Condimento per baritono – Un ottimo condimento per l'insalata!

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39 Risposte a “Condimento per baritono – Un ottimo condimento per l'insalata!”

  1. interesting about miso not affecting blood pressure. i wonder why, because miso is made with salt. maybe it's like with cinnamon helping with blood sugar spikes.

  2. Ann made no comment about the dressing. LOL. I'm not convinced she liked it. Maybe too salty/fatty for her taste.

  3. Well your world has a wonderful salt-free, oil-free sriracha! Also many other compliant products are available at their website!

  4. A Baritone is the male voice between tenor (high) and bass (low). It's my favorite male voice part, rich and mellow. Listen to some Thomas Hampson!

  5. Miso and soy sauce are high salt, don't kid yourself that it magically doesn't raise blood pressure–it does. High salt and maple syrup sugar is not healthy.

  6. The OXO Good Grips Salad Dressing Shaker was a game changer for making salad dressings like this. Everything goes in there and you can shake the bejesus out of it to emulsify everything. Bonus, no dirty bowl, you can pour out of it, it stores well in the fridge, and cleans up in the dishwasher.

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