Diete vegetali: salute orale

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DESCRIZIONE: Le diete a base vegetale possono aiutare a proteggere dal cancro orale e dalla malattia parodontale (gengivale), una delle principali cause di perdita dei denti. Accumulo di colesterolo, ossidazione e infiammazione sono i tre precursori dell'acne arteriosa ( , la principale causa di morte negli Stati Uniti. Guarda la serie di video che inizia con Blocking the First Step of Heart Disease ( ). Allora, qual è un apporto sicuro per colesterolo e grassi saturi? Vedi grassi trans, grassi saturi e colesterolo: assunzione superiore tollerabile di zero ( -assunzione-superiore-tollerabile-di-zero/).<br/>
Perché l'assunzione di grassi saturi è associata all'infiammazione ? Vedi il mio in tre parti The Leaky Gut Theory of Why Animal Products Cause Inflammation ( why-animal-products-cause-inflammation/), The Exogenous Endotoxin Theory ( /the-exogenous-endotoxin-theory/) e Dead Meat Bacteria Endotoxemia ( video/dead-carne-batteri-endotossiemia/).

Per saperne di più sul rapporto tra la nostra dieta e funzione sessuale, vedere Colesterolo e disfunzione sessuale femminile (, Anguria come trattamento per la disfunzione erettile ( -disfunzione-erettile/) e Dieta Atkins: Problemi nel tenerlo al passo (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/atkins-diet-trouble-keeping-it-up/).

Per ulteriori informazioni sulla salute orale, vedere Diet & Lichen Planus ( video/diet-lichen-planus/), Apthous Ulcer Mystery Solved (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/apthous-ulcer-mystery-solved/) e Inverted Rabbit Sign (

Ma aspetta —che cosa avevano da dire quei due recenti studi sulle diete a base vegetale? Scoprilo nel prossimo video Diete a base vegetale: Salute dentale ( -diets-dental-health/).

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su / e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: corridorkidsdentistry.
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21 Risposte a “Diete vegetali: salute orale”

  1. Excellent video… It's amazing what correlations are now being drawn between different diseases. It all makes complete sense and it all boils down to inflammation. There's so many different anti-inflammatory foods, supplements and products out t here. The key is not arresting it but determining it's root cause and taking t he steps to arrest it completely nutritionally. You're quite the great example of a good MD…


  2. Dr. Gregor, I am subscribed to your channel, but I'm noticing that your newly uploaded videos are not showing up in my YouTube home feed like all my other subscriptions are. Just thought I'd mention it in case it's something on your end that needs to be changed. If it's more than just me, it could be affecting your view count. Every time you upload a new video, it's supposed to show up in a subscriber's home feed along with other new vids by other channels they're subscribed to. What's up?

  3. Wash your mouth out after every meal. Wait an hour and go brush your teeth. Afterwards, chew some xylitol gum. You'll get absolutely NO cavities this way. Got it from Dr. Elle on youtube, author of the book: Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye.

  4. I had periodontal disease so bad that my teeth were all loose and literally ready to fall out with holes and pits in my gums, bleeding constantly for no reason (injury), the base of my teeth had grown a calcium web to protect the bacteria! Cured, I had a dentist Drill out the infection in the gums (that was painful) and then had her drill of all blackened dead tooth material, she wanted to pull about 3 teeth to get at the underlying infected bone but I didn't let her. Rinsed with black seed oil and water twice a day and stopped eating rubbish food by replacing meat with veges. My dentist is completely dumbfounded that I have healed so that you can't tell that I had such bad periodontal disease. My gums are all healed with no pits, no smelly breath, no infection and all my teeth firm and I have even grown enamel over the drilled teeth.

  5. It's a very informative video. New Orchard Dentistry provides you with root canal treatment. Dr. Nashef and our professional team are dedicated to providing you with excellent, personalized and gentle dental care at the highest level possible.

  6. There are a few ways to boost your libido, no matter if you think you're too far gone or frigid. There's one alternative found in Ava Fortsmire's website that may do the trick for you.


  8. I love how he doesn’t mention cavities once. Breakfast cereal is worse than sugar water. Fruit juice is acidic and sugary. You are actually better off NOT brushing your teeth right after drinking it because of the damage it will do to your softened enamel. This is some of the worst Cherry picking so far by Dr Gregor

  9. My first 42 years of life were plagued with dental problems including cavities and inflamed gums… at age 43 I turned strict vegan and now I am 52 years old and never had one single dental problem or inflamed gums since making that life change!

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