Curcumina curcuma vs esercizio per la funzione dell'arteria

Per coloro che stanno seduti per la maggior parte della giornata e non sono in grado di utilizzare una scrivania in piedi o su tapis roulant o fare pause frequenti dalla seduta, dovrebbero considerare il normale ingestione della spezia curcuma per proteggere la funzione endoteliale.

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I appena bruciato il mio secondo motore del tapis roulant. Quest'ultimo è durato 7,000 miglia però. Avrebbe potuto camminare avanti e indietro attraverso il paese! C'erano miglia al giorno prima che il poveretto morisse. Nuovo motore in arrivo però!

Sfondo sulle scrivanie del tapis roulant in In piedi per la tua salute (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/standing-up-for-your-health/).<br/>
Incredibile quanto sia benefico camminare semplicemente può essere: Vita più lunga raggiungibile a piedi ( .

Più esercizi rispetto alla dieta in È la dieta, l'esercizio o entrambi? ( e quanto esercizio fisico per sostenere la perdita di peso (

Chi non dovrebbe consumare curcumina o curcuma? ( Vedi il video!

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: Ergotron tramite e Mootown e tramite Flickr.
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29 Risposte a “Curcumina curcuma vs esercizio per la funzione dell'arteria”

  1. I do recall a study suggesting that walking desks resulted in lower work productivity… which could make sense in principle, if one is spending our limited amount of energy on walking & less on work. It's a tough situation.

  2. I take turmeric as an anti-inflammatory.  I have noticed it makes my body numb and significantly reduces the pain in my hip and shoulder joint soft tissue injuries.  However, I am afraid to create a reliance on it as a method to cope with the pain.  I believe that it is beneficial, but would not like it to simply cover up the pain, as caffeine may do with fatigue.  I would like to heal my body so it is pain-free!

  3. Crap! I think I might have developed heart problems linked to this sort of stationary sitting and not moving.
    About a year ago I was diagnosed with something called PoTS which basically means upon standing your blood pressure doesn't regulate and you have an episode of passing out, dizzy spells- for me it was full muscle contractions and spasms. It's also the same when standing too long in the same position.
    This happened because at college, I was basically sat at a computer for 3 hour lessons, for over 6 hour days. So I think it literally made me ill.

    Plus, obviously I wasn't eating a healthy balanced diet either. Also it's incredibly hard to break out of your lazy habits because it's physically draining.
    My advice would be to exercise regular, mostly stretching, even when sat down, do leg exercise.

  4. Hi, I've been following the (high carb) high VEGAN raw food way for almost 5 years now; Since last year I've had troubles with dizzyness/brain-fog(?)/headaches after eating fruit; and yes, I keep the fat low…even no fats for weeks now and no luck… I do have a lot of energy. Bloodresult: (light) anemic +(fasting) bloodsugar is low (50 to 60). I eat at 9am – 12 – 15pm and 18pm to keep my sugarlevels stabel. The problem is that I have these symptoms after eating, not before! So the sugar does more bad than good… Now I am wondering…should I go for the low carb high (healthy) fat diet recommended by D Wolfe, TruthCalkins, Ron Teeguarden, Extreme Health Radio and so… I know, I was against this/them also, but now I don't feel healthy for MONTHS I don't know anymore. After so many years, I love this high carb lifestyle, stay slim, eat a lot…  WHAT CAN I DO ? thanks (Ilse from Belgium)  PS: I take B12 (meth) + D3 + occ. Iodine / iron suppl

  5. All of this great info nearly daily, and there's is only 72K subs? So much useful info here regardless of your choice of diet.

  6. PLAN your breaks…drink lots of water and/or green tea…you likely WILL need to get up to take a bathroom break…I usually go downstairs for my needs….so I walk downstair and climb back UP the stairs to my cubicle…(which is adorned with green plants all around!)

  7. Thank you so much for creating podcasts that can be watched in my cell. It has made it easier to listen regardless of where I am or what I am doing. So much better than sitting at desk top computer!

  8. The science of death
    The science of happiness
    The science of washing my ass
    The science of musterbating
    The science of loving your child
    (ARE YOU SURE that there is no spiritual part in the subject).

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