Convincere i medici ad abbracciare la medicina dello stile di vita

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DESCRIZIONE: Un editoriale del direttore del Centro di ricerca sulla prevenzione di Yale per dare un volto alla tragedia di milioni di persone che soffrono e muoiono a causa di malattie croniche che potrebbero essere prevenute, curate e invertite se i medici ispirassero cambiamenti nello stile di vita dei loro pazienti.

Cosa pubblicò Ornish 23 anni fa ? Guarda il nostro killer numero uno che può essere fermato (<br/> Penso di aver profilato solo un altro editoriale (Convergence of Evidence di Ornish,, ma questa mi ha colpito molto (tanto che l'ho usata per chiudere la mia ultima presentazione dal vivo Più di una mela al giorno: combattere le malattie comuni, malattie-più-comuni/).

Perché non ci sono più medici che praticano la medicina dello stile di vita? Due teorie sono offerte in The Tomato Effect ( e Lifestyle Medicina: trattare le cause della malattia (
Per ulteriori informazioni sul potere delle nostre scelte quotidiane, vedere:
• Carie e coronarie: la nostra scelta ( -coronaries-our-choice)
• Dieta F-Word del Dr. Burkitt ( • Uno su mille: porre fine al cuore Epidemia di malattia (
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Crediti immagine: Regina Holliday via flickr.
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24 Risposte a “Convincere i medici ad abbracciare la medicina dello stile di vita”

  1. Our main causes of disease are chemtrails, microwave technology, poisons in our water and fake foods, and lets not forget vaccines!  The system runs on destroying lives and our environment for profit.

  2.  I was 380lbs  on 2 meds and my Doctor would tell me I am not a big weight guy I can keep u alive on Meds, So 1 day I decided to go on a plant based diet and lost 75 pounds in 3 months and came off all meds and my doctor was in amazement . After i got down to 250lbs he says Its amazing I never saw these results with out surgery. LIVE FOOD AND PLANTS

  3. Our silent surgeon general should take your advice.
    She has the pulpit to make this message heard if she wants to.
    But she's been a big nothing since president obama appointed her.
    For heaven's sake, why is she in that role if she's not going to do anything?
    She should be ashamed for wasting a position where another could do so much good.

  4. Lifestyle medicine is not profitable. It's also not only the doctor's fault, as many patients will not take advice related to improving their lifestyle seriously and would still demand a 'magic pill' that would cure them. Fortunately, all of this is changing little-by-little thanks to the internet. The flip-side is that if everyone got healthy the earth would become even more over-populated, leading to an even more toxic air/water, which would ultimately make us less healthy. So, at the end things aren't so black/white.

  5. Is this the same dr. that gave a presentation about the dismal results of the Gerson whole, clean foods treatment for chronic disease?  Chemo patients faired better?  A doctor with an agenda?  Everyone who wants to beat up  Dr. Gersons approach to healing needs to reexamine it and what the science is pointing to.

  6. The truly sad part is that will never happen under our current system because there is no money in it. As far as our “health care” system is concerned it is pretty simple: there is no money in healthy people and there is no money is dead people but there is tons of money in between. Our health care system has nothing to do with health. The bottom line is be your own health advocate. Research and educate yourself and you will be better for it.

  7. Oy!
    What a mine field. Ok, fine; we try to get docs to do prevent med. But for pat's beyond that? Aren't we talking Addiction? No 1 will argue abt tobacco; but FOOD?! Pushback will start w/"Fat Shaming" (actually that's already a thing) & devolve from there: Nanny State, Elitist, etc. (tune in2 Fox 4 more pandering). We shall see…

  8. I'm a doctor in the UK and I am all for lifestyle medicine. In fact, I tell my patients about the dangers of the western diet constantly. Most people don't want to listen and would rather eat their burgers and steaks if there's a pill they can take after. I won't give up on the idea though. Also, working in a non-private system, I'd much rather patients stopped taking meds and never came to hospital again.

  9. I have a lot of friends and family who I've tried to convince to go vegan, to no avail.  It's like a brick wall.  Until someone's ready, it ain't gonna happen, no matter how much you try.

  10. Lost so many people.  Even if I had known what I know now, (thanks in large part to Dr. Gregor) I don't know if I could have helped change things.  So many people think their regular GP's can actually help them.  Very sad.

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