Come ottenere Omega 3 con una dieta vegana | Il dottor Michael Greger di

Abbiamo tutti sentito quanto siano importanti i grassi omega 3 gli acidi sono per la nostra salute, una preoccupazione a cui di solito si risponde con integratori di olio di pesce. Quindi, cosa deve fare un vegano o un aspirante vegano? In questa intervista con Michael Greger, MD di, esaminiamo le fonti di omega vegane e scopriamo perché vorrai usarle anche se NON sei vegano. Tieni traccia dei tuoi omega qui:
Prova Cronometer:<br/>
Tagliare il centro pesce:
Alghe l'unica opzione priva di contaminanti:
I vegani hanno gli stessi livelli:

Video/Playlist in primo piano:
Serie Vegan Nutrition con il Dr. Greger Playlist:
I miei risultati del test Omega:
Dr. Greger sulle proteine:
Playlist salute, nutrizione e fitness: http:/ /

Entra in contatto con il Dr. Greger:

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100 Risposte a “Come ottenere Omega 3 con una dieta vegana | Il dottor Michael Greger di”

  1. I'm still confused on what algae to choose and how much of it should I eat…I mean, in an other video doct Greger told us to get iodine not from table salt but from algae too (but not from spirulina that is vey likely to be contaminated), so what about the type and the doses of algae in this case as well ? Granted I already eat a correct quantity of flaxseed/walnuts based short chain omega 3 fatty acids…

  2. hope collard greens have omega 3 because here in Florida I can get them from people who grow them in their yard and sell them…but they do not taste good at all raw and hope the cooking does not destroy the benefits…thanks for the video..I admit I am slow at understanding all this conversion talk..sorry for my bad English..I went to public schools.

  3. How do you get your omega 3/6 levels tested? Do you just ask for it at your yearly checkup? Does it cost extra?

  4. Dr Greger says here that Omega 3 doesn't help fight heart attacks. However in one of his famous videos he said Omega 3 did help against heart attack. Did some new research come out to prove this wrong ? I'm a big fan of Greger he is the best DR.

  5. I have hemp protein in my porridge every morning and make pudding out of chia seeds (with oatmeal milk or almond milk) so I'm more than covered. If any of you vegans worry about getting enough omega, these two alone will do the job for you!

  6. Dear emily, thank you very much for your videos, I really like them. I admire you. Im from Venezuela, I've been a Vegan for the last 5 years, feeling great all the time. Help me out with this, Is it okay take Flax seed oil with algae ? ; in order to get a good Omega in balance 3,6 ? I use the brand Flora, what are your impression about it? Thank you very much, I trully appreaciate it all your effort. Many Blessing, Juan

  7. Hey Emily, I grind 1tb each of flax, chia and hemp into my oatmeal each morning, but in a video by Guilt free vegan where he interviews Geoff Palmer it claims that flax reduces testosterone in men by 20% on average and even more in women by binding to the sex hormone globulan. Not ideal if training with weights. The video is here FYI: I feel that his solution to use Ahi flower oil is just him being a shill for his own products. Have you or Dr Greger heard about this effect on testosterone.
    Should I remove flax and just replace it by increasing the chia so I keep the benefits of the lignans, and should I start adding an algae capsule daily to be sure I'm getting my omega 3:6 ratio right?

  8. Algae-based DHA/EPA oils are not completely free from pollution thing. It may be  loaded with  heavy metals and other pollutants because   it is raised in sea water

  9. EPA/DHA
    Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are often
    cited as being the beneficial components of fish oil, yet they actually
    originate in algae (mainly DHA).

  10. I need help on this because whenever I eat seeds like flaxseed grounded or any other I get acne on forehead. please help me :S

  11. Which flax seed type and brand are recommended by Dr. Greger and/or Emily…is there a raw vegan one, and is it golden or brown flax seeds made into powder/flour?

  12. You may have done this, already, if so a link would be helpful, but I'd really love to see a video of "what I ate today". The fridge full of Romaine is awesome, but how do you prepare it, and what else do you add to it, etc. Thx! 🌱

  13. In a prior lecture, Dr Gregor mentioned ground flax as the optimal source of Omega. He never mentioned algae in that video.

  14. Talked to a doctor who eats meat the other day, turns out they were B12 deficient as well. Its because of absorption, more thank likely if you don't maintain a balance in your alkalinity then you will not absorb nutrients good enough. Maintain a balanced PH.

  15. Gracias por toda la información que compartes, soy nueva por aquí. Aunque creo que ya no grabas videos, de todas formas tus archivos serán bien utilizados por muchas personas y rodarán por todo el mundo. Muchas muchas gracias 🙂

  16. 5:23 sunflower oil is clearly not good for you Dr Greger says here and yet it (or another omega 6 oil) is found in all or nearly all vegan omega 3 dha supplements. Maybe it's needed for some reason to manufacture the gel caps but doesn't that defeat the purpose of lowering omega6 to omega 3 ratio? Isn't there another oil that could be used instead of sunflower oil ie flaxseed oil or chia seed oil if there is such a thing? The other ingredients I find dubious in many other vegan omega 3 dha supplements: carrageenan , caramel color, silica, silicon dioxide. Opti3 goes so far as to use the term helianthus annuus oil which really is sunflower oil which I makes me wonder what else they may not be straightforward about … but that's just my inquiring mind.

  17. Soo do u take an algae oil supplement? Because the conversion of ALA into DHA is very small I think i read somewhere that it was like 5%

  18. Juice Plus+ has cut out the middle fish with a vegan omega fatty acid blend. It has omega 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 from algal oil, sea buckthorn, pomegrante seed oil, raspberry seed oil, tomato seed oil and safflower.

  19. Its a good idea to take a vegan omega 3 supplement, when I went vegan at first I felt great, and I was taking 4 tablespoons of ground flax every day for my omega 3, but several months down the road I had severe stress and depression, so I bought vegan omega 3, and as soon as I took the dose within hours my stress and depression went away, and I was feeling mentally great, some people just cant convert ALA to DHA., even young people like me, at 22.

  20. It says Cronometer is for calorie-reduced diets. Is there a tracker for regular vegan diets to make sure a person is getting all the essential nutrients?

  21. The omega 6 to omega 3 ratio in plants is often misrepresented.
    Canola oil is a 1:2 ratio. However, keep in mind that the EPA is converted from ALA in a ratio of 1:20. To get 1 gram of EPA, one needs 20 grams of ALA. So the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of canola oil is more like 8:1. NOT IDEAL

  22. Omega-3s in the form of ALA is not useable in the human body, our body needs to convert the ALA into EPA and DHA. Only 10% of the ALA we consumed gets converted to EPA or DHA and the figure gets even lesser as we age (the reason why old people are frequently omega-3 deficient especially if they count on plant base omega-3). In order to get 500mg of EPA or DHA a person will need to eat at least 5g of ALA which equals to about an ounce or 2tbs of chia seeds per day. I consider myself 80% vegan, but 2tbs of chia seed is quite an amount to consume on a daily basis.

  23. Nice work Emily👍 Just random search here and found this 'nugget' ha.; huge fan of Dr. Michael Greger. In my late 50s and I've been plant based for over two yrs or close to 3 now. I study this every day for a couple years as you can imagine the shock I got of what I've learned abt Standard America Diet (very SAD). This was good info! You're awesome! Love the humor! Hats off to honest health advocates saving animals, saving the planet and saving their lives and most importantly for me, is to help avoid burdening my two daughters or my sibs in the future when I can actually prevent some, if not all, of those ugly hospital-hell-stays and BigPharma, today! Thank you! -Michael Eldon Lobsinger

  24. my take here based on what is discussed we should only worry about 250mg/day of preformed long chain dha to help with brain and don't need to worry about preformed long chain epa as the studies have not proven it actually improves heart health / prevents cardiovascular disease. is that right?

  25. I love the Dr. In the hat! Is it to thwart the nay-sayers who think he looks old because he has hair loss and lack of showy muscles? Maybe the hat and a black turtleneck would give him a look more attractive to the seekers of aesthetic instead of the drab and boring suit and tie. Or better yet, a Tai chi outfit! But then,I digress,maybe it's just that his head is cold.

  26. I've been a vegan since i was 17 or 18 I'm now 58,I never get sick I take flaxseeds& flaxseed oil, hemp seeds, chia seeds, spirulina, Moringa, chlorella etc. I do take a vit d sup as we don't get much sun in this town i live in. Plus i do take a Vitamin B supp 3x a week, I also eat lots of microgreens but i'm not a big fan of wheatgrass,I used to drink it.I make my milk from coconuts.I meditate a lot.I also take Haritaki powder every night.I fast every Sunday and every night from 7pm til noon the next day. my kid's throats were raised vegans but eventually, 2 of them started eating meat, My husband ate meat but he passed away.I hate people knowing I'm a vegan I cop so much crap 4 it. But for me it's my way of life

  27. If I ever start eating animal products that means my brain has been hijacked by some entity, likely a government/ag corporation entity. Take me, tie me up and torture the demon out of me. I’ve been literally possessed.

  28. I never get tired of watching your videos. You are Smart, compassionate, funny and awesome.🌱🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️

  29. 3 Wallnuts a day is enough for healthy omega 3 intake. No fish have to die. No microplastic from the ocean. No disease caused by fats and hormones. It's so simple.

  30. The general consensus is processed oils are bad, so what about algae oil and other oil supplements like hemp, borage, etc.? Cause I have a hemp tincture and algea oil pills. Thanks.

  31. Some "experts" claim that omega – 6 is as healthy as omega – 3.

    Some guy featured on Peter Attia's podcast made that claim and said the need to balance them is a misconception.

  32. But what about the terribly high omega 6:3 ratio in most nuts and seeds? Are we advised to cut pistachios, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds from our diet?? These are such great sources of nutrition otherwise. Anyone have a good answer? Dr. G only seems to go after processed foods but many nuts and seeds have ratios that are also off the charts.

  33. I hate doctors. They never take you serious and wont ever want to do blood tests, even if you know something is wrong with you. And if they do a blood test, it is totally the wrong one, just testing for nonsense things, which totally give no clue for anything.

  34. Can you tell me if the 250mg is for kids and adults? And as I understand it it would be best for us to be on a supplement? We eat hemp a little flax, nuts and seeds, cacao too 😊 love your channel!

  35. Love that intro 😊
    Great information, thanks. I'd love to hear some examples of how much ground flax, chia, walnuts or hemp to consume daily because there's so much misinformation about the ratios. And about that scalping thing, you've been watching Inglorious Bastards recently haven't you 😆😝

  36. Following Dr Greger's advice, I've been consuming flax seeds for almost 8 years, but this is the first time I bought vegan omega 3 because I'm almost 40 years old and as Greger said, is a good idea to take omega 3 supplements as we age.

  37. Thank you, Mrs. Emily Moran Barwick, for sharing this content. Once you started to explain everything so clear, then suddenly Dr. Greger appears and flashes away all my concerns about Omega-3. And when following that link on Cronometer site u provided, just made me in tears. I've been looking for a resource like this a long ago, even was wondering how come humans didn't create this vital food calculator yet. After 6 harsh months of following meatless/vegetarian diet, this is just a wood stick held to one who's falling into the abyss. Thank you, Mrs. Emily Moran Barwick. Thank you from Herson, Ukraine

  38. I've been eating hemp seeds walnuts flax, chia pumpkin daily for about a year. My ratio was still 20:1. Going to check out the chronometer. Thank you

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