Curcuma o curcumina: piante contro pillole

La curcuma priva di curcumina, dalla quale è stato rimosso il cosiddetto principio attivo, può essere altrettanto efficace o anche più potente.

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Questa è una vera confutazione al riduzionismo. Guarda il mio recente video su questa filosofia nutrizionale imperfetta: Riduzionismo e Deficiency Mentality (

Video simili in questo senso includono:
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• Risposta del settore alle piante non alle pillole ( -to-piante-non-pillole/)

Altro su curcuma e cancro:
• Ritorno alle nostre radici: curry e cancro ( )
• Effetti cancerogeni bloccanti della curcuma ( /video/effetti-cancerogeno-bloccanti-della-curcuma/)
• Curcuma Curcumina Riprogrammazione della morte delle cellule tumorali (
• Curcuma Curcumina e Cancro al Colon ( ric-curcumina-and-colon-cancer/)
• Applicazione topica della curcumina curcuma per il cancro (
• Curcumina curcuma, MGUS e mieloma multiplo ( mieloma multiplo)
• Combattere il lupus con la curcuma: buono come l'oro (

E altro ancora sulla curcuma e quant'altro:
• Curcuma Curcumina e Artrite Reumatoide (
• Curcumina curcuma e osteoartrite (
• Aumentare la biodisponibilità della curcumina (
• Chi non dovrebbe consumare curcumina o curcuma? (
• Prevenire l'Alzheimer con la curcuma (
• Trattare l'Alzheimer con la curcuma (
• Curcumina curcuma e cancro al pancreas ( /video/curcuma-curcumina-e-cancro-pancreatico)
• Curcumina curcuma vs. esercizio per la funzione arteriosa (
• Cuore d'oro: curcuma contro esercizio (
• Accelerare il recupero dalla chirurgia con Curcuma (

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86 Risposte a “Curcuma o curcumina: piante contro pillole”

  1. Why ignore all of the positive studies on curcumin? For example, Meriva curcumin at 2 grams a day helped patients with arthritis improve mobility. And there are numerous studies highlighting benefits of curcumin on Pubmed. The whole spice may be better than straight curcumin, but an extract certainly has benefits.

  2. Almost all of the South Indian recipes contain turmeric. I used to skip adding it to my recipes because I thought it did not add any value to the dish other than Colour. Boy, was i wrong! Ever since I read about the benefits of turmeric I specifically Ensure it is added to every South Indian dish I make.

  3. absolutely. i successfully used dried turmeric and a little black pepper to drastically reduce symptoms of my interstitial cystitis (an inflammatory disorder). 1/4 tsp is not delicious in a glass of water, so i bought some turmeric supplements with black pepper extract. turned out they contained turmeric reduced to mostly curcuminoids. a few days later i reverted to taking the whole powdered spices in water again, because that was far more effective. maybe i will buy some empty capsules and make my own pills!

  4. Tumeric has powerful effects. I tried it and suffered unpleasant side effects. I will not be taking any more tumeric. Here's a list of possible issues you could run into.

    Special Precautions & Warnings (from webmd)
    Pregnancy and breast-feeding

    Gallbladder problems: Turmeric can make gallbladder problems worse. Do not use turmeric if you have gallstones or a bile duct obstruction.

    Bleeding problems: Taking turmeric might slow blood clotting. This might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.

    Diabetes: Curcumin, a chemical in turmeric, might decrease blood sugar in people with diabetes. Use with caution in people with diabetes as it might make blood sugar too low.

    A stomach disorder called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD):
    Hormone-sensitive condition such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Turmeric contains a chemical called curcumin, which might act like the hormone estrogen. In theory, turmeric might make hormone-sensitive conditions worse. However, some research shows that turmeric reduces the effects of estrogen in some hormone-sensitive cancer cells. Therefore, turmeric might have beneficial effects on hormone-sensitive conditions. Until more is known, use cautiously if you have a condition that might be made worse by exposure to hormones.

    Infertility: Turmeric might lower testosterone levels and decrease sperm movement when taken by mouth by men. This might reduce fertility. Turmeric should be used cautiously by people trying to have a baby.

    Iron deficiency: Taking high amounts of turmeric might prevent the absorption of iron. Turmeric should be used with caution in people with iron deficiency.

    Surgery: Turmeric might slow blood clotting. It might cause extra bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using turmeric at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

    So don't just start taking Tumeric willy nilly like I did after watching one of Dr Greger's videos. Due diligence is required and Dr. Greger doesn't give all the facts.

  5. I usually add about a 2 teaspoons of tumeric to my veggie shake every morning with a pinch of black pepper.
    Is this an adequate amount??

  6. I expected this video to be showing that Turmeric is much better than Curcumin, but it should have been mentioned that the only study we have about their benefits for Ulcerative Colitis is with Curcumin, not Turmeric. Dr. Greger just did a video on this. I think it would have been a good idea to mention it at the end.

  7. Whole not part, that's why the exist as whole in nature. I use numeric everyday now thanks to Dr Greger's book How Not To Die. It's a brilliant read.

  8. Am I unique in that I hit the like button as soon as the video starts? Even if I completely disagree with the video, the good doc gives so much valuable information, I want to support his work as much as possible.

  9. The other day, I was like you don't improve the quality of a food by processing it, besides maybe curcumin in turmeric….

  10. So…….
    Supplement or eat whole food???
    I would think the supplement could be more concentrated as the water would be removed.
    You would have to eat much more of the whole food to have the same effect, right?
    But you tell me…please.
    This video left me confused.

  11. I understand the whole foods argument but in the case of tumeric I might prefer a suppliment; The taste is awful.


    Curry sucks.

  12. Turmeric is definitely an acquired taste, I didn't grew up with it because my Mom didn't use it in her cooking. I use it on broccoli or cauliflower(along with salt and butter), I also add it to tomato juice along with black pepper, you can't taste it in the juice.

  13. I make a spice bomb every day…flaxseed, fenugreek seeds, and cardamon seeds go into a bullet blender…I blast it into a powder, then I add ground cayenne, turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, and black pepper. Then I chop up fresh garlic and ginger, and put it all into a cup, and add enough water to make a slurry and gulp it down…add more water, swish it around and gulp…repeat until its gone, then I drink another cup of water on top of that. It's like shooting up with the cayenne in there..I'm a hopeless addict…help me.

  14. Just google' turmeric health benefits', you will see various crank companies disguised as health info sites marketing "tincture' curcumen, making grandiose claims that THAT is the only pure, effective source of turmeric………..sad when a helpful herb like that falls into the hands of profit minded types.

  15. isolating constituents of a plant makes it a heckuva lot more lucrative than using it in it's whole form, especially considering how inexpensive a month's worth of daily turmeric is. trying to outdo nature is as futile as it is dangerous and arrogant.

  16. Half a teaspoon of tumeric powder, with pepper or corriander powder or cumin seeds/powder or cinnamon, or other spices in your cooking or shakes, is sufficient.
    Taking a little daily does good (missing a day or two is great), more does not mean better.

  17. The conclusion speaks the the mentality of the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Absurd and clouded thought. Thank you for this information Dr. Greger.

  18. This is amazing, thanks for sharing.
    Not only the medicine, what about all the bunch of nonsense food and drinks in the market? We only need to eat the natural food to be healthier, stronger, happier, wealthier, … instead we are missing all Mother's Nature Gifts.
    God bless.

  19. Cooking vs using the whole root raw? Bioavailability of compounds? Is their a safe dose threshold? I am working out a plan to heal myself but I don't want to over do it. The big C has become a issue in my life.

  20. I recognize that whole turmeric root is more beneficial than curcumin supplements, but the root is so messy. All my knives / countertops in my previous apartment were stained. My teeth were pretty badly stained too. Is there a pill form of turmeric (the whole root – not just the typical curcumin extract)?

  21. as per his usual disengenuous self Gregor declines giving any dosages. Thus, if u eat a gallon of Tumeric/day along with ur 10 gallons of other miscellaneous leaves that u must eat to get the effects described, u will get a proper dose.

  22. I read elsewhere on Dr. Greger's pages you shouldn't consume more than a teaspoon a day of turmeric. Will that be a level teaspoon or a heaped teaspoon?

  23. There's no beneficial studies out the extract curcumin. Curmin is the benefit but Turmeric has low concentrations and low bioavailibilty. Tons of papers. Hes cherry picking.

  24. Is there no one who just puts the powder in capsules, for those of us who are never going to be able to fit it in every day?

  25. Watch out for powdered turmeric, lead chromate is often added to enhance
    the color, and to add weight, as it is sold by weight. Fresh turmeric
    should be ok.

  26. I've tried taking 'turmeric' supplement and nothing worked. Then I stopped, and started taking curcumin supplement (with piperine, the active ingredient in pepper) and it works! That means you're talking nonsense, because here's a proof, to me it's exactly the opposite of what you're saying…

  27. What about the real bioavailability of the turmeric in his fresh/powder form? Most of the studies showed that only a very small percentage of them is absorbed by our stomach. The pills, through various methods, make the turmeric components (mostly curcumin as you said) much more bioavailable to some extent, making it potentially more powerful in REAL humans, rather than the in vitro tests.

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