Domande e risposte dal vivo con il Dr. Greger di il 27 luglio alle 15:00 ET

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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85 Risposte a “Domande e risposte dal vivo con il Dr. Greger di il 27 luglio alle 15:00 ET”

  1. I would love to hear your thoughts Dr. Greger on Lectins, Histamine, Phytic Acid, Protease and amylase inhibitors found in nuts, seed, legumes and grains primarily please if you can discuss this. There seems to be plenty of heat on this subject and why we should stay away from the foods that contain them.

  2. so smart… love to listen and try to retain.
    Thank you for what you are doing for the world…. wonderful work.
    Hibiscus and licorice tea drinker for 3 years. 1 c hibiscus flowers to 2 tbsp licorice root… makes 12 cups. heals adrenal glands and other stuff.

  3. Does anyone know if it's possible to eat too much garlic? Like would one bulb every other day be too much?

  4. I barely bump my hands and get an ugly bruise,that takes 2 weeks to go away in the mean time I bump it before that one heals.Anyone no what's going on

  5. Inspired by your current videos on arsenic I did further research to find it might even be in higher contents in leafy greens, including kale, and especially in pears and apples. Broccoli and frozen peas seem to be safe as well as many fruits with thick peels. Being a bio-physicist from Cornell, you might be familiar with the soil studies from Dr. "Dux". Fructose in beer seems to be another chemical question, beer being full of hops as a blood cleanser and good for kidneys prior to surgery, as I believe you even mentioned corn fructose being used as an organic pesticide spray. Slugs and insects in my garden love my kale, cabbage and broccoli. Thoughts on organic pesticides, as I have tried several recipes, would be appreciated by all, I'm sure. You also have a degree in agriculture if I'm remembering correctly. Thanks again. Best wishes. Walk on!

  6. So nuts have as much saturated fat as meat, but it's good to eat them because they have lots of fiber. Then question is, why can't you eat meat and add lots of fiber as a side?

  7. Doc, you misspoke. You gave erythritol a yellow light previously. "Harmless. Found naturally in pears, melons, and grapes, absorbed in the intestine, so it doesn’t have a laxative effect. And it’s excreted virtually unchanged in the urine.", 2009

    "In videos in years past, I’ve talked about erythritol as being harmless. But, new data suggests I may have to change my tune. Now, it actually may be helpful", 2010

  8. Great info again! Tks😎However, you might have your kids put up colorful office decor for all to enjoy as we listen!?!😆

  9. while we wait on the rest of the rice series of videos, apparently soaking rice overnight reduces arsenic significantly if that's really bumming you out. However he said that since it's water soluble our bodies get rid of it so maybe just drink more fluids while we learn what's up with rice

  10. Smoothie recipe I have in the mornings…
    Frozen Cranberries, Frozen Blueberries, Frozen Strawberries, Green Apple, Raw Pineapple, Clove of Garlic, Ground Flaxseed, Ground Chia, Carrot, Beetroot, Brocolli, 1 Brussell Sprout, Kale, Spinach,…blend it all together in a high speed Blender
    Side dish of Nuts…Natural Peanut Butter, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Cashews, 1 Brazil Nut, half teaspoon Home made Curry Powder.
    Awesome it fuels me for most of the day

  11. Hello Dr. Thank you for all your efforts.I would like to know about if we can use or drink hydrogen peroxide mixed with water is it harmful or helpful for the health cause there's a poor info about this topic? Thank you

  12. Just have rice with cilantro, parsley, onion, garlic, similar herbs ect.. they detox heavy metals.
    Lots of raw fruits and vegetables, zinc and hemp as well as chlorella and pine pollen are known to help as well 🙂

  13. Isn't V8 juice is GMO? Nothing wrong with fresh juice though, if you need to cleanse your body a juice cleanse is much safer than a water fast and once you feel healed and clean you can start adding fiber back. Checkout John Rose i believe provides some awesome information on this as he has 30-40years experience in juice fasting.

  14. So, no Choline Supplement or just no lecitine supplement? Is choline derived from Lecitine? I have no idea. I have a Choline / Inositol Supplement here 🤔

  15. So, how did you hold your latkes together without EGGS? I love you, but the anti-egg education is mystifying as humans have been eating eggs since the beginning of time.

  16. 00:01:05 – Serge112 asks: What's going on with controversial choline intake recommendations, and is choline deficiency possible?
    00:02:55 – Serge112 asks about erythritol.
    00:05:00 – J.Luo asks: Everybody talks about eating whole food. What is a whole food?
    00:06:00 – Oliviae asks: Dr. Attia tells people that cholesterol is fine, and the problem is high triglycerides, therefore he suggest a low carbohydrate diet. What are your thoughts on that?
    00:07:00 – Oliviae asks: What is your opinion about the theory that meat consumption was a benefactor of brain development during the evolution of the human species?
    00:08:30 – Oliviae asks: Some friends tell me that I believe in a conspiracy theory (Editors hint: she probably try to educate people that animal products and processed food are unhealthy)
    00:10:00 – Matt asks: Is coconut flakes a green, yellow, or red light food?
    00:11:30 – Matt asks about which lentils are the best (brown, red… etc.)
    00:12:15 – Matt asks about vitamin D. Is vitamin D3 still the superior form?
    00:12:50 – Matt asks: Is sorgum flour healthy?
    00:14:20 – Matt asks if pumpkin seeds and hemp seeds are healthy.
    00:15:00 – Serge112: Most algae based EPA/DHA use alpha-tocopherol as a preservitive. Is that okay to consume a few miligramms of E-vitamin?
    00:15:30 – Mike asks: I have been eating whole plant foods for 2 years. My LDL is still 110. Is that okay?
    00:18:16 – Ellie asks: Is kombucha safe?
    00:19:40 – BJK asks: You recommend no more than 1 liter of hibiscus tea. Ok! But how much hibiscus are we talking about? 10 g (=roughly 5 tea bags) like in that one blood pressure study?
    00:20:55 – BJK: Any update on adding nuts to nitrate rich greens for fat soluble vitamins? PubMed: "Fat transforms ascorbic acid from inhibiting to promoting acid‐catalysed N‐nitrosation"
    00:21:25 – Marie asks: Can inorganic arsenic consumed with rice be removed from the body?
    00:22:50 – Rake922 asks: are there negative consequences of a very low sodium diet?
    00:24:40 – Nicola asks about juicing (V8 juice) and hemp seeds.
    00:25:55 – BJK: Any expected benefits having a sodium intake below the often recommended 1.5 grams threshold? And do athletes use up/need slightly more sodium?
    00:26:10 – Daniel asks: Is eating seeds and nut butters associated with pimples and acne?
    00:27:15 – Amcar asks: What does the evidence say about glucosamine, MSM supplements improving osteoarthritis?
    00:27:50 -Marie asks: What if rice products are just packaged in the country which is marked as their place of production?
    00:29:10 – Matt: How much glycogen can the bosy store before (if ever) it is turned into fat?
    00:30:00 – Announcement: Special broadcast on 8th of august, 8 pm detroit time,  a presentation live stream which will be taken down from Youtube thereafter, and only be released months later this year!

  17. I wonder what the doctor thinks about the keto diet and if its true that you carnt dip into your fat storage if we continue to eat carbs ? Does that mean we never burn fat eating a high carb diet because thats what plant foods are .

  18. Help! My grandmother is dying of the mediacation they're (failing) to treat her polymyalgia rheumatica & arteritis temporalis with. She is sick all the time & so skinny, but eats lots of animal product. What can I suggest her to do? Not that she'll listen but I'm at a loss.

  19. If you have high cholesterol, if you drink a lot of unfiltered coffee (eg french press), this may be a cause. There is a phytochemical taken out by the filter paper which raises LDL.

  20. Wow, yes, I would LOVE to see how he makes his own "V8" …that would be great ! I remember that he has a video of "The Fruit whose Juice is Healthiest" something like that and it turns out to be TOMATO juice…but darned if you can find ANY low-sodium tomato juice out there…so I've been liking low-sodium V-8.

  21. Hi Doc,
    I would like your imput on Ketosis, i understand there is two types of it, the diabetic type and the none diabetic, i also read that it has to do with the all carbohydrates or all Protein intake.
    the reason i ask is because when i go 100% Vegan, i go thru that transformation, and i sweat lots of ammonia thru my skin and nose which it burns really bad, when i exercise.
    thank you so much for Being….

  22. Hi everyone,
    I don't know where I'm most likely to get an answer so I'll have a try here :

    Does anybody has relevant data about carbohydrate-induced lipemia and the link to various diseases (CAD) ? I'm particularly worried about that as switching to a vegan diet made my carbs shoot up to around 70% of my daily calories.

    Thanks in advance for your help !

  23. Why don't you make all your Q & A Youtubes also available as a podcast? That would be a quick & easy post and possibly greatly expand your listening audience. You already have e digital content that just needs to be uploaded to iTunes.

  24. Is this site deleting comments now or was it spammed off? My comment was very innocuous in response to Norman Gundersheim's question in the comment section about the cyanide and Swedish concerns. Basically, they point out that ground flax maybe harmful and recommended limited intake. Whats wrong with that comment? You guys are getting a little fanatical. (Edit:I'm screenshotting this comment to see if it gets taken off again.)

  25. I have post-polio and restless leg syndrome. Can either of these effect bladder control? If so, is there any meditations that will help?

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