Cuore d'oro: curcuma contro esercizio

Dieta ed esercizio si sinergizzano per migliorare la funzione endoteliale, la capacità delle nostre arterie di rilassarsi normalmente.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Questo è un video di follow-up di Curcumina curcuma vs. Esercizio per la funzione delle arterie (

La disfunzione endoteliale è al centro (gioco di parole 🙂 di molte delle nostre malattie più mortali. Impegnarsi ( a salvare le cellule endoteliali e dare un'occhiata ad alcuni di questi altri video sugli effetti di cibo sulla nostra funzione endoteliale: <br/> • Funzione caffè e arteria ( function/)
• Noci e funzione dell'arteria ( /funzione-noci-e-arteria/)
• Cioccolato fondente e funzione arteria (
• Uova e funzione arteriosa (
• Il Potenza di NO (
• In che modo la carne provoca infiammazione? (é-carne- cause-infiammazione/)

Per ulteriori informazioni sul concetto di sinergia dei nutrienti, vedere Garden Variety Anti-Inflammation ( e Cranberries versus Cancer (

Indipendentemente da ciò che fai o non mangi, l'esercizio è fondamentale:
Difendi la tua salute (
• Quanto esercizio per sostenere la perdita di peso ( -sostenere-perdita di peso/)

• Vita più lunga a pochi passi ( fe-in-walking-distanza/)
• Esercizio vs. farmaci per la depressione (

Devo avere già dozzine di video sulla curcuma, ma eccone alcuni per iniziare:
• Curcumina e artrosi della curcuma (
• Chi non dovrebbe consumare curcumina o curcuma? (
• Curcuma Curcumina e Cancro al Colon (

Hanno una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -curcuma-vs-esercizio e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Andreas Fischer via 57rf. Le immagini sono state modificate.
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90 Risposte a “Cuore d'oro: curcuma contro esercizio”

  1. Dr. Greger – how much Turmeric Curcumin?  I take a daily supplement of 1000 mg with food.  I had purchased the spice, but I did not care for the taste.

  2. Reply to Karl Mingus, one teaspoon turmeric (quoted by Dr G) is equiv to 2g, so that's 2000 mg. From quick google search, so don't quote me! :O)

  3. Always so interesting! I knew tumeric is good but not that much! From now on I won't feel guilty in my lazy days.. I'll eat tumeric 😉

  4. no channel had convinced me to consider veganism as much as this channel has , , had dramatically decreased the amount of animal products  and increased my  fruits and vegetables intake ,  dont know when im gonna make the final decision  as meat consumption  runs strong in my culture.

  5. Great, I consume quite a bit of turmeric (in combination with black pepper) and I like to run and ride my bike. But is there a limit? I am doing stuff like 35km runs or 150km bike rides…

  6. Gotta get a bicycle or I'll die!  Literally!  In the meantime, I will eat more vegan curries. : ) Thanks for posting, Doc.

  7. Damn.. Turmeric has even made Garlic look bad with all these new studies lately.
    I mean have you ever noticed an Indian or someone who eats turmeric/curry most days of the week get cancer?

  8. All of that was already exposed in another video.
    But it was not specific to menopaused women. That's a very specific target, and that do worry me a lot : scientists often try like that to generalise very specific/occasional situations, knowing it won't do but doing it intendendly (with or without money at key).

  9. I take turmeric in different ways. Because turmeric is so strong (earthy flavor), I like to mask the taste to receive the health benefits. I expect just flavoring food with turmeric to not be enough.  I blend in a 1 inch fresh turmeric cube with a green smoothie and that comes out well.  For powder, I take a 1 tablespoon shot. Definitely get fresh powder/root because there is noticeable taste difference!

  10. Calcium does not help in strengthening bones if it is not combined with exercise. Ask the astronauts. Turmeric or other drugs do not help you carry your TV up the stairs. But exercise does.

  11. Why is it that exertion in terms of exercise is "good" whereas exertion in terms of impaired endothelium is "bad"? Is it because the heart gets a break in terms of exertion in exercise, but not with the exertion in terms of impaired endothelium?

  12. Why cant this guy talk like normal people! Altho his channel has mostly good info (other than typical vegan propaganda) this man's voice and speech is fucking annoying.

  13. Does anyone know a easy way to take it? Like a pill? I heard it needs to be taken with pepper to help your body absorb it?

  14. I drink golden milk – whole fat cows milk, freshly cracked black pepper, powdered turmeric, and organic coconut oil almost ever day as I want not a stroke. Sorry, no exercise at all.

  15. You should make a video about corydalis yanhusuo, I'm very interested in its pain relieving benefits because I tore my acl two meniscii and crushed my lumbar disc (l4-l5.) I think there were some studies about a constituent of it called THP (Tetrahydropalmatine) I have some but am afraid to use it because I've found nothing but pseudoscience and first hand experiences and like to be fully educated with anything I supplement my diet with. ANY INFORMATION about THP or corydalis would be awesome! Great video about turmeric I learned alot from this!

  16. The reason turmeric lessens proteinuria is that it mitigates endothelial hyperpermeability — e.g., Journal of Molecular Neuroscience
    October 2013, Volume 51, Issue 2, pp 344–351 | Cite as
    Curcumin Ameliorates the Permeability of the Blood–Brain Barrier During Hypoxia by Upregulating Heme Oxygenase-1 Expression in Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells – BUT if taken with pepper in people with salicylate sensitivity, endothelial permeability can be increased.

  17. So is he saying aerobic exercise is the same effect as anaerobic for heart health? The experiment was done on bikes. Running is better.

  18. Been using curcumin for almost 3yrs, been working out consistently for 25yrs, not vegan though. Balanced diet is the key imo.

  19. This is why I only shop @ Natural Grocers… I went Vegan almost 4 years ago & I'm now 80 years old… if I can adopt a WFPB diet … anybody can. Good luck to all & TY Dr. Greger & his cohorts!

  20. Watch out for powdered turmeric, lead chromate is often added to enhance
    the color, and to add weight, as it is sold by weight. Fresh turmeric
    should be ok.

  21. Thank you for all of the time and care you’ve put in making these videos accessible and well researched.

    The least I can do is purchase many copies of your books and hand them out to loved ones.

    Keep fighting the good fight!

  22. Bullshit video. Comparing Curcuma and Curcumin doesnt CUT it. Curcumin is almost no absorbed by the body and requires a huge amount to show effect.
    Curcuma contains so little curcumin and considering the low absorption you need to consume tens of grams to see some effect.
    UNLESS its not the curcumin that does the trick.

  23. "the religion builders have so distorted and deformed the doctrines of Jesus, so muffled them in mysticisms, fancies and falsehoods, have caricatured them into forms so inconceivable, as to shock reasonable thinkers…. Happy in the prospect of a restoration of primitive Christianity, I must leave to younger persons to encounter and lop off the false branches which have been engrafted into it by the mythologies of the middle ages"

    ~ Thomas Jefferson (Jefferson's Complete Works, vol 7, pp 210, 257)

    Jefferson wasn't a Protestant. Protestantism was just an offshoot of the abuses of Catholicism. Jefferson wasn't looking to "protest" the Catholic Church, he was looking for a complete restoration of Christ's primitive church – aka he was in essence, the very first Latter Day Saint.

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