Dieta ed ernia iatale

Lo sforzo delle feci nel tempo può forzare parte dello stomaco fino al torace, contribuendo alla malattia da reflusso acido GERD. Questo potrebbe spiegare perché l'ernia iatale è estremamente rara tra le popolazioni che seguono diete ricche di fibre.

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Questo può essere considerato un video di accompagnamento a Dieta e bruciore di stomaco da reflusso acido GERD (http ://

Hiatal l'ernia non è l'unica condizione da cui le diete ricche di fibre possono proteggere. Vedi:
• Dieta F-Word del Dr. Burkitt ( /)<br/> • Uno su mille: porre fine all'epidemia di malattie cardiache (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/one-in-a-thousand-ending-the-heart-disease-epidemic/)
• Come prevenire l'ipertensione con Dieta (

Ho un sacco di altri video sui movimenti intestinali che usciranno presto. Resta sintonizzato per:
• Quanti movimenti intestinali dovresti avere ogni giorno?
• Dovresti sederti, accovacciarti o inclinarti durante un movimento intestinale?
• Diverticolosi: quando il nostro disturbo intestinale più comune esisteva a malapena
• Le fibre prevengono davvero la diverticolosi?

Hai una domanda per il dott Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: The Clear Communication People tramite Flickr e Sara Marchetto.
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32 Risposte a “Dieta ed ernia iatale”

  1. Hmmm i was eating vegan diet for a year now. whole winter i was eating cooked foods like potatoes lentils beans etc… not a lot of greens or fruits though. and in spring i started feeling acid reflux  or heartburn after every meal i eat… also didnt buy b12 supplement yet but will do in comming month. I dont know how i messed that up… i drink at least 2l of water a day.

  2. Old wise man saying.  Good food goes in easy, comes out easy.  Bad food goes in difficult, comes out difficult.

    Eating good food, not necessarily vegan, won't give you the constipation and grunting pressures forcing food-concrete from your bowels.  Also, having the proper daily amount of fluids will make sure that you properly digest and move your food-fuel down the highway without bunching-up and clogging your speed lane, and all later food traffic.

  3. Without thinking, once the video ended I exclaimed 'S***.' Aaaand started laughing to myself. Anyways, great video, it helps explain alot. Will be sharing this with others.

  4. You talk about all the positive of a vegan diet. Why not talk about the negatives? Low testosterone, short lifespan, non existent vegans who are 100+ years old.

  5. why are you are talking about central africa regarding their great health? They die before reaching age 60…

  6. I suffered from a hiatal hernia and severe constipation for a long time at the age of 19. It wasn't until I started eating a vegan diet (high in fruit too!) That I cured my hernia, constipation and my severe acid reflux!! I seriously looked everywhere on the internet and never found the answers until I traveled to Costa Rica and worked on an organic farm. We ate loads of fruit veg rice and beans. NEVER GOING BACK TO ANIMAL PRODUCTS AGAIN!!!

  7. Oh hey! Did you considered – Fini Weekly Diet (search on google)? Ive heard some superb things about it and my brother had only finest words about with this program.

  8. I have a hiatal hernia and reflux. I'm on Protonix, but still wake up short of breath with belching in the middle of the night. I try not to eat within 4-5 hours of laying down, yet I still lose sleep 4-5 nights a week. If I increase fiber intake and cut out fatty foods, when could I notice  relief? I'm in fairly good shape by the way. Not fat at all, and I exercise. Scares me that at 27 I'm struggling with this, and have been for 5 years.

  9. Dr. Greger when are you making a video about Helicobacter Pyloris or GERD? thanks!! Im a post VSG and new vegan low fat patient and im suffering with this two issues. Will love to get your findings on these.

  10. I have been suffering from GERD/acid reflux for 20yrs and taking prilosec for that time, recently started the mcdoughall diet which is vegan mostly starches and my reflux seemed to get worse (2weeks) so then I started my own paleo version (1 week) and seems to work for my GERD, the answer isnt a simple one, like eat this or that, I wish it was, for example I eat meat but find it tough to digest cause prilosec reduced stomach acid so sai acid doesnt travel up the esophagus, but I eat raw (scalded) meat and no problem digesting it, but feel more nervous on it seeing as carbs make me relax more.

    The Hiatus Hernia/GERD solution in my opinion is one that attacks the problem/disease from many angles.
    1. Diet – low carb diet seems to cause less bacteria build up and less pressure pushing up against a weakened LES, High fibre diet relieves this upward pressure by a faster transit time etc, so who is right??? High fibre foods are going to be carbs, like friuts, cereals like wheat bran and of course veggies! I can't eat gluten so bran is out for me!

    So I suppose I can eat only veggies like lettuce, cucumbers, spinach, etc. and avoid high carb foods and no meat.

    2. The studies don't touch on what happens in a few thrid world countries i.e. squatting when defecating, THAT could be the main reason why for example in africa they would have less GERD/Hiatus Hernia cause this practise causes less pressure on the LES??

    3. Relaxation, raising the bed 8 inches, taking certain supplements, losing weight, various exercises, chiropracter sessions etc should be also taken into account when trying to fix the HH and GERD.

  11. I have a question, I can't get health insurance for various reasons, and at one point I had a endoscopy scheduled but due to issues with insurance I haven't been able to get it done. I've had horrible heart burn for about 10 years and just in the last 6 months I've started regurgitating just about everything I eat. I notice it gets worse when I eat certain things like dairy, esp ice cream, red sauce, tomato, pepper, onion, citrus fruits. Etc. But I still regurgitate food either way. Is this a symptom of a hiatal hernia? Or have any of you experienced this? My doctors just gave me a raised eyebrow and no ideas as to what is causing it. About the only thing I saw online for regurgitation besides just GERD was a hernia or cancer. I don't want to freak myself out but I'm not getting anything done about it at this time so I'm left to suffer and wonder. It's literally getting in the way of everyday life, I can't do some basic functions because I'm too busy puking all the time. I'm miserable. Help!!

  12. My mother suffers from hernia. Can she overcome it with diet and if so what type of diet ? Just whole food plant based one or some special modiciations are needed ?

  13. hiatal hernia is a mechanical problem. When somebody tells you, it's all because meat and animal fat consumption, take caution. There will be a day when they'll blame it to meat consumption if the sun doesn't show up in the horizon.

  14. If this theory is true then how come many people are recovering fron gerd by eating a very low carb diet and are fine eating fats as they dont ferment in the stomach causing gas putting pressure on the les??????

  15. On this thought…aside of meals habits, I guess people with hiatal hernias should refrain themselves from working out with weights…. Straining would be out of the question?

  16. I have been vegan for 6 months. My gastric reflux has got less and less and has now virtually disappeared. I no longer take PPI s to stop acid, and lack of acid prevents intrinsic factor needed for b12 absorption.

  17. I have a hiatal hernia but eating too much fibre in a meal makes my symptoms worse! I eat whole foods plant based, 5 small meals a day and I finally feel better!

  18. Another factor is that in traditional, non-western lifestyles, they squat to defecate. This allows stool to pass with less abdominal pressure. Traditional Japanese toilets are a good example of this. In western countries you can buy a Squatty Potty or just use a footstool and achieve most of the benefits.

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