping his condition. I do know that a plant based nutrition would help him tremendously however its difficult to explain when I only an human who happens to be vegetarian and everyone thinks Im just trying to save animals. I WOULD love to have some guidance on finding a doctor that would believe in plant based nutrition that would be in Portugal. I have tried finding but no luck so far. Thank you

  27. I'm not against a plant based diet, but as a Diabetic a lot of vegan or vegetarian dishes make my blood sugar spike. I seem to do good with mostly veggies and a little bit of meat. I worry also about nutrition a lot. Managing a vegan/vegetarian diet seems like a royal pain in the ass. What's the best way to make sure you're getting enough of the nutrients for you?

  28. Great advice, but the lady who reversed her CHF after 5.5 months who started with an a1c of 8.1. Couldn't it have been that by cutting out the sugars and processed carbs she reversed it? I mean she could have achieved the same results from eating a carnivore diet? Am I wrong? Is it the fact she went plant based or was it that she stopped eating the trash standard American diet?

  29. I was diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis 5 years ago. That is classified as severe heart disease. My doc said it is non reversible and that there is nothing i can do to reverse it (besides valve replacement surgery). I looked it up and its not non reversible, it only has not been proven to be reversible yet. Well I am on a mission to be the first one to reverse this. What am I doing? Low fat whole food plant based diet. Lots of intermittent fasting: eating in a 6 hour window daily, making sure I dont eat anything for 8 hours before going to sleep every night. I dont eat at all one day a week (just water). 20 min light cardio workout every morning in a fasted state, then a 30 min full spectrum infrared sauna after that with a drink of 2 TBS of apple cider vinegar during it. Thats a powerful combo. How do you "soften metals"? Heat. How do you chelate metals (calcium deposits). Vinegar. How do you get your body to remove unwanted stuff in the body? Fasting. Combine the 3 together (heat, vinegar & fasting) and you have a powerful synergistic effect of decalcification. On top of that, inside my sauna I have a near infrared lamp only a foot away from my heart so it gets heated up nicely during this process. I also do a steam room session an hour before bed for the best sleep possible. Lets hope for the best. I already feel like I am getting better! Also this is not medical info and I am not a doctor. Also the heat, vinegar & fasting combo is only a theory of mine that I hope will work.

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