Dieta per l'ipotiroidismo: un trattamento naturale per la malattia di Hashimoto

Quali sono stati i risultati di uno studio randomizzato, in doppio cieco, controllato con placebo su mezzo cucchiaino di cumino nero in polvere al giorno per Hashimoto's trattamento della malattia (tiroidite autoimmune)?

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• I vegani sono a rischio di carenza di iodio? (
• La fonte naturale più salutare di iodio (<br/> • La dieta migliore per l'ipotiroidismo e l'ipertiroidismo ( dieta-per-ipotiroidismo-e-ipertiroidismo)

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64 Risposte a “Dieta per l'ipotiroidismo: un trattamento naturale per la malattia di Hashimoto”

  1. When you want to cure your hypothyroidism with wfpb diet should you stop using your daily medication? Or just eat wfpb while taking medication and do some checks with doctor over time? My gf has hypothyoridism, but she use just lowest medication of 25units. Does anybody know?

  2. The body doesn't "attack" itself. The "auto-immune" theory is just a theory made up by the orthodox medical community. Everyone knows or SHOULD know the body is ALWAYS TRYING TO HEAL. The inflammation of the thyroid is a warning signal indicating it is TIME TO ALKALIZE AND CLEAN OUT around the thyroid (and the whole body as everything is connected). A hypothyroid comes from acids from eating acid producing foods (mostly animal products and starchy legumes and grains and cooked food) that settles in the lymphatic system near the thyroid. Cleaning out the body by eating a high raw plant based diet including taking whole herbs that balance the thyroid the body actually recognizes like kelp and maybe cumin and others goes a long way to eliminating the problem. The acid forming foods MUST be given up for some months or longer to see permanent results. Combination homeopathics and glandular supplements can help too I know. I've done it.

  3. I am truly horrified by the University of Maryland's Covid vaccine mandate policy.  As a healthcare practitioner and medical researcher their policy is deeply disturbing. They are absolutely not following the science,  but using the power of a state institution to maximize corporate profits for pharmaceutical companies. 

    Let's begin by discussing cross reactive immunity. Millions of people have cross reactive immunity to SarsCov2 because of previous infections with related coronaviruses.  That puts the Herd Immunity Threshold at between 50 and 25% because so many are already incapable of contracting Covid.

    Next the Millions of Covid recovered people don't need a vaccine.  They have durable, long term TCell,  Antibody, Bcell, Cd4, Cd8, Bone marrow immunity, etc.  In fact it has been shown that vaccinating Covid recovered patients diminishes their innate immune response and is therefore contraindicated.  Why doesn't the University of Maryland make exemptions for natural immunity? Because natural immunity doesn't benefit corporate profits. 

    Most young people are not at risk of dying from Covid. Excluding people with pre existing conditions, cancer and the immune compromised. The CDC statistics are very clear in this regard. Therefore forcing an experimental medical intervention on them is particularly aggregious.  Especially when you take into account the tsunami of Covid vaccine injuries and deaths that we are presently beginning to experience.  Keep in mind that the VAERS system generally only reports between 1% and 10% of adverse reactions. 

    I have treated an unacceptable number of adverse reactions to the experimental Covid vaccines.  I've seen more adverse reactions in the past 4 months than I've seen in the past 15 years of practicing medicine. Capitalism in the Vaccine Industry and the lack of corporate liability is deeply disturbing to me.  Safety and efficacy are not taken into consideration,  only profit. 💰💰💰

    So far I've witnessed 3 cases of Bell's Palsy,  1 Parotitis,  1 Trigeminal Neuralgia,  3 cases of Shingles,  1 stroke, 2 Guillan Barre,  1 runaway high blood pressure spike,  1 miscarriage. Etc…  Disaster.

    Of course all of the adverse reactions I've seen are acute. We aren't even talking about the long term implications.  We are definitely already seeing Antibody Dependent Enhancement and Pathogenic Priming in the vaccinated. We won't see the cancers, autoimmune disease or inflammatory conditions for a few weeks to years after the injection as it takes some time for cell signaling to mount an inflammatory response.  The biggest concern is long term neuro degenerative issues like prion disease.  Only time will tell.  But I'm certain that the Vaccine Aftermarket will be primed to rake in astronomical profits. Orders of magnitude greater than profits from direct Vaccine sales.

    People need to stop mistaking a marketing campaign for a health campaign. 💸💸💸

    Next,  let's consider the warnings of Nobel Prize winning immunologist Luc Montagnier that the mass vaccination campaign is causing Antibody Dependent Enhancement which is driving immune escape mutations and creating the variants.  This mass vaccination strategy might be beneficial for Pharma in that it will drive the booster shot market. But it will not end the Pandemic. 

    And finally it's important to remember that using government force to push a corporate profit agenda is fascism. 

    The most disturbing part of this medical malpractice fiasco is the latest Lancet study that shows the Pfizer as being 0.84% effective, Moderna at 1.2% effective, J&J 1.2% effective. How useless.

  4. Is black seed oil the same as the powder? I am looking into it and was thinking of taking a capsule, not sure if that's as good as just using it in food dishes?

  5. Thank you so much, as always, for your informative video! Does this recommendation hold for people with Hashimotos if their thyroid is currently in hyper mode? I’m so confused about what to do because even though I have hypothyroidism, my thyroid is hyper. Could anyone please explain to me? Thank you!

  6. My brother, mother, and six sisters all have an underactive thyroid. Why should I mess with supplements and diet when a levothyroxine pill does the trick? We're all perfectly healthy and have no side effects from the medication.

  7. I have hypothyroidism without having hashimoto's. If I am whole-food plant-based and using supplements instead of the meds, should I add 1/2 a tsp of black cumin to my morning routine? Can it be taken like in some juice with breakfast?

  8. Is there anything else you should avoid taking black cumin with, such as b-12 or other thyroid supporting supplements?

  9. I developed hypothyroidism 6 months after a complete hysterectomy. I have no family history of thyroid disease. It's been a long journey.

  10. Read up on gluten removal normalizing thyroid dysfunction in Hashimotos; there are over 20 larger studies showing autoimmune paleo fixing hashimotos. Yet again Dr greger chooses the 1 of 3 studies that didn't show an effect… Out of 20+ that did.

  11. All these comments gloating about "diet cured their hashimoto's" is dangerous and misinformative. As a hashimoto's sufferer, I've tried every single diet in the book – no change, except emptier pockets. Autoimmune diseases CANNOT be cured by something as simple as that, and anyone who tells you otherwise is selling you false hope

  12. Please do a video on evidence based weight gain for those who are underweight. I need to gain weight but want to do it as healthily as possible!

  13. I‘m almost 100% sure that my Hashimoto came from an infection. My mandibular lymph nodes were swollen for month before I got the diagnosis.

  14. Could I pose a question for a possible future live stream? I work a combination of 2x 12hr days followed by 2x 12hr nights, so the whole time disposed eating is out of the window. What would be the best health recommendation for such a lifestyle (already vegan) ? Also what is the safest sweetener for black coffee – I heard you don't recommend Stevia so I'm back on synthetic sweetners which I'd like to avoid in future.

  15. Do you think the black cumin could lower TSH when taken in whole seed form or does it have to be ground??

  16. That's such a good way to put it for a lot of things: "genes may load the gun, but environment pulls the trigger". I love those dr. Greger one-liners. I throw "moderation is just hitting yourself with a smaller hammer" at people whenever I can, for instance and I'm really liking this one too. Very clever way to state in one sentence really all you need to know about the subject to understand why it's so important to change your lifestyle.

  17. After researching and buying this seed, I don't think you should call it "black cumin" as people might get the wrong seed. There is another seed, kala jeera, which goes by "black cumin" whereas N. Sativa seems to be more commonly called "black seed" or "kalonji" (but "black seed" can also refer to black sesame seeds!). If you search "black cumin" on the internet, you'll get some sources referring to kala jeera and some to N. Sativa. Therefore I think it would be best if you called it "Nigella Sativa," or "Kalonji," as those are the two names one might see at the store. "Black Cumin" may result in someone unknowingly eating a different seed wondering where the benefits are.

  18. Can you please consider doing a video on fatty liver? I went to the doctor and was advised to focus on animal protein and veggies; and stay away from carbs. Thank you!

  19. I haven't tried the black cumin thing, but going plant based reduced my TPO antibodies from 163 to 107 in 9 months. Hoping that sticking closer to the whole foods plant based diet will eventually bring it down to 0.

  20. I have a lump on my thyroid that appeared suddenly. It's Christmas so I have to wait to have it looked at. But looking online it seems possible this could disappear in a few months and completely return back to normal functioning in a year or year and a half. I wonder how many people go to the doctor, get a diagnosis, and then get treatment for something making it worse over the long run than trying live healthier and letting it heal on its own…

  21. Hello, I am curious about your thoughts on eliminating soy and gluten from a diet when diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease? Thank you very much. I am a vegan and soy is a HUGE part of our diet, gluten is pretty high up there as well. I don't want eliminate them if possible. Please share your thoughts and advise.

  22. So, if you want to use nigella sativa therapeutically to treat Hashimoto's thyroiditis, should you eat 1/2 tsp of ground nigella on an empty stomach or might it be combined with other foods, especially goitrogenic foods like flax or soy?

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