Dieta a basso contenuto proteico ha dimostrato di aiutare le malattie renali

Troppe proteine ​​fanno male ai reni? Come potremmo dimezzare il rischio di dialisi e morte?

E le diete a basso contenuto proteico per tutti gli altri? Questa è in realtà una delle mie raccomandazioni Anti-Aging Eight nel mio prossimo libro How Not to Age, per una vita più lunga e più sana. (Come sempre, tutti i proventi vanno in beneficenza.) Restate sintonizzati!

Ecco altri video sulla salute dei reni:
• How Not morire di malattia renale (
• Prevenire l'insufficienza renale attraverso la dieta (<br/> • Trattare l'insufficienza renale attraverso la dieta ( through-diet/)
• Quale tipo di proteine ​​è meglio per i nostri reni? (è-migliore-per-i-nostri-reni/)

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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46 Risposte a “Dieta a basso contenuto proteico ha dimostrato di aiutare le malattie renali”

  1. Big lie
    They say it to reduce the amount of food that every single human eats per day because we have less food day by day

  2. I am thrilled to have moved from stage 3 CKD back to stage 2 CKD with a WFPB diet with no oil, low fat, no added salt, no sugar. Reversed my type 2 diabetes as well,🙏 all at age 68. I will never go back to eating the way I used to. The ‘How Not to Die’ book by Dr Greger and ‘The Starch Solution’ by McDougall, were truly lifesavers for me.

  3. The more I research about healthy diet, the more I havo no fuckin idea what to eat.

    Seriously, my idea keeps on switching every single time…

    The food I found super healthy yesterday turns out unhealthy today.

    They say it's fine in moderation as long as not too much,..

    The question is how much is too much….

  4. I don't eat a lot of beans and legumes and I eat no animal products. I don't eat much these days but do drink various herbal teas daily. Hopefully my kidneys are fine.

  5. This is the best. A literal life changer and I'll be forever grateful. Trying to spread it's awareness too. People who lift weights really need to know this too.

  6. Ideal bodyfat percentage, is about the same as your protein intake.

    The bags, under the eyes or eye issues are the obvious, signs of a kidney problem.

    Plant eating mammals only consume 8% – 12% protein, at any given time.

    There's more to life, than protein.

  7. it's important to note this is a recommendation for low protein not zero protein. When I quit eating meat products I was nowhere near the . 6 protein level. Now I'm more careful to aim for that and my thyroid levels are improving, hair is healthier, etc. With all the 'eat this not that' ever changing guidelines it's difficult to know what is healthy.

  8. I am 23 years old and have CKD (Nephrotic Syndrome). I want to save my kidneys. I don't need dialysis yet!.
    I put all my hopes in nutrition. All of the medication hasn't helped so far. Unfortunately.

    Thank you for your videos!

  9. Why is it called a health care system when they don't care about your health. They just care about making sure you come back again. smh

  10. Super cool info, thanks Dr Greger! From my early 20s, I've had constant lower back pains and kidney infections, then switched to all plants and fruits. It's only been a few weeks and I have already experienced a lot of positive effects–more energy and no pain in my lower back, no puffy eyes or lethargy upon waking. Pre-cancerous cells were also found in my ovaries a year ago. Hopefully, my next pap smear will come out negative.

  11. Went vegan but not really low protein. Just no meats and oils. I eat a lot of nuts. Kidney function went from 57 to 78. so just going vegan and whole foods with no processed foods can make a huge difference to the kidney. I am 64 years old. So I know from my own experience you can reverse kidney disease to a great extent.

  12. Depend on what kind of kidney disease you got. Is not generalized. How can you even obvious that? Low protein diet can lead to many kind of osthologies, including diabetes, myopenia and immunodeficiency, which are pretty serious. Only lower your portein intake if you got specific kidney disease. Smh how a doctor can even recommend that and not menction that. 60gr of protein a day is already pretty low and considered the minimum.

  13. Since I started getting bloodwork in 2014 my Kidney GFR has always been in the lower 60% range. Last summer it went to 68%. I have eaten plant based since 2009 and my protein below 120g. I lift weights (best benchpress was 440 lbs) and also take creatine monohydrate which is supposed to be heavily researched as having no issues with kidney function. I stopped taking it about 6 or 8 months ago when I lost my kinesiologist, fell off the wagon for drinking and stopped the gym, stopped taking creatine and maybe get 60g of veg protein daily. My depression just overwhelmed me. Last week I had a full blood workup and everything is fine. Hematology, Liver, Kidney, hem a1c etc but the big surprise is my eGfr went from 68% to 88%. I have been in the low 60s as I said since I started getting blood work in 2014. I have no idea why I jumped 20% in one year into the high 80s after being low 60s for at least 8 years and probably more. I have not seen my Nurse Practitioner yet to discuss my reports, just dropped off a note with my scores going back to 2014 as I keep a spreadsheet of all my bloodwork.

  14. Dr. Greger, here is the question you posed as a premise to your video: "Is too much protein bad for your kidneys? How might we cut the risk of dialysis and death in half?" I assume when you say "your kidneys" you are referring to the average person who might be viewing your video, not someone who is already sick with diabetes, right? Yet, at the climax of your video, you quote the supposed landmark study where "just getting people from the usual [protein] intake of like 70 grams down to 60" proved "massive benefit" for kidney health. Well, those "people" you refer to in the study were not the average person that might be viewing your video. They were type I diabetics with diabetic nephropathy! Classic cart and horse. Damaged kidneys do not process proteins well. That does not mean that protein causes kidney damage. Damaged kidneys also do not process potassium well. Does that mean that high potassium foods like beans and fruit cause kidney damage? Damaged pancreases do not process carbohydrates well. Does that mean whole grains cause type II diabetes? Damaged hearts do not do very well with strenuous exercise. Does that mean that strenuous exercise causes heart disease? Of course you are smart enough to know this. Please stop with the propaganda. You don't need it. There is a compelling argument for the increased consumption of plants and the decreased consumption of animals without resorting to propaganda.

  15. Because especially the methionine amino acid from animal protein is converted to homocysteine which cause inflammation in the body and renal cells which massively increases the glomerular filtration rate, leading to kidney failure and dialysis over years and decades.

  16. First of all, the presented research shows that a low protein diet is beneficial for patients with kidney disease (that was old news 30 years ago when I was in the med school) but not that "high" protein intake is the cause of it. It's obviously left to the believers to jump to that conclusion. What about going face to face with a proponent of any of the other nutritional schools? Dr Attia comes to mind as an example of a high protein preacher. Otherwise, this is all just preaching to the choir to support the sale of books and other merchandise.

  17. Ain't science wonderful. I just came from a video that said us old diabetic guys need MORE protein. Science is like religion they just make schit up because nobody knows, then you pay researchers to get the results you choose.

  18. What about a high plant based protein diet? For example if you're a vegan bodybuilder? And what about if that bodybuilder gets all their protein from whole foods but eats 1.8g per kg of bodyweight?

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