Dott. Michael Greger | Come non morire | Colloqui a Google

Dott. Greger ha visitato Google New York per discutere del suo nuovo libro – How Not to Die.

La stragrande maggioranza delle morti premature può essere prevenuta attraverso semplici cambiamenti nella dieta e nello stile di vita. In How Not to Die, il dottor Michael Greger, docente, medico e fondatore di, riconosciuto a livello internazionale, esamina le quindici principali cause di morte in America: malattie cardiache, vari tipi di cancro, diabete, Parkinson, ipertensione, e altro ancora, e spiega come gli interventi nutrizionali e sullo stile di vita possono talvolta prevalere sulle pillole da prescrizione e altri approcci farmaceutici e chirurgici, liberandoci per vivere una vita più sana.

La semplice verità è che la maggior parte dei medici sono bravi nel trattamento delle malattie acute ma cattivi nel prevenire le malattie croniche. Le 15 principali cause di morte provocano la morte di 1,6 milioni di americani ogni anno. Questo non deve essere il caso. Seguendo i consigli del Dr. Greger, il tutto supportato da prove scientifiche peer-reviewed, imparerai quali cibi mangiare e quali cambiamenti nello stile di vita apportare per vivere più a lungo.<br/>
Storia di cancro alla prostata nella tua famiglia? Metti giù quel bicchiere di latte e aggiungi i semi di lino alla tua dieta. Hai la pressione alta? Il tè all'ibisco può funzionare meglio di un farmaco ipertensivo leader e senza gli effetti collaterali. E le malattie del fegato? Bere caffè può ridurre l'infiammazione del fegato. Combattere il cancro al seno? Il consumo di soia è associato a una sopravvivenza prolungata. Preoccupato per le malattie cardiache (il nostro killer numero 1)? Passare a una dieta a base di cibi integrali, a base vegetale, che è stato ripetutamente dimostrato non solo per aiutare a prevenire la malattia, ma anche per arrestarla e persino farla regredire.

Inoltre per mostrare cosa mangiare per aiutare a prevenire le principali 15 cause di morte, How Not to Die include Daily Dozen del Dr. Greger, una lista di controllo degli alimenti che dovremmo cercare di consumare ogni giorno. Ricchi di consigli pratici e attuabili e di una scienza nutrizionale sorprendente e all'avanguardia, questi ordini del medico sono proprio ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno per vivere una vita più lunga e più sana.

Moderato da Anthony V.

100 Risposte a “Dott. Michael Greger | Come non morire | Colloqui a Google”

  1. I mentioned to my doctor about nitroglycerin not having an effect on underlying causes, and I got a deer in the headlights look. Fucking doctors are lazy scammers.😡

  2. 🌱 This Doctor : I cannot believe he is my partners age, I'm 57 & I look much younger. It's the whiney noises which he doesn't always seem to make which make him difficult understand for me as an English person who is profoundly deaf 💚

  3. His facts is true only if meet consumed together with excess carbohydrates, plant oils and junk food. Otherwie look at keto diet and carnivoire athletes, like Ben Greenfield. How can plant based work if there is undigestable lectines, 1/2 lower protein absorption from plants, incomplete protein and vitamin, ect

  4. Someone found the lawyer from My Cousin Vinny. I cannot believe people watch this stuff and think it is credible. When are vegans going to figure out it is not cholesterol or fat causing chronic sickness, but processed carbs,sugar and seed oils that are the culprits. Their revered plant based diet only has benefits because it takes people away from the SAD.

  5. I want to be a vegetarian so bad but why must it be so damn hard? It’s harrrddddd especially when your husband loves meat… and not only do I want to be vegan /vegetarian I want to do it without packaged vegetarian crap so that means cook,cook cook all the time and I hate to cook. Boooo

  6. the first question is usual bullshit of meat eater. How much patience every time to answer these questions and try to help people. I hope it can really make a change

  7. You are amazing I wish other doctors were as caring and generous as you thank you so much you’re one of my heroes you’re such a good role model I want to become a nutritionist can you recommend a good school????

  8. Since a very young age, now i am 40, i had ferritin deficiency. Every doctor i went to asked me if i eat enough meat and combine it with orange juice. All my life i was eating meat, as an adult on average 2-3 times per month and sometimes 4 times per month. But i always had ferritin deficiency in my blood check ups. Last year i stopped eating meat for almost a year and my ferritin deficiency was gone. A couple of months ago i ate meat again for a couple of months and my ferritin deficiency came back. This week i decided to go vegan for the rest of my life

  9. Dr. Greger is one of my heroes. I have MS and my programme advocates a whole food plant based diet. Dr. Greger’s book was the only book they recommended.

  10. Greger was sold out to pharma crooks right from the start .Covaids is the litmus test to figure out who is genuine & who is a shill. Greger failed on this count.
    Also, eating cooked vegan diet will not cure major diseases. Water fast, juice fast, fruits & salad raw diet, meditation, living in clean environments, stress free lifestyle can cure pretty much any disease.

  11. 17:17 Quote from "Cancer incidence in vegetarians: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Oxford)" on the screen:
    "Within the study, the incidence of all cancers combined was lower among vegetarians than among meat eaters".
    Complete quote from the paper :
    "The overall cancer incidence rates of both the vegetarians and the nonvegetarians in this study are low compared with national rates. Within the study, the incidence of all cancers combined was lower among vegetarians than among meat eaters, but the incidence of colorectal cancer was higher in vegetarians than in meat eaters."

  12. This is a gem! I wish this video would have captions in more languages like german, russian, spanish, french. Then I could send it to my loved ones who just don"t speak or understand english.

  13. My acupuncturist/Chinese medicine doctors said many times to me not to eat/drink cold food/liquid, or cold shower, because all those make my heart over-work and like a stove.

  14. I remember that beta carotene debacle. Think it was a Scandinavian study. They put smokers on beta carotene and then they died. BUT! If memory serves me. They had advanced lung cancer BEFORE they started taking beta carotene. But can they blame the beta carotene? Maybe the participants would have died anyway.

  15. hate this guy. Plant based diet includes coke. A steak is not problematic. But vegetable oils like corn oil and soy oil are. Sugar is bad. Flour is bad. A pot roast with broccoli is fine. This guy is saying plant based vs. SAD. but if he compared low carb vs. SAD it would be as good or better. Animal food is the normal food for most of humanity. How we process that food animal or vegetable is how we make it unhealthy.

  16. My brother brought me here. Was in the hospital and turns out at 26 I have gastritis, hemerroids, and a haital hernia….
    Now I’m struggling to change my diet. I love Indian buffets, I love Taco Bell, I love chicken, I love ramen and burgers and fries….Now it seems I have to cut it all out. This is tough even…. I just want to eat food that tastes good 🙁

  17. Not sure why he keeps coming up as suggestion for me to watch . This guy just makes me laugh. Pretty sure the African places he talks about are the most malnourished people in the world ??

  18. I fully agree with him, but it's impossible listening to him. His voice and way of speaking is hurting my ears. Horrible.

  19. There's some real useful information, good science even if one doesn't want to eat plants more: the information about chicken contamination by pathogen and the need to be extremely careful when preparing chicken. And maybe eating chicken less could be the safest thing to do.

    Concerning blood pressure reduction: There is strong evidence that lowering blood pressure below 120/80 with medication leads to an increase mortality risk. I know that Dr. John Mcdougall, another plant based diet advocate, will treat patients down to a diastolic of 90 only if it exceeds 100 for several months. If you lower yours further with medication, consider reading Mcdougall's information regarding blood pressure as some doctors may be taking it too far for your good.

  20. I believe , that Dr Greger was sent to planet Earth by God ! amazing mission he has to deliver these messages to all people! he did so much work to study and search as well for all these scientist's researches to present and explain in the simple way! Appreciate your lectures and love to read your books dear Doctor! God bless you!

  21. For anyone concerned about cooking with oils I found that a YouTube channel called Well Your World does SOS free cooking . They show how to cook salt, oil & sugar free. Or some recipes are super low for instance as an example , in sugar but use a few dates in the recipe for sweetness, and are otherwise free of oil, sugar and salt.

  22. This guy is NOT a doctor.
    Yes paid by the deep state to teach you how to slow kill yourself.
    Educate yourself properly.
    Start with seeing what Bart Kay has to say about this demonic shill bastard.

  23. Thanks doctor. I reversed blood pressure from hypertension stage 1 to 120/80 in 4 months. Now I am 41 and I was suffering from hypertension from age 25. Also,I am down to 190 pounds from 213. My last blood work results which was done 6 months ago were not good . I am planning to do next blood test in 2 months and hoping that all readings in normal range. Changing to plant based diet, cut down sugar, carbs, oil, and 45 minutes walk a day worked very well for me in improving overall health.

  24. Skinny fat, pencil neck, no muscle mass, pouch around his belly. All markers for bad health… Did he forget to follow his own advice or does it not work?

  25. Tofu salad huh? And what about the mayonnaise that goes with it? I'm sure it should be eggless too right? Not going to be able to do that.

  26. Says 'the walking dea'.
    Of course,

    malnutrition resulting from the vegan ideology causes decreased libido, loss of

    menstrual cycle, – along with hair loss, bone and tooth degeneration, joint

    inflammation, muscle wasting, compromised immune system, mental health issues: food-obsession,

    judgmental hating of humanity, delusions

    of moral superiority; a wide spectrum of eating disorders, chronic digestive

    and complexion issues, fatigue, – the list goes on…

    These are irrefutable



    this virtue-based self-mortifying cult.

    Or inevitably mal-nourish yourself into infirmity.

    Now; or later.

    Or never.

    It is a choice.

  27. Went vegetarian 3 years ago, plus fasting (interlittent and some 7 days ones), nasal breathing, earthing – lower stress – a true miracle in my life. I’m now 59 and have never felt as great

  28. Basically
    1. B12 supplement
    2. D3 supplement
    3. EPA DHA algae
    4. Iodised salt

    Eat whole foods. Avoid processed foods. Eat greens, beans, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and grinded seeds.

  29. 1:01:00 that's why I'm a vitamineralist who seeks nutrients from real growing plants! The way most interpret vegetarianan or vegan is far from healthy an isn't accurate it's merely deceptive in seeing to be healthy.

    An I can verify first-hand eating real plants HeaLs! Within 10days diabetic feet were gone! No longer on insulin nor the myriad of other meds. Mine was more major nutrient deficiencies that no one noticed or didn't care to look into. Symptoms of which were symptoms that they decided we're diseases instead of deficiencies.

    Ditch the corn syrup as well it's genetically modified to be 40-50x's sweeter than table sugar, hijacking your taste buds to only desire Uber sweet corn syrup which is hidden in all processed foods. Which in turn feeds Canadian (yeast) an causes diabetes an eventually fatty liver disease (AKA cirrhosis of liver by corn syrup) destroy liver which performs over 500 jobs in the body an you destroy health.

    Many are nutrients deprived deficient in most vitamins an minerals and/dehydrated all of which have symptoms that mimic mental illness an other diseases. Psychosis is one of the main symptoms of each of those deficiencies, as is dehydration.

    Look on the boxed processed foods look at it the vitamins an minerals…ALL you get is EMPTY CALORIES an a bunch of artificial garbage an additives that are not healthy many are detrimental to health.

  30. I think it’s also the STUBORNNESS or our mind or selves! We know dudas and sugar are negative however we continue to indulge!!!

  31. There are also too many self titled vegetarians who have NO idea what to eat!!! And their health with time crumbles isteooorisus etc !!

  32. I got to 3:00 and then went to search the data ; so Uganda life span (male) used to be just 44 (!) up to 1996. Then when "western diet" was introduced, it climbed to 64. (Hooray) – But In US for ref is is 77. Take Israel, for example, where they do NOT necessarily follow any (plant-based or any) diet (other than no eating Pork), it is 83. How about Australia (83) where they consume tons of read meat. Am I the only one who sees something is wrong here? Maybe those Ugandans eat well, have no artery plaque and no teeth plaque, but do not reach any reasonable age. Where would YOU rather live?

  33. You know, 3 weeks in and i've decided i will never be an "ethical" vegan. I am getting a fur coat, and wearing leather shoes and boots for now on just so no one gets me confused with you people. What a smug a$$hole. I'm sure this guy goes over well with purists, but he isn't going to convert any omnivores by thinking he is better and smarter and cares more about his health than they do. Yeah, just do what he says because you are too lazy to a. get educated about nutrition and b. you're all about the feels not the reals.

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