Come non morire di malattie renali

Quali sono i tre fattori di rischio alimentari significativi per il declino della funzionalità renale?

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Se ti sei perso i primi tre video di questa serie, dai un'occhiata a:
• Come non morire di malattie cardiache (
• Come non morire dal cancro (
• Come non morire di diabete ( /)

E restate sintonizzati per Come non morire di pressione alta (

Se questo Questo video ti ha ispirato a saperne di più sul ruolo che la dieta può svolgere nella prevenzione e nel trattamento delle malattie renali, dai un'occhiata ad alcuni di questi altri video popolari sull'argomento:
Quale tipo di proteina è migliore per i nostri reni? (
Testare la tua dieta con pipì e cavolo viola ( -la-tua-dieta-con-cavolo-viola/)
Fonte proteica: un test acido per la funzione renale (
Come prevenire i calcoli renali con la dieta ( pietre-con-dieta/)
Come trattare i calcoli renali con la dieta (
Trattamento della malattia renale cronica with Food (
La dieta può proteggere dal cancro ai reni? (

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73 Risposte a “Come non morire di malattie renali”

  1. We hope you're enjoying this set of introductory videos! To see them all, pop over to nutritionfacts dot org and check out the Introductory Videos topic! Also, if you have health or nutrition related questions, the website is the best place to post them, as our team of volunteers and staff are there to answer your questions. -NF Team

  2. We need a bettter understanding of "Protein". Plant' 'protein' , animal 'protein' and soya 'protein' cannot all be the same.
    If we concur that we don't need animal 'protein', why on earth would we need soya 'protein' or other plant 'protein'.
    It doesn't make sense.

  3. Is there any danger in eating only plants because they produce a more basic environment in out kidneys? Don't they need a delicate balance, not more acidic and not more basic?

  4. My kidneys are under a lot of stress from the anti-rejection meds I have had to take since my double-lung transplant, but since I went vegan 6 months ago my creatinine has been much better!

  5. Love the video's Dr. Greger. Thank you! As a RD for 7+ years its refreshing that there are still some "pro nutrition" MD's ….I have a quick question. Assuming a renal patient does not need dialysis….should I keep telling patients to avoid high potassium fruits/vegetables? Or do the benefits outweigh the risks?

  6. Thank you so much for this video it's as if it were for me.. i'm vegan, but have been noticing my kidneys acting strange .. and i know it's because i eat way too much salt.. i don't eat it all the time but when i do i go all out… :[

  7. i've been vegan for over 30 years and suddenly got very sick 2 years ago. painful arrhythmia, constant malaise and head burning. i've seen over 30 dr's who couldn't figure out what it is. just this week it occurred to me that it's possibly HYPERKALEMIA from excess protein which couldn't be excreted because i was taking advil for a back injury, and now a beta blocker for the arrhythma. my potassium is somewhat high: 5.2, and BUN and creatinine are too low. how can i heal my kidneys?

  8. dad has kidney problems, the doctor said he should stop drink soy milk and nuts in general and he should instead drink a lot of cow milk. I don't get it because he first told him the opposite. I seriously don't know what to do, he's had these problems for 20 years now.

  9. Wow, didn't know this, but it will be implemented. The actual facts are much appreciated. Excellent and quality upload from Nutrition facts, as we've come to expect, True experts in their field.

  10. I have a Kidney infection right now and I am vegan. I'm having antibiotics and don't have much appetite. But wondering, are there any veg or herbs I should be sure have to help my kidneys get better quicker?

  11. If u don't drink enough water and consume sugary drinks and processed foods that will be enough to wreak havoc on kidneys is it not.?

  12. Dr Greger you're an inspiration to me . I'm vegan 20 years old however I've been diagnosed with a sinus pericranii . I've gotten bouts of dizziness and blurry vision before. I would truly appreciate any advice that you have to offer , I'm feeling very desperate .

  13. my mom is on dialysis and you should see what they have posted next to the weight scale, a diagram of good source of protein, eggs, steak, chicken, etc. it's insane. On top of that the dialysis center nutritionist always has a sit down talk with me every other week concerning my mom diet and stresses to me the important of her eating meat and eggs because they are good source of protein, it's very cringy. I'm glad my mom doesn't speak English to understand these nonsense.

  14. Don’t settle for the life you are living right now … it can be better … find out right here what these people did to improve their kidney function and reverse their kidney disease against all the odds and advice from their doctors-> …

  15. here's several things you can try
    drink lots of water.
    eat watermelon – that can reduce kidney disease .
    try taking pomegranate seeds and drink organge juice – these can cure kidney disease .
    avoid tomato, asparagus, radish and fizzy drinks.
    (I read these and the reasons they work on Dravin Magic Plan site )

  16. I've been studying the best natural cure for reducing kidney disease at home and found a great resource at Dravin magic plan (check it out on google)

  17. if this is true why am I dr no offence …but why am I in so much pain right now twice since being vegan 10 months..excrutiating pain..i think kidney disease/stones seeing dr tmrw to get bloods bak and order scans

  18. At 2:00 I was stunned by the graphic showing relative acid-inducing effects of different non-plant foods. Who would have thought beef could be less damaging than fish or poultry? But my favorite was not on the list — lamb. I need to find out.

  19. Amazing what veggies can do for the body. By the way just wanted to thank you for all your videos and information that you put out for the public. I am know able to control my chronic gout by changing to a plant based diet. 👍👍👍

  20. Is this a fact ? Limit high-purine vegetables. Asparagus, beans, peas and spinach are plant-based foods with higher levels of purine. Moderate intake does not usually pose a problem, but meals containing large quantities should be avoided.

  21. There are so many posters in my school cafeteria saying drink milk when it causes so many problems! It is so weird how they promote these types of inflammatory foods.

  22. I work at elderly home and the amount of medications that you see people on is rather alarming from antihypertensives, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, cholesterol pills, opioids, parkinsonian medications, and vitamin D with residents taking at least 15 medications per day if not more. Why is there so much emphasis upon medications when there are better ways to address people's healthcare needs in a cheaper and holistic way i.e: diet? Since when has it become more important to make pharmaceuticals companies billions than to help people manage their health with nutrition education or education in general.

  23. Im diagnosed with ckd and made a switch to plant base diet. In just 6 weeks I've lowered my cholesterol back to normal range. Plants is our medicine

  24. Do you think you could do a video on how to talk to people about their diet? I have so many friends who are trying to eat healthy but are reluctant about cutting down their consumption of animal products.

  25. Where are the old folk homes full of vegans – there are none – you can't cause DNA last longer w/ food – if it was possible most doctors would be plant eaters –

  26. I was in stage 3 of CKD after damage from medication. Removing the medication didn't seem to heal my kidneys. But going plant based did. Guess who's work convinced me to try it? Our very own Dr. G. He saved my life in my opinion.

  27. That is some powerful proof to eat a plant based diet to reverse kidney disease . Now try to find someplace you can get a plate of delicious vegetables at a reasonable price .

  28. This solves the problems I have been having the past month as to what am I supposed to eat? Where do I start?" I am 66. and have no time.

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