Gli avocado fanno bene alla salute?

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DESCRIZIONE: La persina, una tossina naturale presente negli avocado, sembra così efficace nell'uccidere le cellule del cancro al seno da essere considerata un agente chemioterapico. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e ci proverò per rispondere! Non esitare a pubblicare qualsiasi domanda di tipo chieda al dottore qui nella sezione commenti e sarei felice di provare a rispondere. Assicurati di controllare gli altri video sull'avocado ( e sul cancro al seno ( Inoltre, ci sono 1,449 soggetti (http://nutritionfacts. org/topics/) trattati nei miei altri video–sentiti libero di esplorarli!

Credito immagine : MariuszBlach e YinYang tramite istockphoto; e SCIENCEphotoLIBRARY. Le immagini sono state modificate.
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100 Risposte a “Gli avocado fanno bene alla salute?”

  1. sorry greger,, but i feel in this video youre more confusing people, then giving them valid advice in their nutritional choices… further, the persin in avocadoplants, is mainly found in the pits, bark and in the leaves, not in the flesh. i had a tiny pincher-dog, and he ates loads of avocado, on a regular basis, and he had no issues with it what so ever and loved them… i like science alot, and look into reserach frequently, but i think its also somekind of silly, to trust more in some scientific research paper then in our own intuiton… many scientific studies are some kind of right in a detail, but focus too much on isolated detail and loose the bigger picture…

  2. Guys, don't overthink. If you eat a plant based diet, including a variety of plants, fruits, grains, nuts / seeds, you will be in great shape! Don't forget to exercice, and eat according to your caloric needs. That's it, that's the best you can do. You don't need to freaking question every single food source, it's just not worth it. If you have an overall healthy lifestyle, you won't get any of these diseases due to your diet.

  3. With all of your videos….you can't eat can't enjoy hardly anything except a few vegetables…whats the point of life? You can't spend life neurotic and scared, bringing your own food everywhere, not going out restaurants because they may cook with olive oil, not drinking wine with friends…sitting home with your bowl of dry salad in a corner with your nose stuffed in a medical journal. MANY people all over the world live to be very old and in good health eating a non-processed foods diet that includes meat, fish, dairy and eggs. They COOK everything and don't eat sugar. They don't shop at Krogers in the aisles… Honestly the key to health is eating whole foods, no sugar, cook with friends and not worrying about everything. You go way overboard and you're still going to die like everyone else.

  4. Geez, is it really that hard to hear different info and make a decision based on the pros and cons for yourself? Besides, there is rarely a true right answer for all, so you don't want to be spoon fed a "true fact" answer anyways. Remember, the "fat is evil" true fact of yesterday helped result in the trans fat/corn syrup loaded foods you see today because everyone believed what info they were spooned fed.

  5. I'm eating a whole-food, plant-exclusive salad with avocado while watching this video. Fascinating as usual but also confused by the very last statement which said the cancer-fighting substance in avocados also kills healthy cells.

  6. Summed up: Yes avocados are great for us to eat! So great they help battling cancers including breast ( also prevent) Chemo drugs are bad because they kill the good and the bad cells. 😉

  7. Im not going to throw myself on the hate train together with the rest of the people who can't deal with their world view being challenged by actual scientific facts!

    That being said, if the purpose of this video is to enlighten people to do better lifestyle choices, you could have done a better job making it clear how detrimental it is to healthy cells, and if the positives outweigh the negatives. The video is kinda worthless as it is, not really helping any one.

  8. Are you serious? The nutrient dense full of fibre avocado is now not safe to eat? I don't think so…..sometimes videos like these are one sided and only tell one point of view. I wish they were more balanced.

  9. Good video. Thanks for sharing. I just watched your excellent video on eggs. Too bad the comments section was disabled. It would have been interesting to read viewers opinions too. Thanks again.

  10. just stick to the point don't be theatrical or show off just keep to the point make your point State your point and then keep going we don't need all the dogs and the cat

  11. I can tell that you got your doctorate a very long time ago. You should consider going back to school. A lot has changed since then. Good Luck!

  12. Can someone please assist me? I am always confused everytime I watched Dr. Gregor videos! He uses all these scientific terms, and NEVER gets to the point. I wish he would just speak to us in everyday language. I am a vegan, and I can't learn anything for this guy? it's so f-in annoying and frustrating to be quite honest. Get to the F-in point for crying out loud!

  13. Well, duh. Of course plants will have toxins. Plants use toxins to evade predation. Same for small animals. Large animals don't need to poison the predators or taste bitter. They just have to run away. To catch up, the predators can catch the prey by speed or endurance. Humans can't outrun large prey by speed, but they can outrun by endurance. Yep, tire the prey out and kill it. Food is not supposed to be easy to catch. Life's a constant battle.

  14. Well sir, with the greatest respect – may I suggest you remake this report and conclude with a definite opinion whether Avocados are good or bad (and why – salient points). This report as it stands is highly ambiguous.

  15. does anybody actually believe that avocado is bad for you I mean this guy is a fucking idiot if avocado is bad for you what isn't it goes back to balance natural things are good to much of a good thing is bad these doctors love there study's but they vary on so many different levels

  16. Entire video touting how amazing avocadoes are, showing scientific evidence of its anticancer capabilities, then ends with 1 second saying they also kill normal cells?

    …… huh? is this some sort of pseudoscience BS?

  17. Wait! You can't end the video this way!!! We need more info about what avocados do to normal cells – -you ended with a huge statement that needs more exploration!!!!

  18. This is a very silly and misleading way of presenting data.

    Persin is extracted from avocados but the point that should discussed before starting discussing anything else, is how much of it is contained in each avocado fruit (i suspect very very little). Next, one should report the bioavailability of it, that is, the proportion of what we eat of it that reaches our bloodstream – i.e. the proportion of first pass effect. Finally, see what levels in systemic circulation can be toxic in humans.

    In general, in vitro cell work can be very important (or not), but it must be framed within the right context first.

  19. I think plants have toxins to defend from critters. Human beings have bacteria in their gut that can slowly adjust to being able to neutralize these toxins which is why you are evolutionary wise desensitized to chili hotness, bitterness of grapefruit, bitterness of vegetables with continual increasing exposure. After you are desensitized these poisons can probably have health benefits.

    I suggest you find healthy-cheap-convenient food like (lemons, grapefruit, orange peel, most fruit/vegetable peels, bitter greens, teas/black coffee, dilute vinegar, food without sweeteners or milk, etc…) and try out a "tiny" portion every 10 minutes or so even carrying the food with you when your commuting for some weeks. After a while you'll be desensitized.

  20. ok im dumb, this doesn't make any sense to me. seeing how we have mostly normal cells, is the study showing that every time you eat avocados that the toxin in it is killing your cells like a pissed off Ganges Kan? how come they didn't do another test and put the toxin in a test like the one he shows earlier in the video where the cancer cells get killed off and showing how it has similar affects to normal cells. im confused.

  21. This video does not answer whether the Avocado fruit is healthy or not. The content doesn't support the title at all. should have been labeled can avocado treat cancer. :/

  22. Pointless ! This video did not answer its own question and just speculated that avocados MAY be bad with no references, no amounts nor frequency of use!

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  24. In what quantities does the toxin occur in typical avocado consumption and how does that compare to what was used in the study? I find that a lot of studies end up being misleading because they isolate one chemical component and apply them in very large quantities. Which makes sense for anti-cancer research but not for understanding the effect of typical avocado consumption on humans.

  25. At the end, it was stated that avocados destroy cancer cells BUT ALSO destroy normal cells too. So if you are tearing down both cancer cells and normal/healthy cells w/ avocado, doesn't that defeat the purpose of eating it, or does eating it cancel the benefits to the cancer cells and harm to normal cells out? How do you clinically weigh the benefit vs harm and determine whether to utilize avocados or not? I realize it may be difficult to generalize and each patient's situation is considered on a case-by-case basis. Thanks.

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  27. this fucking baldy… fucking step down from your high horse and make normal sounds, youre not living in fucking 16 century tv show, bitch

  28. The persin like many substances in food (apples) are primarily along the inside skin of the fruit. And yes, it is toxic to cats. I have a cat who luvvvs avocado. He gets tiny bites from the fruit between the pit and the skin. Does his skin and fur good. Vet approved!!

  29. Everything in moderation including health promoting avocados. There is no such thing as bad cholesterol. Our liver produces it for a reason. We do absorb cholesterol we eat

  30. Me watching almost till the end of the video thinking do they have a normal cell group for comparison? Cuz usually cytotoxic compounds are non-selective. Me at the end: ah that’s what I’m thinking about 🤔

  31. Stop creating unnecessary drama pertaining to food. Unless someone has a food allergy to avocados or medical condition where fat needs to be limited, eat half an avocado any way you like them. Chia bread with avocado spread is healthy and satiating.

  32. What is the problem with cholestorol? Isn't the problem having high amounts of oxidised LDL which can block arteries?

  33. These studies mostly seem to be in vitro (except the goats) though I could be wrong. Aren't there human studies on just eating avocados ? Still this is a fascinating video.

  34. I'm still not convinced by the in vitro tests. If avocados destroy cancer and normal cells that is still an advantage if someone has cancer. Also in vitro doesn't necessarily imitate what happens in the body.

  35. So, you start out proposing a rating and recommendation for avocados but never get there. Do the costs outweigh the benefits? Are the bad effects linear with how much you eat? Are there correlational studies of cell damage with enhanced use of avocados?

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