Curcumina curcuma e cancro al colon

Che ruolo può svolgere la spezia curcuma sia nella prevenzione dei polipi precancerosi che nel trattamento del cancro del colon-retto?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

I bassi tassi di cancro in India possono anche essere correlati al consumo di fitati Fitati per la prevenzione del cancro ( e diete incentrate sulle piante Ritorno alle nostre radici: curry e cancro (<br/>
Ulteriori informazioni sulla curcuma e il cancro negli effetti cancerogeni bloccanti della curcuma ( cancerogeno-blocking-effects-of-curcuma/) e curcuma curcumina riprogrammazione della morte delle cellule tumorali ( /video/curcuma-curcumina-riprogrammazione-cancro-cellula-morte/).

Dato lo scarso assorbimento sistemico della curcuma composti, quali tumori oltre a quello dell'apparato digerente possono essere direttamente colpiti? Guarda il mio prossimo video Applicazione topica della curcuma curcuma per il cancro (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Simon A. Eugster tramite Wikimedia, HollywoodPimp tramite flickr e DAVE Project.
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25 Risposte a “Curcumina curcuma e cancro al colon”

  1. I make a super tasty vegetable bread (kind of like a huge vegetable bhaji) that is packed with turmeric and spices. Simply grate and drain a couple of carrots and courgettes, fry off a red onion and several cloves of garlic until soft. Add 2 tbsp of turmeric and 1 tbsp of cumin to the pan along with the grated veg. Give it a good stir. Make up a thick batter with chickpea flour, olive oil and water and when smooth, pour the veg into the batter. Once mixed, pour over a lined baking tray and bake in the oven for about 30 mins. It's great served with a fresh salad and very filling.

  2. The problem with curcumin is its bioavailability. Each company claims theirs is the best. Its confusing out there.

  3. WHAT the hell was Patient #1 thinking!??? GET back on the supplements!!! Immediately!!!  YAAAAAAAAAAAAY for turmeric!!!! thank you Doc…colon cancer runs on male side of my family, my dad died of it in 1988 and my brother died in 2010. 

  4. Turmeric may be good for other things, it has its pro and cons.  But turmeric (curcumin): can contribute to oxidative stress in asian patients with acute vitiligo. Asians (whose culture appreciates this herb) have a worse risk of dermatological “splotching” (vitiligo) when they eat this herb, since it inhibits repigmentation of the skin.

  5. Thank you for your videos.  My mom has polyps now, supposedly the worst kind called "shag carpet" but she didn't know the medical term for which one, and she's going to get a colonoscopy again and have part of it removed 12/1.  I feel these can be treated naturally with a change in diet.  My grandmother on her side of the family passed three years ago from advanced colon cancer along w/other complications and I want to do everything I can to make sure my mom doesn't go the same way.  I will be making her take turmeric everyday in whatever she eats.  I also want to get her on a high raw whole foods vegan diet.

  6. Thank you for the video summary. Are there any particular supplements [pill, capsule, etc] that seem to be as effective or more so then the raw root powder?

  7. What chemotherapy statistics have you been reading? Other than just a few types of Cancer that respond really well to chemotherapy, the stats that I have been reading for years are pathetic! You act like chemotherapy has some sort of cure rate like 50% across the board. Most of it is less than 10%! And yes, that includes all the nasty side effects!

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