Dentifricio antibatterico: nocivo, utile o innocuo?

Il triclosan nel dentifricio Colgate Total è sicuro per quanto riguarda i batteri che riducono i nitrati sulla nostra lingua e i potenziali effetti di interruzione del sistema endocrino sulla funzione tiroidea e obesità?

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Ecco il video sul collutorio: Non usare colluttorio antisettico (http:/ /
videodont-use-antiseptic-collutorio). Bene, allora, qual è il miglior colluttorio? ( (clicca sul video e scopri— avviso spoiler: è tè verde!)<br/>
Ho circa 20 video sui benefici delle verdure contenenti nitrati sia per le prestazioni atletiche che per i benefici cardiovascolari. Ecco un paio degli ultimi:
• Barbabietole intere contro succo per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche ( -barbabietole-contro-succo-per-il-miglioramento-delle-prestazioni-atletiche)
• Sangue ossigenante con verdure ricche di nitrati (
• “Veg- Table” Metodo di punteggio dei nitrati dietetici (

Per ulteriori informazioni sui modi non tossici per mantenere la salute orale, vedere:
• Diete vegetali: salute orale (
• Diete a base vegetale: salute dentale ( )
• I gargarismi possono prevenire il comune raffreddore? (
• Protezione dei denti dal tè all'ibisco ( From-Hibiscus-Tea)
• Il lato negativo dei frullati verdi (

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Credito immagine: stevepb via Pixabay.
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58 Risposte a “Dentifricio antibatterico: nocivo, utile o innocuo?”

  1. Quite a few years ago, my dentist told me that brushing with a soft bristled brush and warm water was all I needed. He said that the most I would get from using toothpaste was some breath freshening.

  2. I can witness that no chemical is needed for oral hygiene other than a vegan diet (no refined food at all) and a toothbrush.
    For almost 15 years I do not use a tooth paste and the only issue I can report is brown pigmentation that I think comes from my totally vegan diet and eating much fruit which I wold say make micro erosions of the tooth enamel. My dentist is not at all alarmed with pigmentation, and on my very rare visits (once in 2-3 years) he doesn't do anything except sometimes changing my mercury fillings 30 years old from my youth.
    Over the years I experimented with pastes that are sold in microbiotic shops but didn't find it attractive and they all change the taste in my mouth which I don't like. I also tried using baking soda but it was too aggressive. Maybe I should say that for the first 20 years of my life I was a sheer omnivor like all my ancestors, and also a junkeater which my ancestor were not, and I changed my diet when I was 20 and now I'm 46. Also I have a wife and three kids and my family does not use toothpaste either.

  3. Any studies on xylitol's effect on nitrites? I know it can kill oral bacteria. So many questions raised by this one, Dr. G!

  4. I'm positive I've used Colgate in the past, but haven't used it in years. And I just checked the ingredients of my current toothpaste, but it doesn't list this substance.

  5. great info. I do a concentrated saltwater rinse last thing night and first thing morn and find that makes my teeth much less sensitive and feel much cleaner than these chemical laden toothpastes. Sure that doesn't interfere with the oral bacteria (I hope)

  6. At this rate you'll be better off using sea salt to clean your teeth, more natural and safer than the alternative which is a chemical rich toothpaste and mouthwash. Companies and dentists for you ??

  7. Dr Greger I use Dial soap all over my body and have for years. It has triclosen in it. Should I stop using it? I have never needed to use deodorant because of the dial soap.

  8. What about people who use things like xylitol as a mouthwash I wonder. This is known to be detrimental to gut bacteria, but wonder if is detrimental to Nitrate mouth bacteria by just swishing it around your mouth?

  9. Floss, pick, brush, rinse, and brush one final time before bed with coconut oil with no mouth rinse.  F#%k all these chemicals, trials, studies, conflicts of interest, etc. and by all means avoid flouride and any freakin' products with chemicals in them that you may not be able to pronounce.  It you care to be healthy, eat as naturally as possible, live as simply as possible, avoid stress, and by all means…stop the "paralysis of analysis" that seems to be so trendy lately.

  10. Is anti-bacterial mouthwash different to normal mouthwash or should we just avoid all?!

  11. What about Thymol? Should I avoid this ingredient in common antiseptic mouthwash that does not contain Triclosan? My mouthwash contains Thymol, Eucalyptol, Menthol, and Methyl salicylate, and no Triclosan.

  12. 1) You don't want to use antibacterial anything because the bacteria can mutate making it resistant to penicillin. I learned that from Microbiology 101. 2) People are overweight because they refuse to stop stuffing their faces, not because of elevated levels of triclosan. Thumbs down on the video.

  13. I don't use antibacterial tooth paste or use mouthwash, but, along with twice daily teeth brushing and flossing, I do use a tongue brush to clean my tongue and cheek gums. Brushing my tongue really helps with freshening breath, but now I am wondering if I'm doing more harm than good. Any studies or thoughts on tongue brushes affecting the "good" bacteria in the crevices of the tongue?

  14. An update on triclosan … "In September 2016, the FDA announced that effective September 2017, it would prohibit the sale of "consumer antiseptic washes" containing triclosan or 18 other ingredients marketed as antimicrobials due to FDA findings of the lack of efficacy in these products." – from Wikipedia and up to your interpretation.

  15. I stopped using toothpaste about 6 months ago. I brush with plain water and floss daily. I looked it up and found that this is okay to do. I am now also swishing with wheat grass powder. I heard that it helps to strengthen teeth. I hope so. Most everyone in my family loses their teeth before age 55. I don't want falsies.

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