Bacche per il trattamento dell'infiammazione e dell'artrosi

Studi in doppio cieco, randomizzati, controllati con placebo sui frutti di bosco e il primo studio clinico sugli effetti dei frutti di bosco sull'artrite.

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Nella mia dozzina quotidiana ( -gregers-daily-dozen-checklist/), consiglio di mangiare una porzione di frutti di bosco al giorno (1/2 tazza fresca o congelata). Ecco cos'altro possono fare:
• Ridurre il dolore muscolare con le bacche ( with-berries/)
• Potenziamento dell'attività delle cellule killer naturali ( /video/boosting-natural-killer-cell-activity/)<br/> • Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due anni (
• Inibizione dell'aggregazione piastrinica con le bacche (
• I vantaggi di Acai rispetto ai mirtilli per la funzione dell'arteria ( I-benefici-di-Acai-vs-Mirtilli-per-la-funzione-arteria)
• I benefici dei mirtilli per la funzione arteriosa (
• Vantaggi di Blueberri es per la pressione sanguigna può essere bloccato dallo yogurt ( Può essere bloccato dallo yogurt)
• Benefici dei mirtilli per il cervello (
• Benefici dei mirtilli per Umore e mobilità (
• I migliori cibi per il cervello: bacche e noci messe alla prova (
• Vantaggi of Blueberries for Heart Disease (
• Mirtilli per una dieta diabetica e riparazione del DNA (

Per ulteriori informazioni su artrite e infiammazione, vedere:
• Perché le diete a base vegetale aiutano l'artrite reumatoide? ( )
• Trattamento della gotta con succo di ciliegia (
• Trattamento per la gotta con ciliegina sulla torta (
• Curcuma Curcumina e Osteoartrite (https ://
• Curcumina curcuma e artrite reumatoide (
• La molecola infiammatoria della carne Neu5Gc (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/the-infiammatori-meat-molecule-neu5gc)
• Quali spezie combattono l'infiammazione? (
• Semi di sesamo per l'artrosi del ginocchio (
• Ginger per l'osteoartrite (
• Bucce di mela alla prova per dolori articolari cronici (
• Benefici delle foglie di cavolo cappuccio sul ginocchio per l'artrosi (
• Il Effetti di avocado e vino rosso sull'infiammazione indotta dai pasti (https:/

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67 Risposte a “Bacche per il trattamento dell'infiammazione e dell'artrosi”

  1. Thanks for your video! Do some more about insomnia I'm doing all I can(eating kiwis) and it just doesn't get better :C Have a good day!

  2. Thank you Dr. Greger, Again! Amazing video. People are unfortunately so stupid and uneducated, and keep on stuffing their pie holes with processed food and animal products and then burden our health system and make pharmaceutical companies billionaires. Your videos should be played at primary schools and all this scientific information you give us so perfectly packaged in 5 minutes videos should be installed in our young growing generations minds forever. The world would become vegan so much faster and the Planet and the people and animals on it much healthier and happier.

  3. Why do you imply that berries (in general) are healthy if the papers you cite study predominantly blueberries?
    How do you know that it's the anthocyanin at work and not something specific to blueberries?
    Blueberries are expensive and difficult to come by, even frozen. So I would very much like some proof that any source of anthocyanin will do the trick.

  4. Interesting. Need to ramp up my berry intake. Question about the muscle strength recovery chart at 2:38 though. Seems the control group passed the berry group after 60 hours. Would the berry group catch back up?

  5. Last time I looked Norwich University are doing research on blueberries. There was also a story in an English national newspaper on a story of how a man had been able to reverse his 80 year old mothers 'dementia" by changing her diet and her diet was high in blueberries. The newspaper wrote that the Alzheimers Society are now recommending his diet plan for the health condition.

  6. I see a problem for the strength training with Blueberries at 2:45.

    Sure you have recovered more at 36 hours, but the goal of strength training is getting stronger.

    At 60 hours the blueberry group is back to where you started, but the non blueberry group is Stronger than the starting point, and That is the Goal.

    This effect has been seen in other interventions that aim to reduce acute inflammation (like NSAIDS). Less inflammation, faster recovery, but less strength gains when fully recovered.

  7. How do markers of pro-inflammatory genes almost double in six weeks in placebo people @ 0:49? That seems really shocking. How would they just not end up doubling constantly and what's so special about the six weeks that they tested in that it doubled? Something seems off…. You would think the placebo would stay the same

  8. Awesome! I made a video of your "Two Berry Pie Pecan Sunflower Crust" recently out of the How Not to Die Cookbook. I was just thinking about making it again with some fresh picked blueberries out of my backyard and blackberries from the mountains! The berries in my backyard have been especially fruitful this year!

  9. I eat blueberries every morning in my oatmeal. If I don't have them freshly-picked then they're surprisingly affordable Frozen and organic. Can leave out the ceylon cinnamon, clove, flax seed, and of course steel cut organic oats 🙂

  10. sounds to me like typical research baloney. Do a study on people with "metabolic" problems or obese with arthiritis and report improvement by taking huge daily doses of "berries". In fact, if u look at the Daily Dozen you will be eating–"daily"–18 servings of veg matter, spending half ur time in the kitchen and half on the pot, never mind how eating so much every day affects long term digestive health. Gregor himself could sponsor studies that actually prove something–e.g. exactly what substances in a particular berry do what, and what is the mechanism for improvement, and, do u actually have to eat a gallon of berries a day to get a small positive effect, or can u get by with a pill instead. Gregor's weakness–and it's continuing–is that he always b'esses around a general issue without ever getting down to the brass tacks. Q: how are egg whites detrimental. Gregor: why would u eat egg whites when u have the best diet in the world for reversing heart disease. Q: would a small amt of lean red meat/day or /weak cause harm, and if so, what substances in the eat cause the harm and how is the harm done. Gregor: why would u want to eat meat when u can eat the best diet in the world that prevents heart disease.

  11. Another great video!  I happen to love most berries, especially blueberries and strawberries, so now I have even more reason to eat them. Thank you Dr. Greger for sharing your knowledge.

  12. Thank you so much for this video Doc. I’ve started body building and needed more info on the best way to decrease muscle inflammation for a quicker healing turn around time. I’m a fan for life.

  13. Could you do a video on foods that help asthma?

    Since I went plant based, and eating lots of berries (for anti inflammatory bc asthma is inflammatory from what I understand) my asthma has gotten tons better, but I still want to push it to be better!

    I love your videos! They are so informative and I can tell you really put your heart into the research that you do!


  15. Super …. I am basically a Bluberrien all summer long…then I switch back to normal veganism once blueberries are no longer in session… I could just eat blueberries and raspberries all day long..

  16. Dear Dr. Greger and team, thank you for another great video! I really appreciate your content and I wish to share this particular one with my loved ones. The only issue I have though is with the Bulgarian subtitles, as they are not actually in Bulgarian, but in some other language. Thank you in advance for checking!

  17. This is true. I had INTENSE inflammation in my wrist. Started keto diet, the pain went away basically. I stopped eating carbs and sugar and replaced it with healthy fats. Mainly feta cheese and eggs actually. But the real improvement came with berries. Regular cherry and blueberry made INSANE improvements for me, after just smth likee 1-2 days i could both feel and see it. My wrist is normal again. I bought a mixer which i put 3dl water, 1dl sour milk and then just half a hand of blueberries and like 7-8 cherries. Been doing this for a while now and i feel fantastic. Have not tried to stop mixing once per day, but why should i? It's tasty and it's healthy.

  18. Berry, in botany, a simple fleshy fruit that usually has many seeds, such as the banana, grape, and tomato. As a simple fruit, a berry is derived from a single ovary of an individual flower. The middle and inner layers of the fruit wall often are not distinct from each other. Please clarify which fruits would be helpful.

  19. Studies are mostly funded by groups who benefit by their "conclusions". I can't get excited by any study until I know who paid for it. Was it the national blueberry growers? Did the California Strawberry Farmers fund it? At least 3/4 of every study is funded by some party who will benefit with a specific outcome. Those people are smart enough to design studies to prove the desired outcome. It isn't difficult to pull off. Make a donation to a University and someone will try to conclude Dunkin Doughnuts are good for you in moderation.
    Just follow the money, kids. Remember the food pyramid?

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