Dosaggio ottimale di vitamina B12 per bambini, gravidanza e anziani

Qual è la vitamina B ottimale12 dosaggio per anziani, bambini e donne incinte? All'età 50, tutti, indipendentemente dalla dieta, dovrebbero iniziare a integrare con vitamina B12-cibi fortificati o integratori ma oltre l'età 65 possono bastare solo supplementi giornalieri ad alte dosi.

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I primi tre in questa serie se ve li siete persi erano:
• I sintomi della vitamina B21 Carenza (
• La vitamina B ottimale000 Dosaggio per adulti ( -vitamina-B-dosaggio-per-adulti)
• Fonti alimentari più sane di vitamina B12 (

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43 Risposte a “Dosaggio ottimale di vitamina B12 per bambini, gravidanza e anziani”

  1. Up to now I have been taking 2000ug once a week. Would it be more beneficial to take 1000ug twice a week on different days, for example Wednesday and Saturday?

  2. please tell me. mom is in remission for 6 years after oncology, is it possible to take B12 in this case? doctors scare that it is impossible. I'm from Russia

  3. B12 is produced by bacteria that make it on plants. An animal or human can eat that same plant and get enough B12 (2.4mcg). More importantly, though, B12 deficiency is only a problem if you lack a chemical called the "intrinsic factor," which causes people to be unable to absorb B12. Intrinsic factor production is reduced as dietary fat increases. This is by far the most common cause of B12 deficiency. Doctors can easily test whether a person has a normal ability to absorb B12. For those who do not, NO AMOUNT OF THE VITAMIN IN THE DIET WILL HELP. THUS, ALL OF US, VEGETARIANS AND MEAT EATERS ALIKE, ARE AT RISK OF B12 DEFICIENCY.

    A high-fat diet increases this risk substantially, for two reasons. First, the colonies of B12 producing bacteria in our intestines utilize carbohydrates for fuel. As the amount of fat in our diets goes up, the amount of carbohydrate goes down, thus reducing the quantity of fuel available to the microbe. Fewer fuel results in a smaller colony and an overall decrease in B12 production. Second, the B12 uptake sites in our intestines become clogged when there is excess fat in the diet, further reducing B12 absorption When reduced B12 production is coupled with impaired absorption, the likelihood of B12 deficiency becomes predictable.

    The situation is further complicated by the fact that many refined starchy foods are "enriched" with a synthetic form of vitamin B12. When doctors test for "normal" B12 levels, their results are skewed towards the high end by the fact that most people eat these foods(mostly grain products–cereals, breads, pasta, cookies, cakes, etc) on a daily basis. People who eat a grain-free diet not supplemented by this poor imitation of the natural nutrient often test "low" for B12, even if their levels are healthy and they are totally asymptomatic. This is because their B12 levels are being compared to those of people who are consuming a B12 supplement in their food at almost every meal.

    B12 deficiency can cause anemia. Symptoms of this type of anemia include: fatigue and weakness, weight loss, and sore tongue. It can also cause a neurological disorder. Symptoms of this neurological disorder include: numbness and tingling of hands and feet, memory changes, poor balance, and depression. If you don't have all of those symptoms then you don't have B12 deficiency. You have nothing to worry about. If you want to get checked for intrinsic factor levels, that is the only sure-fire way to see if you're susceptible to it. As I mentioned, if you don't have enough intrinsic factor, no amount of B12 will help. Intrinsic factor is lowered by the amount of fat eaten, so watch your fat intake and you won't have to worry about B12 and many other diseases.

  4. I see you don’t recommend a weekly dose for children. These supplements are so high in dosage. Right now my son gets 1 spray a week which is 1/4 the serving size. So about 750mcg a week instead of 3000mcg. Is this ok? Should I try something less that is given daily?

  5. These recommendations don't make any sense at all. No-one has been dosing B12 forever. How is it that it is suddenly so vital? How have humans for millennia managed to survive if B12 supplementation is so crucial to their well being? Someone needs to get a grip on these recommendations and come up with better answers. What were we eating before that met all these B12 needs?

  6. I don't understand the 1,000 ug recommendation for older adults when the studies cited all dealt with patients trying to recover from a B12 deficiency. (See the titles and text of the studies behind Greger in the video.) Anyone?

  7. Since you can only get vitamin B complex in 8 forms in the it's best to eat organic grass fed beef liver which has over 50 so says the WAPF.
    Weston a Price Traveled the world in the 1930s studying all the indigenous cultures who were still following the traditional diet's from their ancestors, living in accordance with nature and her patterns. His results found were shocking. Many of these cultures had little to no tooth decay and they never brushed their teeth in their lives and no crowding of the teeth or decay. He noticed the ones with the best teeth had the best health and diet. Dr. Price documented what these people ate and found similarities in the diets of the healthiest among them. Dr Price found that these cultures ate of varieties of food consumed high amounts of fat (particularly from animal products) and would prepare their food and traditional ways like fermentation and bone broths. The chronicled the book Nutritional and physical degeneration .
    Weston a Price's Work is not based on theory; It's simply based on direct observation of individuals that lived incredibly healthy lives. Weston a price is now run by Sally Fallon author of "Eat fat lose fat" along with Mary Enig a biochemist known for her work in research and knowledge of fats.

  8. Hi Dr Michael, I'm whish-fully thinking you're going to help me resolve this sum of how many servings of nutritional yeast fortified with B12 I need to take. You've had a video that featured examples of some brands which unfortunately I don't have access to. I use Marigold vegan Engevita yeast flakes with B12 which the Nutrient Reference Value is 88 per 5g, could you just please tell me how many spoons I need to take daily to be okay with my B12 intake. Please, this is too much for my brain, why can't it just be on the label "take so much a day". I hope I was clear on my question, thank you so much, I would really appreciate your reply or anyone who can help me with an answer. Thanks again, stay safe and healthy. 🌿✌🙏

  9. Thank you Dr. Greger. I wasn’t sure which dosage of Vitamin B12 to give my children (who are over age 11) , “until now”😊 really appreciate everything you do!

  10. Such controversy with the amounts with this vitamin. For my part, you have cleared it up. Thank you so much. Also, very much enjoy your sense of humor. And respect your sharing of your knowledge. God bless you and keep you safe.

  11. the dge (german nutrition association) is well known for its anti-vegan statements… If you take a look at the composition of the advisory boards, the interests of agriculture, politics, the meat and dairy industries are represented here on a massive scale. basically a lobby-organisation.

  12. Why are you not disclaiming in the recent B12 that too much was harmful as well. The increased lung cancer could indicate other potential damage too. Bottomline is that it could be more than just expensive pee. It could be real harm so keep your dose to the minimum you need not excess.

  13. i dont think ill ever become so sick that i need to increase my dose, i still think the rda for b12 ids based on people with obsorbtion issues and its just waaaaay over board

  14. My uncle has Cobalamin autoimmune reaction when consuming cobalamin tablets at even minimal dosage of 2,000 iu per week at age 45 is yeast with b12 safer for him

  15. People Aged 11-65: 2000mcg weekly or 50mcg daily of cyanocobalamin
    Over 65s: 1000mcg daily of cyanocobalamin
    Pregnant and Lactating Women: 50mcg daily of cyanocobalamin
    Under 6 Months: Obtained from breast milk
    6 Months to 3 Years: 5mcg daily of cyanocobalamin
    4-10 Years: 25mcg daily of cyanocobalamin

  16. Instead of saying “a well planned plant based diet”, they should say “a plant based diet that is adequately supplemented with vitamin B12”. “Well planned” is far too vague; it could mean anything.

  17. I am not sure that the good health stats for vegan pregnant women and children, aren’t because they are mainly middle class and health conscious in other ways.

  18. I don't understand how, for pregnant women, if you take it daily you end up taking 350 micrograms a week, but if you take it weekly it climbs up to 2000. Could someone explain why such difference?

  19. Please switch back to eating meat and fish when you're pregnant. You don't want a child with serious birth defects and you're naive if you think supplements are going to fix that.

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