Come prevenire l'ipertensione con la dieta

L'ipertensione, il principale fattore di rischio killer al mondo, può essere eliminata con una dieta sufficientemente sana.

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Questo è un video atteso da tempo. Lo svantaggio di me che mi limito a coprire qualsiasi cosa emerga in letteratura è che alcuni argomenti davvero fondamentali potrebbero non ottenere una copertura immediata.

Avere una pressione sanguigna “normale” può predisporre a morire per cause “normali” come infarti e ictus. Per ulteriori informazioni su questo concetto, vedere When Low Risk Means High Risk ( È come avere un normale livello di colesterolo. Vedi Livello ottimale di colesterolo (<br/> Quindi sembra che la pressione alta sia una scelta. Come carie o malattie cardiache: Cavità e coronarie: la nostra scelta (

Anche l'ipertensione maligna allo stadio terminale può essere invertita con la dieta (dimostrando così che era la dieta e non altri fattori dello stile di vita a proteggere popolazioni vegetali tradizionali). Vedi Kempner Rice Diet: Whipping Us Into Shape (

I semi di lino, il tè all'ibisco, i cereali integrali e le verdure ricche di nitrati possono offrire una protezione aggiuntiva:
• Semi di lino per l'ipertensione (
• Tè all'ibisco contro diete a base vegetale per l'ipertensione ( -vs-diete-a-base-vegetale-per-l-ipertensione/)
• I cereali integrali possono funzionare bene quanto i farmaci (
• I cuori non dovrebbero saltare una barbabietola ( /)

Perché non prendere semplicemente le droghe? Vedere l'effettivo vantaggio della dieta rispetto ai farmaci ( -Droghe) e Perché la prevenzione vale una tonnellata di cure ( /video/Perché-la-prevenzione-vale-una-tonnellata-di-cura).

Hai una domanda per Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su con-dieta e cercherà di rispondere!

Immagine di credito: Shanta Rohse via Flickr.
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#pressione sanguigna #hownottodie #drgreger

37 Risposte a “Come prevenire l'ipertensione con la dieta”

  1. "there is no safe cholesterol level above 150…" Wow. Putting aside Dr. Greger's "we all for vegan for life" recommendations, imagine what the statin drug makers would do if that was the consensus. Heck, I'm surprised they haven't quoted him verbatim by now.

  2. I'll never understand why people would rather take medication than just change their diet.  With all of the side affects of drugs, it seems a change in diet is the safest and smartest choice to make… but people just gotta have their meat, right?

  3. high blood pressure is a must if some of the artillery get narrow. there is no point reducing the blood pressure. first you must clear the blockage..

  4. Without a doubt, hypertension is a problem making your life miserable. Guess you'd tried everything you could but your situation doesn't seem to show any improvement.

  5. Actually, high blood pressure is a result from your body's immune system insufficiency. Thus, to eradicate hypertension, you should repair your body's defense mechanism first.

  6. While I don't doubt the results of the study, the effect of genetics is rarely considered in any of these dietary and health research projects. It would be interesting to see genetics incorporated as a variable that influences the outcomes.

  7. Encouraging!! I was put on BP meds 7 years ago, got told it was due to menopause and genetics. I switched to a Plant Based Diet two months ago. I hope I see an improvement over the next four months.

  8. What about hypotension (lower blood pressure) though? i got hypotension and it made me aching my body, very sharp chro nicheadache, nausea, fever, goosebumps. i mean, if you said blood pressure is normal when it's going down to 70, I'm at 100 and its already unpleasant that much. Can you please answer this, Doctor? Very much appreciated

  9. I see lots of people keep on talking about Hybetez Remedy (just search it on google). But Im uncertain if it is good. Have you ever tried using this popular diabetes home remedy?

  10. Anybody tested out the Hybetez Remedy (just
    search it on google)? I have noticed numerous awesome things about this
    popular diabetes treatment.

  11. It seems this kind of information should be at the center of the healthcare discussion in America. I believe I read that America's healthcare expenditure is in excess of 3 trillion dollars! Just imagine the lives that could be saved and the good work that could get done if we were to recover a quarter of that amount. Just imagine the positive outcomes of educating our people on the best dietary strategies and inoculating them against the lies of big pharma and the "food" industry..

  12. “Zοtοsο yuku” (G00GLE it) is on the list of prime ways of solving blood pressure level. It is written in clear and understandable language and it is simple to follow. I strongly suggest this book for anyone wishing to lower his or her blood pressure level. My blood returned to the normal 120/80 right after pursuing the advices on the program.

  13. This blood pressure solution “Zοtοsο yuku” (G00GLE it) really works. I have tried other products with minimum results. I`m glad I found this because it actually works. After a couple of weeks, my blood pressure level has retained the 145/90 line. With Perfect Pressure its now running at 120/70.

  14. I am so frustrated how no one seems to want to listen to this message. I just read a doctor sharing a story on Facebook how happy she is she managed to lower a patient's blood pressure with drugs… but she is just changing a symptom, the arteries are still clogged. I want to tell her she should change her diet, but I know from experience everyone tells me there is no connection and that I'm exaggerating and that I look anorexic and behave orthorexic and why should anyone listen to me? I hope one day people will listen to people like you, Greger.

  15. Ever since I was Twenty six years old, I had been already suffering from high blood pressure and I required to take medicine. This is the first blood pressure solution “nο†οvα yuku” (G00GLE it) which has ever actually worked to lessen my pressure by natural means. Right after following the advice of this author, in just one month I only need to take half my medications.

  16. This is among the finest blood pressure solution I have read “nο†οvα yuku” (G00GLE it). Simple language is used to write it, meaning it`s easy to fully understand and do. Individuals with hypertension can have this book that I advise for coping with this problem. I dropped my blood pressure below 120/80 following this plan.

  17. Awesome series on high blood pressure. Thank you for sharing this wonderful teaching series.👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👏👏👍🏽

  18. I bεgυn fοllοwing this hypεrtεnsiοn sοlutiοn "Sοyutο Weebly" (Gοοɢιε it) rεcεntly αnd αlsο hαvε αlrεαdy fοund αn οptimistic diffεrεncε in my blοοd prεssυrε! It hαs stαbilizεd my blοοd prεssurε, nο qυεstiοn αbουt thαt. I hαvε nοticεd sεriουs dεvεlοpmεnt in jυst TWεNTY dαys οf using this strαtεgy. αftεr Twεnty fivε dαys αnd nights my prεssυrε is nοrmαl (fοr mε) 120/55..

  19. I hαvε prεviουsly hαd hεαrt prοblεms & tαking mεdicinεs frοm thε timε thαt I wαs Twεnty six yrs . οld. οf αll οf thε αltεrnαtivε I’vε triεd οut, "Sοyutο Weebly" (Gοοɢιε it) cοuld bε thε οnε thαt hαs shοwn tο wοrk with my blοοd prεssurε. Within α mοnth οf sticking with thε tips in thε guidε, thεrε wαsn`t αny kind οf nεεd fοr mε tο tαkε αll οf my drυgs..

  20. As expert, I do think Hybetez Remedy is actually good way to cleanse your high blood pressure issue inherently . Why don't you give it a shot? perhaps it will work for you too.

  21. I'm vegan for 10 years… Was on semi vegan diet most of my life…no cholesterol,LDL,good calcium in arteries….etc why my blood pressure is high in winter and in cold weather's? 😕

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