Dietro le quinte di

Come viene fuori il Dr. Greger con i suoi video?
Se vai su, dove puoi accedere al database della National Library of Medicine—la più grande biblioteca medica del mondo—puoi cercare argomenti come dieta o nutrizione, vedrai che c'è 000, articoli pubblicati ogni anno nel campo della nutrizione nella letteratura medico scientifica. Idealmente, facciamo una ricerca completa della letteratura disponibile per contestualizzare qualsiasi articolo in particolare, andando anche avanti e indietro nel tempo, controllando tutte le fonti che citano e tutte le fonti che le hanno citate.

Iscriviti alla newsletter gratuita sulla nutrizione del Dr. Greger all'indirizzo e ricevi un ricetta gratuita dal suo LIBRO COME NON MORIRE. (Tutti i proventi che il Dr. Greger riceve dalla vendita dei suoi libri, DVD e impegni di conferenze vanno a sostenere il c3 organizzazione no profit che gestisce <br/>
Se ha aiutato te o la tua famiglia in qualche modo e vorresti fare il tuo parte per mantenere forte il sito, per favore considera di unirti alle migliaia di persone che supportano questo importante lavoro e fanno una donazione (

Questo video fa parte di un esperimento per trovare modi per attirare i nuovi utenti del sito. Tanto di quello che faccio è rivolto a chi già conosce le basi, ma nel sondaggio utenti che circa un migliaio di voi ha compilato qualche settimana fa, molti di voi mi hanno chiesto di fare un passo indietro e fare dei video più mirati verso coloro che non conoscono la nutrizione basata sull'evidenza.

Quindi con l'aiuto volontario del videografo Grant Peacock ( Ho creato dieci video di introduzione e panoramica sia per i nuovi utenti per orientarsi, sia per gli utenti di lunga data da utilizzare per presentare le persone al sito.

I primi quattro sono già attivi:
• The Story of (
• Perché dovresti preoccuparti della nutrizione (
• Assumersi la responsabilità personale per la propria salute (
• La filosofia di ( the-philosophy-of-nutritionfacts-org)

Resta sintonizzato per:
• Come Non morire di malattie cardiache (
• Come non morire di cancro ( /video/come-non-morire-di-cancro/)
• Come non morire di diabete (http://nutr
• Come non morire di malattie renali (
• Come non morire di pressione alta ( come-non-morire-da-pressione-elevata)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e qualcuno del team di cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di link a tutti i fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate in Troverai anche una trascrizione del video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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100 Risposte a “Dietro le quinte di”

  1. REDUCE-IT STUDY PLEASE! Save people from CVD, 31 % reduction in heart attacks, 28% reduction in stroke, 20% reduction in cvd death. P<.00000001 in heart attacks, P<.0000006 in stroke. Need your opinion doctor, please and thank you for considering

  2. Dr. Greger, any chance you could make a video around this new study (if it's even worth the time)?

    Effects of a low carbohydrate diet on energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance: randomized trial

    It's making quite the splash on Medium and other forums. But from my (admittedly inexperienced) position its methods and findings are oversimplified.

  3. If all people were as genuinely caring as Michael Greger, we would have a totally different world.
    He's so kind to work this hard in dedication of his grandmother.
    We should really recognize how lucky we are to have this accessability for free.

  4. I love your passion. It’s what first got me interested. Then I got the audio book How Not To Die. I listen every day on my 40 min commute to work and back home again. I am on my fourth round And I will not stop until I have it memorized. Thank You Dr. Gregor for caring.

  5. That’s even more work than I thought!

    Vegans are supposed to be on top of 100.000 studies per year, understand macro and micro economics, psychology, philosophy, politics and be amazing cooks :p

  6. Today on Thanksgiving I am thankful for the men and women in you army of facts. I literally sleep better at night, not only because I follow a plant based diet but because gives me peace of mind by building a bridge between me, the "average Joe" and the scientific community! Dr.Greger, THANK YOU to you and your team and donors!!!!

  7. It’s Thanksgiving Day, and what better day than today to tell you how grateful I am for what you do, how you do it, and the genuine help it brings to an unlimited audience. You are an inspiration and ideal example for all who want to be noble and efficient in their dealing with others.

  8. There is no one like Dr. Greger on YouTube. So much energy, so much passion, diligence, and he does it all with such and well thought out, comical, and light hearted approach. I hope he's got the big picture correct because we need him around for another 80 years.

  9. Dr. Greger, please make a Patreon account. This is what many people use to support good causes. In fact, there is no reason not to have a Patreon account. Then people can choose the best way to donate.

  10. This was an excellent explanation on how you review the countless studies in pub med. Thanks for your transparency and how you try to help out the little guy. Great job!

  11. Thank you so much for all your work. It inspired me to go plant based earlier this year.

    Perhaps not "practical"… but…
    I have a question for you and your team…Have you heard of the Birch Polypore (Piptoporus Betulinus)? I've read that it's a powerful, antiviral, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-septic, anti-tumor… anti-everything. Is there any medical research to back up these claims?

  12. So so grateful for all the incredible work you and your amazing team do each and every day, and the FREE service you're providing to the world. Such an inspiration. I can't thank you enough! ✌️🌿💖

  13. Thank you so much for your amazing work, and a massive thanks and shoutout to your whole team as well. We're all so grateful for all that you do! 🙂 <3

  14. There are men who struggle for a day and they are good. There are men who struggle for a year and they are better. There are men who struggle many years, and they are better still. But there are those who struggle all their lives: These are the indispensable ones.

    Bertol Brecht

    You're one indispensable one, Doctor Greger

  15. Wow I had no idea so much work went into each video! I feel even more inspired admiring respectful and trusting in you now Dr Greger 👍💟😊. Thank you.

  16. Hi Dr. Greger and thanks for you amazing work! I think I speak for a lot of people with what I am about to say. I think most of us can understand that even though studies are ground breaking and practical they still don't make the cut due to challenge of making them interesting. However, I would find it immensely interesting to take part of these studies in one way or another. Would it be possibly to share these articles in monthly newsletter with just a short description of the study and a link? It just feels such a shame that groundbreaking and practically relevant studies (that have been read by Nutritionfacts and deemed as such) to not reach the rest of us. Please give it a thought a least! With love from Sweden

  17. "For those who are HUNGRY for evidence-based nutrition". Lol. He's a genius on a mission to save and improve the lives of others AND he's got a sense of humor! Go Dr. Gregor!

  18. Hi Conny, isn't it wonderful to finally know how to eat and stay healthy?and isn't it amazing, that in the richest country in the world, it took us this long? Because the food industry is more interested in profits than healthy people. And dr. Greger gives all his profits to charity. This really gives me hope for the future of this country.I would love to hear from you occasionally about how you are doing. Blessings.

  19. I am so thankful for your hard work and consistent devotion to providing accurate health information. You are my most trusted source for information and advice on health and nutrition. You have personally ruined many foods for me, but that's a very good thing because it's helping me overcome six decades of false advertising, misinformation, and nutritional ignorance. The sad truth is that most of the people I know desperately need the kind of advice you provide and never get exposed to it unless they actively seek it out. I recommended your videos every chance I get. Your example truly inspires me to say the least.

  20. is this your answer to vegsource ,they said you cherry picked your vitamin D research ,you really ought to answer them i think they have an agenda….i feel so much better after taking nutrition advice from nutrition facts .org..i bought your book and passed a few around to family members,thanks for all of it…tom

  21. Thank you, Dr.Greger, I bought your How Not To Die book and cookbook, it changed my view on a vegan diet so much, I can't thank you more.

  22. Is this guy the guru on nutrition??…why is his body falling apart. .he can barely see looks malnourished and and bald….at least get a doctor that looks the part of a healthy person. If this doctor is 50years old then HE DOESNT KNOW SHIT ANOUT NUTRITION. BECAUSE HE LOOKS LIKE HASNT FIGURED OUT SHIT JUST FROM HIS LACK OF A WELL FUNCTIONING BODY.

  23. Thank you for all of your hard work and efforts and kindness in allowing all to read you work for free with no money influence. I appreciate you weeding out all of the charlatan's, being a skeptic, and being a rebel too. Your efforts are and will pay off in the future. Please keep doing what you do. Thanks!

  24. I love you even more now. Thank you Dr Gregor. You are a gift whose value is inestimable. Maybe one day, God will reveal to you just how much you have helped people.

  25. I don't know why there are not more sites like this, we seem to be living in a very obsolete time where people are not keeping up with the all the available information.
    Thank you very much for Dr.Greger's work, I have learned so much after I discovered the site, and these type of common sense should be taught in school, and it is a shame for schools to not do so.

  26. Internet is a puzzle. Only when you do more, you find more. I have been using youtube for 5 years and you posted your first video more than 5 years ago(8 years ago). I was watching a video by FightMediocrity, he guided me here through the summary of your book. You are awesome man.

  27. Its pretty amazing that this is available for us. Its unbelievable the work he puts into providing the information to better OUR HEALTH. THANK YOU!

  28. thank you dr. Greger for doing this research for us! I've been around a long time and I have never seen a reputable person like yourself do so much good to inform people so they can take their health into their own hands. Thank you so much! You deserve the Nobel Peace prize for the work you do!

  29. Wow! An actual Doctor Who cares about healing people and not about profit! I am in shock. I’ve just started my whole food plant-based diet lifestyle. It’s quite a change for me and I’m hoping I can stay the course. I bought “how not to die” along with your cookbook, And watching all your videos such helpful information! thank you!

  30. Thank you Dr Greger. I bought your books and read them and use it as a reference manual to the studies that you cited. It gives me the information to convey nutrition in a way to the patients I take care of as a dialysis nurse.

    I actually read some of the studies in every chapter.

  31. Dr.Greger I want to thank you, your volunteers and anyone else involved who helps you along the way because this is so eye opening.. educational.. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  32. God bless you, Dr.Greger. You are a true servant of humanity, and you've helped more people than you know. Perhaps saved more than a few lives. Your grandma must be proud.

  33. I follow you since many years back. I highly appreciate this valuable work and effort!!! I got books from you both to keep on informing myself (gave books as presents too) and for supporting this cause
    Greetings from Mexico

  34. After all this he still comes to the conclusion that a whole food plant based diet is the healthiest way to eat and people still want to argue!

  35. Well done dr g …. i listen to you everyday … you and all the vegan good doctors dr Campbell..dr mills.. dr kim ..dr pam dr davis dr neil dr esselyn have saved my life through youtube .. became a vegan in oct 2020 and we cannot say thank you enough .. god bless you and your family

  36. Thank you so much Dr. Greger for opening our eyes and teaching us how to eat real food! Keep up the good work Doctor! I will always pray for you, your family, your work, and your team! God bless!

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