Come trattare il jet lag con cibi ricchi di melatonina

Potrebbe esserci un modo per ottenere i benefici degli integratori di melatonina da banco senza correre rischi.

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Questo è l'ultimo di una serie di 3 video su jet lag e melatonina. Se ti sei perso i primi due, dai un'occhiata a Come trattare il jet lag con la luce ( light) e gli integratori di melatonina sono sicuri? (<br/>
Altri video divertenti qui:
• Pistacchi per la disfunzione erettile ( /pistacchio-per-disfunzione-erettile/)
• Le noci possono aiutare a prevenire la morte (
• Quale noce combatte meglio il cancro? (

AGGIORNAMENTO: I numeri dei pistacchi ti sembrano un po' troppo belli per essere veri? Possono essere. È stata sollevata un'espressione di preoccupazione in merito ai dati sui pistacchi ( Punta di cappello agli occhi d'aquila del volontario della NF Brett Chrest e del fantastico sito Web di Retraction Watch.

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88 Risposte a “Come trattare il jet lag con cibi ricchi di melatonina”

  1. Thank you 🙏 so much for sharing this wonderful teaching information video 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽❤️❤️❤️

  2. WOW! Non detectible amounts of melatonin in Cherry Juice? Is there any distinction between Tart Cherry and regular Cherry Juice. Because there has been quite the marketing campaign stating the exact opposite. I see commercials boasting that Tart Cherry choice will boast your melatonin intact and from some like me I will try whatever it takes to have normal sleep patterns again. How is that legal?

  3. This is such great news since I eat them every day. I was drinking tart cherry juice because it does help me sleep but now since you've exposed the juice, it's Pistachios at bedtime:) Thanks, Dr. G!

  4. hi there dr greger or anyone who may be able to help, my friend has just been diagnosed with testicular cancer what are some good supplements or foods that will help this condition please?

  5. Look Doc- The name of your channel is Nutrition "Facts", so I really have to say something about this and the last video you posted about melatonin. It is true that there are companies that are putting out melatonin supplements that could be potentially dangerous, but there are responsible companies out there as well like Kirkman Labs who test their products. My child has autism and melatonin is absolutely necessary for her to be able to fall asleep. Period! And she is not alone. There is a whole community of disabled that need this supplement to get to sleep. My problem with the paper you commented on last time isn't with what they found- it's with their conclusion. They linked melatonin to the L-Tryptophan contamination outbreak because they have a similar molecular structure. That outbreak was due to irresponsible genetic modification of toxic producing bacteria strains that created the L-Tryptophan by Showa Denko. If producing melatonin might be dangerous because it's like L-Tryptophan, then what about all the companies that produce L-Tryptophan as a supplement?- Better take protein shakes off the market because they have L-Tryptophan. What about soymilk from whole soybeans? Better take that off the market as well because it has L-Tryptophan. This thinking is ridiculous, but so is the conclusion that you last reported on. People take your word as bible and you scared people with that last video. Then to follow it with pistachios "MAY" be a food substitute… no doc… not good enough!
    Here is a PubMed published paper that talks about it:
    A man by the name of William Crist wrote a series of articles on the subject. If you are interested, you can find them here:

  6. Pistachios ar my favourite nuts, I eat 500g a week sometimes 🙂 I never have trouble sleeping. I just have one question, does the roasting effect the melatonin content ?

  7. Hold on. Before I watch this video… please please please let the conclusion be to eat a handful of pistachios before bed 😍

  8. idk but
    ive binge eaten all kinds of nuts (cuz vegan diet aint very satisfying yo)
    among them of course also pistachios
    but i never noticed them making me tired any more than other nuts
    and my body is a true pussy, i notice a lot of things ;x

  9. Whenever we eat, we get a rise of blood glucose (even if it is a low-glycemic index food), and then we got insulin in the blood. The thing is that insulin mess up with the melatonin. This indicates that for jet lag is best to fast for some days, and then eat in regular times in you destination through out the days.

  10. To those who have been asking on roasted pistachios, it may depend on the time of exposure and heat. Melatonin is heat stable up to 117°C, so we could assume it will be rendered useless by roasting in many cases.
    Regarding the timing of consumption, that may be hard to determine and I doubt anybody will be able to talk about it with certainty. At least it seems improbable you'd find out how long it takes to break down the pistachios and metabolize the melatonin (UNLESS you put it to the test…!).
    Just my view on it, peace😀

  11. Dr. Greger, I was wondering if you could put together a small video on vapeing vs smoking and maybe the effects vaping has on the human body compared to smoking, which is less killer? I know that you’ll probably just tell me to stop any nicotine, but I’m curious!(: rereading how not to die and LOVING IT you’re a genius!

  12. Hmm…at the end he almost seems to be warning against taking a handful of pistachios as if that is too much melatonin.

  13. Just 2 ? I just ate around 50 raw pistachios and im still going. This video is bs otherwise i will have melatonin overdose and its side effects but guess what? It will just be like any other normal day. You cant compare pistachios to melatonin supplement

  14. I suffered from chronic and severe insomnia before I went vegan… It did not take me very long after switching to feel as though my insomnia completely gone! I still have a hectic work schedule which shambles any circadian rhythm, however I am able to sleep much quicker & better when the time comes to sleep than I was able to before going vegan.

    That said my body is prolly weird but I don't have any trouble staying up when I binge on pistatios

  15. I've come to rely on Dr. Greger and the team at NF over the last 6 months as I've been transitioning to a WFPB diet.
    This video and the fact that NF hasn't taken it down in the face of its obvious false claims is disconcerting and disheartening.
    Greger's study is linked here:
    Doubts about the Iranian pistachio results here: It's actually more than doubts, this is a debunking.
    I wish NF would be completely determined to use only the highest-quality peer-reviewed studies (I thought they were).

  16. No, pistachio do not contain melatonin because it is an animal hormone produced mainly by the pineal gland. Vegetables do not even produce this type of hormone.

    What pistachio holds is a high protein content, even among other oilseeds and comparable only to peanuts. To get an idea in 100g of pistachio there are at least 21g of protein, and it has many branched chain amino acids (the famous BCAA). In fact, among the amino acids in their composition is tryptophan, the precursor of melatonin. But that does not mean that the consumption of pistachio itself favors higher endogenous melatonin production, since the synthesis of this hormone is stimulated by the darkness and lower photoperiodism that each person exposes himself to.

    So it is important to keep in mind that the only source of melatonin itself is animal products, since all the others actually only provide their precursor: tryptophan.

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