Come non morire di malattie cardiache

Gli approcci allo stile di vita non sono solo più sicuri ed economici. Possono funzionare meglio, perché stai curando la vera causa della malattia.

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Puoi immaginare quanto potrebbe essere travolgente per qualcuno che non conosce il sito. Con video su più di 2, 000 argomenti di salute, dove cominci anche tu? Immagina qualcuno che si imbatte nel sito quando il nuovo video del giorno parla di come alcune spezie possono essere efficaci nel trattamento di una particolare forma di artrite. Sarebbe facile perdere la foresta per gli alberi. Ecco perché ho creato questa nuova serie di video riepilogativi, che in pratica sono tratti direttamente dalla mia diretta di un'ora presentazione Come non morire: prevenire, arrestare e invertire la nostra parte superiore 15 Assassini ( .<br/>
Resta sintonizzato per:
• Come non morire di cancro (
http ://
• Come non morire di diabete (
• Come non morire di malattia renale (
• Come non morire di ipertensione ( /video/come-non-morire-di-ipertensione)

Se questo video ti ha ispirato per saperne di più sul ruolo che la dieta può svolgere i n prevenire e curare le malattie cardiache, guarda alcuni di questi altri popolari video sull'argomento:
• Le malattie cardiache iniziano nell'infanzia (
• Medicina dello stile di vita: trattare le cause della malattia (
• Il reale vantaggio della dieta rispetto ai farmaci ( -di-dieta-contro-farmaci)
• Livello ottimale di colesterolo (
• Ai medici potrebbe mancare il loro strumento più importante (
• Sangue ossigenante con verdure ricche di nitrati ( sangue-con-nitrato -rich-vegetables)
• L'olio di pesce è solo olio di serpente? (
• La dimensione del colesterolo è importante? (
• Quando basso rischio significa alto rischio ( video/quando-basso-rischio-significa-alto-rischio)
• Diete povere di carboidrati e flusso sanguigno coronarico (
• Trattamento pienamente consensuale delle malattie cardiache ( /trattamento-per-malattie-cardiache-completamente-consensuale)

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100 Risposte a “Come non morire di malattie cardiache”

  1. A few years ago, I weighed 370 pounds and suddenly started experiencing moderately severe angina at rest. I finally realized that I was going to die, and likely soon, if I didn't change. A friend linked me to Dr. Greger's video "Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death". I watched it, and was convinced by his evidence-based approach. I switched immediately to a plant-based diet. I lost over 30 pounds in a month, 100 pounds in 6 months, and 160 pounds in a year. I attained a healthy weight for the first time since grade school. I went on to lose over 190 pounds and have taken up running, cycling and triathlon. I've run a half marathon and biked 70 miles, and hope to extend these achievements in the coming years. Not bad for someone who until recently would be winded after a flight of stairs.

    It is very likely that Dr. Greger's review of the evidence and advice saved my life. It has certainly added tremendously to them and I feel like I am really, truly living for the first time, no longer a slave to a weak, sick and tired body but full of energy and vibrant good health. I hope some day to be able to thank Dr. Greger personally. I feel the frustration of this message being overpowered by socioeconomic factors and regulatory conflicts of interest. I have felt the frustration of sharing my story with people who are fat, sick, weak and tired the way that I was and seeing it fall on deaf ears. It shouldn't be this way. I know, however, that there are many stories like mine. I hope that one day, after enough of them, momentum will turn and this way of living will become mainstream. So many people die from completely avoidable maladies.

  2. i eat meat, love it but, In a day Ill eat around 5 to six cups of fresh vegetables Delicious and I eat organic eggs and sometimes organic chicken and or wild caught salmon. also I supplement just in case. i have great blood pressure and exercise 5x a week. dont need to be vegan just eat more veggies and nothing fried or synthetic. love these vids to learning a lot.

  3. yo truffles have so much dietary fiber im rly curious if 315 calories of truffle a day meat diet can reverse health downsides of the meat are there any studies on this?

  4. Dr. Greger you have changed the way I eat. I used to be only concerned with staying skinny. But your videos have changed the way I look at food. Thanks a lot. I am a ethical vegetarian trying to go vegan for my health. I also supplement with b12 and D3. I've switched to almond milk and I'm getting lots of greens and fresh herbs in my diet. My mood has changed and since I started eating more fruit I no longer crave massive amounts of sugar. Instead I eat berries.

  5. Absolutely love this channel, I've recently found it and started watching every single video from the beginning and taking notes.
    I've installed the Daily Dozen app, but I'm confused a little bit:

    – Isn't it hard to generalize the daily portions for everybody ? We are at different ages, some are training hard etc.
    – For each food group there is a section called "Serving Sizes". Do we have variants of one serving there or they all combined make one serving ?

  6. could you do a video on papaya, their seeds, and their effects for male contraception please? I eat a whole papaya almost everyday (about 50 seeds) and i haven't gotten anyone pregnant yet even though i always bust my nut inside.. do you think this is risky? I' m almost positive it works but i never hear anyone talking about it…

  7. Though the content of these videos are amazing, I wish Dr Greger's behavior wasn't so theatrical. People I send these videos to keep asking why he is acting so strange. Makes it harder to normalize veganism from an advocacy standpoint. He acts like a super exaggerated sales man.

    If that's how he naturally acts, then I sort of feel like a jerk for saying this though.

  8. As someone with is still young and suffered for years with high cholesterol, this video hits so close to home. I am SO glad my doctor told me: "I need you to address your diet, I want you to go home and research." If he hadn't i would've never found Dr. Gregor and other plant-based diets, and I would've never made the change for myself. In 1 month my cholesterol dropped 35 points, after I had spent two years of daily exercise with worsening results. I hope by my next annual exam I will "heart-attack proof"!

  9. Can you please do a video on Turkey Tail Mushrooms? There is a lot of evidence showing that it is extremely powerful to boost the immune system to fight off cancer (and any other types of diseases). It appears to have been FDA approved for cancer patients.

  10. With 11 or 12 I had high blood pressure and my doc wanted to give me pills.

    My dad had bought only real shit to eat. 🙁

    I became vegan with 14. Now I am 24 & my blood pressure is at his best. Long live whole foods! 🙂

  11. It's so much easier to get someone off of heroin and/or crack than it is to get them to break free from their parasitic induced food addictions.
    I'm so sick of fighting with loved ones about their eating habits and its relation to their poor health.

  12. Very misleading. Plant based diet is bad for your health AND for the environment. Im from India where majority are vegetarians. It sounds good but it has the opposite result if you only knew.
    Its interesting that people still believe that cholestrol or saturated fat is bad for them and relate them to heart disease despite clear evidence that the problem is sugar or high carbs. Sugar is very inflamatory and inflammation is root cause of all diseases. Ironically study shows 75% of people who died from heart attack were in low to mid range of cholestrol..
    Automatically you are having more sugar by eating a plant based diet unless you eat only green raw vegies which is also bad. Another surprise is that high blood pressure is actually good and low blood pressure is bad. High blood pressure means more oxygen reaching your organs especially your brain and more. Anyway….Please do your research before putting your bodies into destruction by eating a plant only diet.

  13. I share this on Facebook at least once a month hoping one of the 600,000 that will dies this year from heart disease will make some positive changes.

  14. I just found out that I have high cholesterol. I am a 55 year old vegan women. I am 5'3" and 124 lbs. I exercise regularly and do not believe in processed food. I have been vegan for 8 months. I also suffer from arthritis. My doctor is of no help. Anyone have any advice? Am I just a unlucky minority?

  15. I don't know I have changed my diet completely and been completely vegan for over 6 months my arms my legs my body still hurts horribly I've supplemented properly and still no improvement on anything, super frustrating!!!!—-#Fatty

  16. So… any vegan, whole-foods, plant-based diet (excluding coconut meat, palm fruit, and white potatoes), but supplemented with vitamin B12 (and vitamin D + algal EPA/DHA, just to be on the safe side), making sure to include seaweed (but not kelp/kombu), but completely avoiding salt (but miso might be okay, but not [even vegan] kimchi because cancer) has the potential to reverse heart disease?

  17. Heart attack, heart disease coronary artery disease, You can tell by the naming that the medicine treats the symptoms and not the cause.. Well there is nothing wrong with the heart not even the artery. Arteriosclerosis is a slightly better word but it s all greek to most. Just name it "fatty blood disease" or even better eating disorder: Liporexia!!! People with this condition need a psychologist for support quitting bad habits more than they need a cardiologist.

  18. I checked. The AHA says that it's not possible to heal damage to the heart. But now there's new research on a compound that, when injected, helps the heart to heal itself.

  19. I've heard you mention a book for reversing heart disease in some videos and I want to buy this book for a friend of mine's mother, could you please tell me if it's the How Not to Die book or another one? Anyone who know what I'm talking about please chime in as well, thanks.

  20. Your body healing itself is not magic, it's God's power working in us, as all modern medicine comes from minerals that God first created, so the best choice is to honor him for his healing power in our lives because we would never make it past 12 years old otherwise or even much much sooner. God is my healer, who is yours?

  21. Comes across as so fake, why drag this out with lame rhetoric. Seems so self indulgent and makes it hard to take information around death and heart disease seriously…

  22. Wonderful hope filled message confirming the diet of Orthodox Christian fasting has additional health benefits for our temporal lives here as well

  23. I went plant based almost 6-months ago, and my body won't stop thanking me for it. I had severe tendonitis in both arms, to the extent where I had to wear braces on both arms, all day, every day. If I skipped a day, the severe burning I would get in my elbow area rendered my arms useless. I was told I can try surgery, with maybe a 50/50 shot of working, or just get used to living with the braces. Only a few weeks after going plant based, my tendonitis is gone!

  24. I'm 27, have anxiety that makes me think I'm going to have a heart attack soon…I want to have a healthy heart as I enter my 30s. I am regretful for the past 5 years, when I was in college, I ate nothing but junk foods.

  25. My father, now 89, was supposed to have bypasses 3 years ago. Instead, he veganized his food: Now not only can he go hiking again, he has taken all 3 blood pressure tablets off – after 40 years of use. Now he only takes Metoprolol 50 mg 1-2 times a month. He measures blood pressure almost every day.

  26. Doctor please help me I’m a vegan yet my lipoprotein is 800 I’m so depressed Please let me know what I can do I eat little or no oil I think it’s hereditary So please suggest what treatment I should follow 🙏

  27. I know some people who are vegan and still got heart attack

    I have been eating healthy all my life And that's very frustrating
    People eating all unhealthy processed food all the time with no health issues
    Very hard to get answer

  28. Please talk about Cardiomyopathy. Vegan for 8 years. I've had it for 12+. Recently got much worse. Prob the vaccine. Forced by my job or my kids and I would have been homeless. My body is very stressed. Always high BP.

  29. this dude should be on prime TV every night educating the American people…great doctor and too funny as well…what a find!

  30. How does a plant based diet help with atherosklerosis/heart disease (LDL and HDL cholesterol).. Is it the absence of fats (or other things) from animal products or is it the presence of more fibers and plant based oils added to your meal?
    Fiber has a great impact on raising HDL and lowering LDL, as well as plant based oils..

    Wondering because I've recently started eating way more lentils and beans and resistant starches, but still combine it with eggs and meat (no dairy and rest of diet is whole foods)..

  31. I thought having this disease was as a result of my old age , while I was diagnosed of heart disease Dec. 19 , 2020 , I used series of medication but I was still having the severe pain , until I used an herbal mixture from Dr. imenherbal which I saw on YouTube and I was completely cured , I appreciate Dr. imenherbal for his help .

  32. Between your health, the pain and suffering of the animals and the destruction of the beautiful planet, I personally don't understand why anyone continues to eat animals and animal products. It just doesn't make sense to me. Is it ego? self entitlement? self destruction? selfishness? stupidity? And why do most doctors push the pills instead of the diet change?

  33. My heart filled with gratitude and appreciation to Dr Idakwo on youtube for curing my Heart disease with his natural roots and herbs. Am now perfectly okay.
    God bless you for me

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