Vitamina D per l'asma

Gli integratori di vitamina D sono messi alla prova nell'asma infantile.

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Questo fa parte di un'ampia serie di video sulla vitamina D. Scopri:
• Will You Vivi più a lungo se prendi integratori di vitamina D? (
• Gli integratori di vitamina D aiutano con diabete, perdita di peso e pressione sanguigna ( integratori-di-vitamina-d-aiutano-con-il-diabete-perdita-di-peso-e-pressione-sanguigna)
• Quanta vitamina D dovresti assumere? (<br/> • La dose ottimale di vitamina D basata sui livelli naturali ( vitamina D basata su livelli naturali)
• Il modo migliore per assumere vitamina D: sole, integratori o saloni? (
• I rischi ei benefici di un'esposizione solare sensibile ( video/i-rischi-e-benefici-di-un-esposizione-sensibile-al-sole)

Vitamina D per malattie infiammatorie intestinali ( È dopo.

Maggiori informazioni sulla prevenzione e il trattamento dell'asma:
• Prevenzione dell'asma con frutta e verdura (
• Trattare Asma con frutta e verdura (
• Trattare l'asma con le piante rispetto agli integratori? (
• Trattare l'asma e l'eczema con diete a base vegetale (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/treating-asthma-and-eczema-with-plant-based-diets/)

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42 Risposte a “Vitamina D per l'asma”

  1. I've had asthma since the age of 2. I'm 61 now. I was given so many different medications, as I kid I remember being held down, mouth forced open & given this awful red syrup medicine. If the spoon wasn't rinsed afterwards it would eat away the finish! Who knows what I was given!! That was in the mid 1950s. I had allergy shots, inhalers,steroids & pills. Not one Dr. asked about my diet! It wasn't until I took my health into my own hands that I got off all medications. I adopted a plant based diet, mostly raw & more hydration.

  2. Not consuming dairy cured me from my asthma. A doctor actually advised my mom in the eighties not to buy dairy. He was a great doctor

  3. That lives the integral food based on plants thanks to her we can be immortal if you would say and also invulnerables to the diseases

  4. A recent study showed that autistic children had low levels of vitamin D, mothers who didn't get much sunlight exposure during pregnancy were more likely to have autistic children.

  5. How do vegans get K2 with something other than natto and how important is it for making sure we are getting our calcium

  6. I HAVE A CURE FOR ASTHMA – stop eating gluten. Asthmatics are allergic to gluten. Only takes 1 week on a gluten-free diet to start feeling good. It worked for me.

  7. I've been studying top natural cure for asthma and discovered an awesome resource at Laken chest remedy (check it out on google)

  8. My son got cured from asthma, using herbal supplements we got from Dr Obinyan on YouTube… I am forever grateful doc,,…🌱🌿💙💚💚

  9. My son got cured from asthma, using herbal supplements we got from Dr Obinyan on YouTube… I am forever grateful doc,,…🌱🌿💙💚💚

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