BOLD Infatti: il manzo abbassa il colesterolo?

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DESCRIZIONE: L'industria della carne bovina ha progettato uno studio per dimostrare che una dieta contenente carne bovina è in grado di abbassare il colesterolo se si taglia abbastanza pollame, maiale, pesce e formaggio per dimezzare l'assunzione totale di grassi saturi.
In che modo gli americani sono esposti ai grassi saturi? Gli hamburger in realtà scendono ben al di sotto del pollo. Vedi grassi trans, grassi saturi e colesterolo: assunzione superiore tollerabile di zero ( -upper-intake-of-zero/).<br/>
L'industria della carne bovina non è assolutamente la sola ad avere un'influenza corruttrice sul metodo scientifico. Vedere, ad esempio:

• Linee guida dietetiche: Comitato consultivo Conflitti di interesse (http:/ / • Il succo di melograno è così meraviglioso? (
• Nervi di Mercurio (
• L'olio di cocco ostruisce le arterie? (
• Il Rapporto McGovern (
• Sicurezza del Succo di Noni e Mangostano ( di-succo-di-noni-e-mangostano/)
• Uova e Colesterolo: Dichiarazioni palesemente false e fuorvianti (

Per ulteriori informazioni sull'essere “a prova di infarto”, vedere Eliminazione della causa n. 1 di morte (
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Crediti immagine: readerwalker e jclor via Flickr.
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74 Risposte a “BOLD Infatti: il manzo abbassa il colesterolo?”

  1. Such sad and sickening methods, then spread along to the people via media. This is causing huge damage to the population and should be illegal.

  2. Saturated fat is manufactured by the human body. Yes, we make our own saturated fat. Is it some kind of suicidal design? Somehow, I doubt it.

    This study was specifically on beef, not Twinkies or all of those other things he suggested are equivalent. Dr. Greger makes these assumptive generalizations which can be misleading and deceptive. Then he has to back pedal when his assumptions are discovered to be incorrect (i.e. his suggestion for Ceylon cinnamon).

  3. I love these guys videos, but he is biased against meat. I haven't read nearly the amount of research he has, but I eat ungodly amounts of red meat and have low cholesterol. I also eat ungodly amounts of veggies. He seems to think that low risk of cancer and heart disease are the only markers of good health. I meat because if I don't I feel like crap.

  4. I thought on same way before and decided to try, just to experiment and see how it is…. it was 4 months ago. Well, I feel (and I think I look) completely different now – more energy, less fat, more muscles, more productive at work… everything much better that I thought. Hope not to be short term effect.

  5. "Supported by the Beef Checkoff Program"

    "Supported by the Danish Dairy Board (DK-8260 Viby J) Denmark and the Dairy Research Institute, Rosemont, IL."

    Without even looking at the studies, you'll know the results by seeing who funded them…

  6. Personally I prefer to get all my saturated fat from plant based sources such as virgin palm fruit oil, virgin coconut oil and avocado. I find them to have some protective properties I'd rather not do without. Animal fats and hydrogenated fats are obvious no-no's as far as I'm concerned.

  7. He is not biased against meat. He just presents the facts. You know my dad thought that he was eating a healthy balanced Mediterranean diet, he was not fat, and most of his life was doing work which requires movement, and muscle work. His cholesterol was not showing any bad signs. Well, at the age or 73 he got a heart attack, and got triple by-pass surgery. Clogged arteries. The only reason he didnt die, was from his good physical condition. I am guessing you are still of young age.

  8. I know smokers in their 90's who haven't had lung cancer…

    Your anecdote isn't science. Dr. Greger is pointing out that not only are these studies FLAWED in their methodology, but they are intentionally deceptive.

  9. Sure, but it would also help if people took it upon themselves to raise their own personal standards.
    IMHO, the buck stops with the public. We live in the internet, information age… there aren't any excuses the way I see it.

  10. I went on a paleo grass fed beef diet and my cholesterol levels went down …that's a fact…high grain diets can raise cholesterol is some but not in others.There is some truth to this just doesn't apply to everyone…one size all diets do not work. I feel like like a million bucks after a grass fed steak dinner with vegetables…Eating vegetarian..I feel spaced out most of the time

  11. Clearly showing how a study of correlation can be misused to make an incorrect leap to fact by great marketing to an uneducated consumer. Unfortunately some of the markers used in this video to address the elimination of saturated fat in the diet are derived from correlation as well. It would be nice if people often address other things like inflammation chronic and acute, there is after all a "heart attack season" ask a health care professional. All that being said I do enjoy the videos.

  12. I know and I don't care. My comment still stands plus if you watch one of his presentation videos, he notes that some fats in virgin palm oil doesn't do anything to the human body and that the whole 80/10/10 thing isn't for everyone or necessarily the best way to go.

  13. Until there are good well done studies actually showing that the consumption of virgin coconut oil and virgin palm fruit oil in moderation is harmful to the human body, I am going to continue consuming these fats along with avocadoes as I am liking the results and effects they have on me.

  14. I hope you were drinking or otherwise inebriated because that would explain your comments (not excuse, but explain). Sleep it off.

  15. Dr Gregor I absolutely love your videos and the fact that you back them with peer reviewed science I have said that before but I just want to mention that I only follow you as a nutritional doctor now I use to follow a few others but you convince me with the science and the backup I love how you uncover the shenanigans of these companies who do nothing but this lead the public in order to line their pocketbooks these people should be put in jail they are actually more dangerous than terro

  16. I think yours is clogged and if you watched all of Dr. Greger's presentations, you would know that virgin palm fruit oil and virgin coconut oil don't have any negative effects on the body when taken in moderation on a balanced diet. Also if this your way of trying to troll, congratulations, I'm sure you think you are really winning at life with this especially when you could be using your time more effectively by looking into real studies on these particular fats and educating yourself instead.

  17. Some studies beg to differ on that. Also some people have mentioned their own cholesterol being raised after consuming certain fats. If you don't believe that feel free to check out some sources such as Pubmed. I'd be more concerned about what KIND of cholesterol is being raised which is more important than just knowing the fact that total cholesterol was raised.

  18. Great vid. I can't believe there are people who want to believe animal carcass doesn't clog arteries and plants(carbs) do… Really twisted!!

  19. If we had a real government it would protect the people against that kind of stuff. Instead all our agencies, EPA, FDA, USDA have been hijacked by private interests. This is totally disgusting that such studies can actually reach the public.

  20. I honestly don't know what to believe anymore. Some medical experts say high fat is good, some experts say high carbohydrates are good, some experts say grains are evil, and they all have studies backing their statements. Who is really right? If it's true that different people require different macro ratios, then how do you know what is right for you? I don't know anymore.

  21. You can't go far wrong with a diet predominantly dull of fruits and vegetables. Eating meat is a personal thing I feel. I would avoid wheat and soy and dairy and keep other grains to a minimum if needed.

  22. Dr. Greger…. I LOVE YOU! Before you said "Anything" I said it too. If you cut out a good portion of animal products from your diet and then switch to smaller portion OBVIOUSLY you are going to see some benefits. Its not as damaging when you're not consuming as much… DUH!! It's only a lesson to say – cut out ALL animal products! 🙂

  23. I would have to say that being Pescatarian and eating fish with low amounts of heavy metals and toxins seems to make the most sense to me. This diet is mostly vegetarian also.

  24. I take care to specifically source my palm oil from fair traded sources in West Africa, home of the palm oil. When I can't get it from West Africa, I then source it from fair traded sources in South America. Southeast Asia is not the only place in the world where palm oil is harvested, you know.

  25. And the last time I checked, orangutangs do not reside in West Africa or South America, so I think my sources of palm oil do nothing to the habitats of orangutangs. I can't say I love them but I do respect their right to be left alone.

  26. I'd rather look like a gazelle or a hummingbird. Plus, elevated protein intake can help feed and nurse cancers and so can carbohydrates. The only macronutrient that doesn't feed or nurse cancers as much (if at all) is fats.

  27. I didn't say they cause cancer, I said that protein and carbohydrates help FEED and NURSE cancer. Fats don't feed or nurse cancer. I didn't say anything about any of them causing cancer.

  28. Last time I looked into it Cholesterol in the blood vs Cholesterol in diet is far more complex than this in healthy active individuals? to quote lyle  "I think that part of the confusion over dietary fat and cholesterol came out of the focus on blood cholesterol levels and heart disease that really got rolling in the 70′s and continued well into the 80′s.   And when that was combined with the fact that many of the ‘off-limit’ high-fat foods (such as eggs) were also high in dietary cholesterol, it’s actually easy to see where the confusion comes from.
    Now I’m actually not going to get into the big debate/argument/controversy over the role of blood cholesterol in heart disease.  Sufficed to say that I think both groups of extremists, both those that think blood cholesterol is the primary concern as well as those who think it is no concern at all are misguided; I find this is true of most extremist stances.  At best, I think blood cholesterol levels are one of several factors that contribute to the development or not of heart disease; but there are certainly others.  I’ll leave the topic at that.
    In any case, what is often forgotten is that the body actually makes more cholesterol (in the liver) than most people would eat in a day.  As well, the body tend to adapt to changing dietary cholesterol intakes.  When you eat less dietary cholesterol, the body will make more; when you eat more, the body makes less.
    And this is why a lot of the concern over dietary cholesterol per se is a bit misplaced; for most people the intake of dietary cholesterol has little to no impact on blood cholesterol on the first place.  It’s worth mentioning that a certain percentage of people seem to be responders to dietary cholesterol intake in terms of how their blood cholesterol is affected.
    Rather, it is the intake of specific types of triglycerides that seems to have a far larger role on blood cholesterol levels; exercise also plays a role and there are strong genetic factors which determine blood cholesterol levels as well."

  29. I can't believe the lows that these industries stoop to.  Never trust a study that is done by the very company selling the product.  Thank you for looking into this for us and shedding light on these supposed studies. Twinkies lower your cholesterol.. lmao!  And the sad part is, people would believe it because it makes them feel better about their bad eating habits.

  30. i wish they didn't have meat in supermarkets. there should be a sign over the meat area saying there's bacteria everywhere here.

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