Diete chetologiche: crescita muscolare e densità ossea

Si è scoperto che le diete chetogeniche minano gli sforzi fisici e portano al restringimento muscolare e alla perdita ossea.

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Il video che ho citato è Il programma dimagrante che è migliorato con il tempo.

Questo è stato il sesto video di una serie in 7 parti sulle diete chetologiche. Se ti sei perso uno dei video precedenti, guarda:
• Il cheto è una dieta efficace per combattere il cancro? (
• Teoria della dieta Keto messa alla prova (<br/> • Risultati della dieta chetogenica per la perdita di peso ( Risultati della dieta per la perdita di peso)
• La perdita di peso durante la chetosi è sostenibile? (
• Le diete Keto sono sicure? (

La serie si conclude con una dieta chetogenica aiuta il diabete o lo peggiora? ( next.

Quindi cosa aiuta le prestazioni atletiche? Scopri:
• Ridurre l'affaticamento muscolare con gli agrumi ( -with-citrus/)
• Riduzione del dolore muscolare con frutti di bosco (https ://
• Prevenire lo stress ossidativo indotto dall'esercizio con il crescione (
• Metodo di punteggio dei nitrati dietetici “Veg-Table” ( /veg-Table-dietary-nitrate-scoring-method)
• Semi di finocchio per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche (
• Alimenti per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche e il recupero ( -e-Recupero)
• Zenzero macinato per ridurre il dolore muscolare (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/Ground-Ginger-to-Reduce-Muscle-Pain)
• La dieta del gladiatore: come si accumulano gli atleti vegetariani (

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100 Risposte a “Diete chetologiche: crescita muscolare e densità ossea”

  1. I’ve been doing Keto and carnivore for two years and I have lost a lot of weight and improved my strength and fitness by a huge amount. I am 43 years old and feeling like I’m 25 again, not just physically but mentally and emotionally feeling amazing. The Keto way of living has changed my life.

  2. This really should be killing blow to the Keto myth. Unfortunately we also exist in the same universe as anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers.

  3. When I went on the Atkins diet years ago I threw up blood and had to go off it. But when I went on Dr Ornish diet after I saw him on Ted talks, I lost 100 pounds, and my doctor said I no longer had a cholesterol or blood sugar problem. SO for me at least, plant based is the way to go. I had gotten off track for a bit and so went vegetarian for 2 months and then vegan for 1 month and my cholesterol went down 79 points. So I know plant based is best for me !

  4. What this tells me is when your in your early 50's going keto might be good, keeps your bodyweight under control however you loose some strength, but who's needs strength in their 50's.

  5. Can I ask an honest question? How does the body burn fat? Is it when there is no more glucose in the blood and liver left to use, forcing the body to burn fat? Is that process called ketosis or is it something else? If it is ketosis, then why is the keto diet bad – is it just because the keto process goes on too long? Am hoping someone with brains can help me, as all these competing diets and theories are so confusing!

  6. Hah! So far from the truth it’s is funny! 😂

    I developed osteoporosis and lost all my muscle tone from years of whole food plant based vegan diet.
    I am now healing on ketogenic diet. Getting stronger every day. Also my brain performance is so much better now.
    Basically I am reclaiming my health that deteriorated from veganism!

  7. Low carb diets are gaining popularity because people feel much better when they aren't bloated, constipated, and suffering from excessive gas all the time. When you ditch the grains, beans, processed foods and calorie dense carbs and eat meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds instead you feel better.

  8. Not here to advocate for any diet, but I see that most of those studies have missed the "Modus Operandi" of Keto diet :

    1º – You start gradually. Reducing Carbs and Adapting your body for what's to come (Low-Carb diet)
    2º – Once you are getting adapted to low carbs, start eating more fat, but only to "Teach" your body how to keep up with that…also start reducing even more Carbs ( < 20 g / day ).
    3º – After 1 or 2 weeks, you intruduce Intermitent Fasting (the twin brother of Keto Diet).
    4º – At the same time, start gradually reducing Fat intakes, forcing your body to Burn internal Fat.
    5º – Don't stay in Keto for too long ( 1 or 2 months is enough). Return to Low-Carb diet and stay for 1 month, at least, until you can afford another cycle of Keto.

    Protein intakes also need to be moderated (25%). Vitamins and Minerals Supplementation is highly advisable.

    The first cycle is harder…better keep it short.

     To summarize : Low-Carbs for long term (all life)…Keto is better in cycles. Both need adaptation.

  9. I'm a vegan now ,it's been 4 months and never been better ! Don't ever go for keto diet ever but yes that doesn't mean that you should consume high simple carbs, either!

  10. I gained 27 pounds in10 week basic training cycle. These weak ass fake study groups need to stop. Only gaining 3pounds in 8 weeks… Come on, this is a garbage study.

  11. I don't think people have really given a low fat diet the chance it deserves. I watch the people at the grocery store and fat people eat like fat people. I tell people I eat oatmeal, beans, and rice or noodles almost every day and have lost 40 lbs and they don't think that is possible. I tried a meat diet first and lost 20 lbs. I didn't like it and switched to a whole food, mostly plant based diet and continued to lose the same amount of weight. I pick foods on the glycemic index that are medium or lower and eat 3 meals a day, no snacks. They have it kind of right with the low glycemic index, but they take it too far. Fats are not filling, no more than sugars. They're just empty calories.

  12. Dubious Synopsis. 1. the mentioned CRP rise was negligable 2. The more important Interleukin 6 value was lowered.
    Since I train 6 times a week for a Triathlon, I cannot with certainty asure you about muscle gain. Also my Motivation might be higher as usual. I dont eat a lot of animal fat besides fish. In my experience a slightly adjusted Ketogenic diet, with small intakes of carbs during Cardio Sessions has had no adverse effects.

  13. All these studies are questionable in pro or anti keto cases. I believe in watching how your own body reacts and responds to diet is way better than dogma. People are obviously chasing the dollar and their egos.

  14. On the 3 study you showed:

    Body weight had an statistical significant increase only in the non ketogenic (20/25/55) diet group of ~1kg
    Fat mass had an statistically significant decrease only in the ketogenic (20/10/70) diet group of ~1kg
    Lean body mass only had an statistically significant increase in the ketogenic diet group of ~1.5 kg

    You showed the study title and a few slides and only mentioned the negative results from ketosis not the positives

  15. There are two people I work with that went Keto. They have lost a substantial amount of weight, and good for them for doing so and trying to lose weight. But they look like pale sick zombies. I also did Keto 3 years ago for about 4 months. I was very mathematical about it making sure I did everything correctly and even used a ketone meter. I bought all the best organic grass fed meat you could buy and ate a ton of leafy greens and what little fruit you can on a keto diet. I developed some very serious digestive issues which till this day I couldn't figure out what it was after having some blood work, CT scan, and a colonoscopy done. My only guess is pancreatitis or a severe micro biome imbalance in my intestines. I then went Vegan almost 2 1/2 years ago and everything with my health improved.

  16. If anyone was wondering yes this is a comedy channel, people on keto are super healthy and well nourished.
    But you can't eat McDonalds with extra mayo and call that keto.
    You can build muscle just not like if you were consuming unnatural refined sugars which spike your insulin hormone, I mean if you are willing to spike your hormones may as well inject steroids.

  17. How can a keto diet use too much fat we just use 75% fat to enter ketosis after that body use its own fat my belly go in my hormonal facial hair disappear my binge eating hunger go away . What is the other way I am eating a lot of veggies a piece or two of meat just left processed food meat and sugar . What is the alternative which help me lose weight get active to do daily activities and get healthy

  18. I'm waiting for the day Michael reveals himself to be a secret bodybuilder.

    One day he'll rip off his suit to reveal an expertly toned body with 18 inch arms and an 8 pack set of abs.

  19. What about Lebron James? He's been on Keto. Surely he's that strong.. Didn't seem to have major injuries and still formidable.

  20. This is definitely confusing I would like to see a debate between dr. Berg and Michael Greger about the ketogenic diet they both argue their points very well but on opposite side of the spectrum. they are definitely contradicting one another medical benefits and or Consequences the ketogenic diet

  21. What about the benefits associated with the KD that were not mentioned in the "ketogenic diet and sport, a possible marriage"? They did mention it may not work entirely well for intensive glycoletic demanding activities but may be beneficial in endurance type events. Correct me if I'm wrong since I am unable to find the full text on this next study. The children in the epilepsy study were given a KD diet consisting of soybean and other processed vegetable oils? My argument is for a well formulated whole food ketogenic diet that is rich in healthy nutrient dense whole food organic plant/animal products with periods of TRF and fasting. Or maybe I'm just crazy and living on the edge 😜

  22. OMG, such cherry picked nonsense from a known vegan doctor. Reminds me of something Dr. Berry said: if you look long enough you will find research to match your bias. There are several youtube channels run by keto weightlifters and personal trainers that would have quite the opposite to say…in spite of the 'research' shown in this video. They are living proof. Our ancestral origins thrived on fat and meat of animals in a feast and fast cycle with berries, some fruit and seeds when in season and if available wherever they roamed. Agriculture came thousands of years later. We are omnivores, doctor. Get over it.

  23. There is no study that I can find that shows that the keto diet causes osteoporosis. My endocrinologist at a major university does not know of one either. If you find a reputable study. Please reply with links. I am not trying to be confrontational. Educate if you can, I don't care about your opinions.

  24. The "poster child" for Sarcopenia lecturing about Keto & muscle loss ROFL – Greger looks like a dehydrated corpse at best – what a disingenous jackass….

  25. Im glad this video highlighted how keto diet is not good for muscle growth. It true. I lost strength and muscle mass when I went on a keto diet.

  26. Ergophobia… that's what I've struggled with all my life.
    Whole reason I went Vegan, I was hoping for some kind of NZT-48 benefit.
    Oh how deep was my disappointment.

    No matter, with Veganism seemingly, I can just eat like Mr. Creosote and achieve a healthy weight WITHOUT EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT.

    It's a no brainer… all the more reason it's the diet for me. 🤣

  27. There’s a reason non of the real athletes follow these strict diets! But I must mention they also don’t follow vegetarian diets.

  28. this video is garbage. i am on keto since 6 years i am a very advanced bodybuilder, i have a sixpack and perfect health. i can rack pull 330 kilos and do cardio for hours. my blod test is perfect. keto is the way to go. anyone who does not benefit from keto did something wrong.

  29. I like your book but i dont agree with your views on keto. It's clear that the studies weren't conducted well or fairly. You'd have to try keto for over a year to see and feel the results. Also blood work proves it as well. Yet all the studies you found somehow show all negative results.

  30. I really tried sticking with the the keto diet, but I just felt awful and it's also really hard to follow. Then I tried the Agoge diet and it was life changing, I highly recommend it to everyone.

  31. The Agoge diet is a much better option than keto. It is well structured, diverse and peronalized. Keto is just risky and very hard to adhere to.

  32. Keto has been shown to be unhealthy in numerous studies, especially without doctor supervision. The Agoge diet was the only diet that helped me get rid of that stubborn fat without hurting my body.

  33. I appreciate you’re looking at recent keto diet studies. But please, stop looking at shitty studies that are decades old that refer to the “keto diet” of the early-mid 20th century which was more of a dirty carnivore diet that anything else. Good job misinforming your viewers.

  34. This is such terrible misinformation.

    Old medically prescribed keto is nothing like the keto followed by most nowadays.

    Keto now is usually a high protein, moderate fat diet that has relatively low blood ketones after a few months. Protein is a minimum target, fat is for satiation.

  35. I always have cold sores outbreaks when on my periods and they were very terrible, when I went for test the doctor said I had HPV virus. I just want to share a brief testimony of how Dr Ben Uda on YouTube completely cured me from HPV virus with his natural medicine.

  36. I've never seen research presented this bad and out of context. You are out right lying. Guys watch Dr. Oz or many of the scientist in US, Australia, South Africa, etc etc. You can build muscle on keto as fast as people on glucose several studies on this.

  37. Reduction i "measured" muscle size. Yes, Keto causes glycogen stores and the water that goes with it to be removed from the body resulting in reduced "measured" muscle size. But as Dr. Gregger loves to point out, it was simply water weight, not muscle. See how he twists facts to fit his narrative?

  38. I can’t believe after I purchased HSV and HPV herbal medicine through Dr Akuzo YouTube channel and received it with 3 days, and used it as he prescribed, finally tested negative within 3 weeks so happy and grateful to Dr Akuzo herbal home.

  39. I am so glad I found your channel. You are very intelligent how you connect the dots. As you said why not recommend the best diet for heart disease, instead of any diet that can produce weight loss and mess up your heart. The illustrations, smoking, meth and can also produce weight loss. I don't know why this common sense is not out there.

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