Rispondere alle tue domande sui vegani + reagire alle cose

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Natale sta arrivando e anche tutte le strane situazioni familiari con veganismo quindi fammi qualche domanda e ti aiuterò
👕 | Prendi alcune fantastiche magliette vegane e merchandising nel negozio: https://davidramms.com/
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🙏 | Scarica Abillion per raccogliere fondi per beneficenza sugli animali (usa il codice di riferimento DAVIDRAMMS): https://abillion.onelink.me/380TD/abamb 🌱 | Ottieni un supporto vegano GRATUITO da Challenge 30: https://bit.ly/getveganhelp

—— ——-Video e risorse per conoscere il veganismo————- Dominion : https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko Terra Of Hope And Glory (Regno Unito): https://youtu.be/dvtVkNofcq8
Unholy Cattle (India): https://youtu.be/30bCIsh3oh8 Compspirazione: https://youtu.be/dSjE8xw_-Dg I rivoluzionari (Netflix ) Forchette sopra coltelli (Netflix) Risorse nutrizionali: https://nutritionfacts.org/

#livestream #vegan #davidramms

17 Risposte a “Rispondere alle tue domande sui vegani + reagire alle cose”

  1. I’m so very sick right now. It sucks! So does this dumb ass! She has access to vegan chefs and plant based nutritionists. Don’t even get me started with Miley the traitor! She had to go on Joe Rogan! Her “brain fog” was drugs! Ok? Veganism isn’t a diet! Plant based is. Tip: beans, tortillas, rice, tofu you can buy EVERYWHERE! She needs to stuff it!

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