Dove prendi le tue PROTEINE con una dieta vegana? | Dott. Michael Greger di

Le proteine ​​possono essere una grande preoccupazione quando si considera una dieta vegana. prendilo? Quanto basta? Questo video è il primo di una serie che affronta i problemi nutrizionali più comuni per una dieta vegana. Sono onorato di essere affiancato da Michael Greger, MD di per demistificare le fonti proteiche vegane. Per monitorare le tue proteine, dai un'occhiata a Cronometer qui:

Tutti ricevono abbastanza proteine:
http:/ /
La vera preoccupazione è la fibra:

100 Risposte a “Dove prendi le tue PROTEINE con una dieta vegana? | Dott. Michael Greger di”

  1. When people ask me this I feel like I (and vegans and vegetarians in general) am running up the down escalator! Far too many people are still under the impression that animal products are the only source of complete protein. Shoot even when I was a kid eating vegetarian my mom thought dairy products and eggs didn't even have a complete protein. -_-

  2. You're so adorable ~ love your vegan humor!  and the awesome content and short vid format and series. Thanks for doing what you do – you're top of my list. Btw, I'm having a screening of Cowspiracy this month and on my follow up info I have bitesizevegan along side Gary and Colleen and Dr Greger and Patrik Baboumian for good measure and additional movies – Fork over Knives, Earthlings and The Best 15min Vid EVER!! "Trailer of Truth" =D  
    Much Vegan Love <3

  3. Wow, just discovered you, love your work and you're a hell of a cool, humane, human. Kim & I have been strict low-fat, whole-foods, no-oil, all-organic, 1/2 raw-1/2 cooked, Dr. Greger & PCRM devotee vegans (hell of a mouthful) since we watched FOK on 3-20-2012. We'll be following you from now on. You asked for comments: The only nutrient we NEVER track and worry about is protein but it's the only damned thing anyone ever asks when we say we're vegan. We're trying out your food software Cronometer and may convert over to it, presently we use Calorie King. Later

  4. Where do I get my protein as a vegan? LITERALLY EVERYWHERE
    -Spinach (or other leafy greens/lettuce)
    -Broccoli (plus a lot of other veggies)
    -Soy milk
    -Almond milk
    The list goes on…

  5. Hi! I really love your videos because they're very scientific and logical so they make a lot of sense to me on why to go vegan even if it's just for health reasons. I'm a college student and don't have a lot of time to cook food. Is it ok to buy canned beans and vegetables on a vegan lifestyle?

  6. I track my protein, iron, and calcium intakes and I usually get 1.5 – 2 times as much protein than the RDA. I don't even have to try to get protein because of how easy it is. Calcium I monitor more closely, but even that isn't very hard.
    B12 I don't bother because I eat so many foods fortified with lots of it that there's no point in tracking it.

  7. thanks for the great videos! can you please help me with this question: i`m vegan and i do strenght training. Is a vegan proteinpowder like rice or hemp etc. bad for health/not necessery ? whats your opinion ? thanks

  8. Thank you, i am considering going vegan and im doing tons of research at the moment and this channel will help me

  9. I wish you would have talked about complete proteins, don't we need to make sure we eat foods that are either contain complete proteins or foods combined together to make complete proteins, e.g. rice and beans?

  10. Im taking a basic nutrition course online. I specifically chose a course that isnt vegancentric so what I learn cant be brushed off by non vegans. They are very effusive about supporting any healthy diet including vegan but I am sick of the comment 'if youre cutting out a food group as with vegetarians and vegans you must be extra careful to get your nutrients from other sources'. Time for some bite size recap and munch organic raw local produce

  11. I am an omnivore, but I don't eat meat for every meal. My main vegetarian staple is a mixture of roughly equal parts pearl barley, dried lentils, rice, and dried peas, all cooked in a slow cooker at high for two hours. I call it blarp, which is an acronym with a vowel thrown in. I sometimes add millet or quinoa. I used to cook beans, but these ingredients all have the advantage that I don't have to soak them before cooking them.

  12. Informed people typically wouldn't say that you won't get enough protein from a vegan diet (if you're trying to,) the real issue is the lack of BCAAs.  Plant based proteins have very weak amino acid profiles compared to animal or milk based proteins.  Proteins are the most intricate macronutrient for that reason, but even fat and carbs have their differences between specific sub types.  Poly unsaturated fatty acids (like you would find in fats from most plants,) are very dangerous and with a high carbohydrate intake helps lead to quick atherosclerosis.  Carbohydrates from sources like sugar are much less useful to your body in positive ways than from carbohydrates from slower digesting carbs like you'd find in potato starch.  

    tl;dr :  Vegan protein amounts are fine, but the protein you're using is inferior and makes you need to consume much more to get the correct amount of BCAAs (especially if you have a lot of muscle mass, or are gaining muscle.)

  13. I'm anemic, I bruise easily, I always feel lightheaded and weak. And yes I am vegan. These videos really helped! I am so thankful. My dad almost made me stop being vegan. But I showed him these videos (he is a registered nurse) so he listened. especially since the person she is interviewing a practitioner. I have been making smoothies (1 scoop pea protein powder, 1 cup broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots, 2 cups almond milk, 1 cup fruit) twice a day to repair my body. I have also been having vegan mac and cheese burgers (whole wheat bun, leafy greens, ketchup, onions, tomatoes, black bean burger, macaroni noodles, vegan cheese sauce (nutritional yeast, cashews, plain unsweetened almond milk, potatoes, and a little bit of onion). These have already almost regulated my nutritional levels in a week. Just one more week and I'll be good as new! I start school next week so that's just in time!

  14. Thank you for these videos. I haven't watched them all yet, but love them. Handy to share with loved ones too who are concerned about my health. Please keep them coming!

  15. That was really funny to hear that question from you! Where do you get your protein? LOL Thank you so much Emily as usually very informative and entertaining!

  16. But isn't there a difference between animal protein and plant protein? I've been vegetarian for a year and now that I want to become vegan, my parents are really questioning me about nutrients and stuff. For everything I say they have a counter argument, and the difference between types of protein was one of them… I'd appreciate if anyone could answer it :s

  17. How does one go about finding the number of calories they should consume on a vegan diet? I know my number for a regular non vegan diet and it was working with my activity level (needed to lose body fat)…but not sure if that number should stay the same or increase.

  18. I always dread telling people that I'm vegan, not because I'm a shamed but because I hate the follow up questions.
    -"What do you eat?"
    -"where do you get your protein from? "
    Face palm. …

  19. my youtube app has not been letting me watch more than a couple minutes into basically all of bite sized vegans videos D:<

  20. Easily the most annoying question you receive when you go plant based is "Where do you get your protein"???? And to make matters worse, these questions usually come from people that are usually overweight or obese. When I tell people that protein can be found in plant based foods, they just look at me dumbfounded like I'm lying to them.

    When I point out that you can get 7 grams of protein from a 1/4 cup of steel cut oats, and 1.5 grams from a banana, they shake their heads. When I tell them that a simple breakfast of oatmeal and 2 bananas will give you 10 grams of protein or 1/4 of your daily requirement for protein, again they look dumbfounded. When I talk about chick peas, lentils, beans etc, they're still dumbfounded. When I tell them that 3 medium sized potatoes will give you another 10-12 grams of protein, and that simple breakfast and 3 medium potatoes will give you 1/2 of your protein requirement, again that dumbfounded look come across.

    I actually have an older family friend harassing me about my plant based diet every time she see's me and warning me about my lack of protein. A bit of background, her husband and 3 children are/were all obese or overweight. Her husband was obese and severely ill by 45 years old and died of a massive heart attack at 60. Her son was morbidly obese on disability because of his health problems and severely ill having to go through massive surgeries because of his weight/health. He died of a massive heart attack at 50 years old. Her other son has had massive health problems including cancer not to mention a drug and alcohol abuse. The other daughter is overweight and has her own set of psychological problems.

    Going plant based isn't even that difficult it's dealing with other people that's the hard part.

  21. I started off vegetarian to vegan 2 years ago and apart from B12 have only recently started to learn about the rest of the nutritional info. Dr Greger is brilliant!

  22. I have a lot of people telling me that, even though I take a protein supplement with branch chain amino acids, that I'm still not getting a complete protein and not enough BCAAs. Lately I have been struggling with muscle fatigue early in my workouts and I'm it building as much muscle. I'm vegan and I'd really love to get all the nutrients I need from food and not supplements. Does anyone have advice?

  23. It's my third day being vegan, and so far I'm getting most of my protein from eating LOTS of nuts. I'm still not 100% confident in my bean-cooking abilities lol

  24. I'm a vegan and I get my protien from… technically everything, but especially spirulina powder in my smoothies, brussel sprouts, brown rice, brocoli, and kale! I love your videos and channel! keep it up!

  25. Of course protein is a big concern for me as a vegan!! I'm an around 100 kilos (about 220, 230 pounds) plant based person. I am not "roundish" at all yet I'm not a drug user (zero anabolic steroids, supplements and their likeness) yet I do 50 pounds dumbbells at my 40's.

    So, where do I get my protein from??

  26. Vegans are low in Vitamin BW, they struggle to get it into there systems after giving up the high intake of Vitamin BW in a meat and dairy diet… So where do Vegans get Vitamin Brain Washing?

  27. I know that as a vegan I'm supposed to be against all oppression, enslavement, and exploitation of every animal, but dammit if I don't want to somehow entrap Dr. Greger in a lamp, make him my genie, and ask him questions whenever I please! I'm sorry Dr. Greger… 🙁

  28. I'm a vegetarian and a fitness athlete. No problems getting my protein however there are 9 essential amino acids needed to make a full protein. There's only a handful of vegan/vegetarian protein that contain all 9. You generally have to combine to get them. L-Leucine being one of the harder ones. Beans and Rice make a complete protein as most know but… I'm more curious about "filling in" the gaps. Respectful of your channel. Thanks.

  29. The argument I get isn't just protein, but "complete" protein. And when I tell them that it's a myth that vegan protein requires complicated food combining. As long as sufficient calories are met of whole plant foods. Could you lead me in the right direction with sources to provide to people? Thanx Davita

  30. I've been thinking of going vegan 4 a while for health reasons.and I had lots of questions.but thanks to ur channel I'm learning a lot .it just goes to show how I'll informed most of the people are.

  31. Ever since watching this video I started loggin in my food and it's surprising how much protein, iron, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and a host of other nutrients we can get in a vegan diet. And something most people don't realize is, meat eaters can be even more deficient in many nutrients than vegan and or vegetarians. I mean, most of the heavy meat eaters (I used to be one) are constipated to their brains, have some type of disorder or disease lurking in the surface or are downright in poor health.
    After entering every bite that goes in my mouth for a few days, I realized that:
    1. Getting protein on a vegan diet is FAR EASIER than I thought. I'm averaging 70-80gr (I am at 104kg, so the recommendation for me would be 83.2gr)
    2. Getting iron is no problem at all. I get all of it from tomatoes, spinach and beans alone.
    3. Getting B12 is not hard (think nutritional yeast for example)

    I've been vegan for a month and a half now and I can say that I just started getting the hang of it. We've been fed so many lies about meat being the only source of everything under the sun. This is just not true.

  32. I just got the good old " oh you don´t eat meat ?Watch your protein – YOU GOTTA WATCH THAT PROTEIN . EAT A LOT OF PLANTS FOR THAT " today – well, I thought, at least they didn´t say you can´t have enough if you´re vegan XD and I learnt not to answer at all – you have contributed to teaching me that , so thank you!

  33. What wasn't discussed was the QUALITY of the protein. Legumes provide protein, but (excepting soy or quinoa) not all 8 essential amino acids are available.

  34. Protein is a nonissue. I get my protein from simply eating REAL FOOD. I eat legumes, nuts, seeds, and quinoa. I think people assume that eating this way would be boring but I enjoy my food. I'm excited to embark on this new journey for health and ethical reasons. Although, I must admit that I didn't know anything about the ethics aspect of it. I just figured eating animals and animal derivatives is a matter of humans being on top of the food chain. I didn't now about the cruelty that was taken place. I can't say that I'm too surprised because money seems to be the root of everything in our society, it really makes me sick. Now I feel odd feeding my dog a raw diet but I don't know if it's safe to change his diet again, I had enough difficulty switching him to raw. Also, I don't know if a vegan diet is best for him. Any advice?

  35. I lost body fat and gained muscle mass going vegan while actually reducing total protein consumption. Got rid of my digestive issues and gas and headaches and heart palpitations……… list goes on.

  36. How do we ensure we get enough for wound healing? I have a cut or a laceration on my shin and after removing stitches, it isn't healing well on a vegan diet that i'm on. There's infection every time I went for dressing at the clinic. On my 4th, there still is. And I'm still hoping that I have enough protein. A doctor friend of mine told me I might not have enough protein on this diet and vegan is actually not healthy

  37. + Bite Size Vegan – this is a great video and I look forward to watching all of this series for more information. Dr. Gregor highly recommends beans and legumes as the main source of vegan protein as do most vegans; however, what if a person is allergic to beans? You know, like EpiPen-allergic?

  38. This doctor Greger didn't say anything in this video.
    He made a statement about daily amount of protein required, but what I want to know is where did they come up with this percentage of protein consumption required by the body daily?

    When you have your protein level checked, what are they testing?? Your blood; right??
    So they are measuring the amount of protein in the blood; correct??

    Here is a real good question. Why is there protein in the blood??

    Protein in the blood is protein being removed from the body. This is one of the jobs of the blood; to remove what the body can not process.

    The body does not assimilate protein, it builds protein and the protein is stored as muscle.
    So when they test the blood for protein levels they are measuring the amount of protein currently be purged through the blood.

    If the consumption of protein is required to build muscle, why do gorillas have so much muscle mass and strength??

    A person on a vegan diet will always show low blood protein levels, because the blood is not moving near as many consumed proteins out of the body.

    So you may ask, where is all this muscle coming from if I am not consuming protein??
    You body is building protein from the amino acids consumed in the fruits, vegges, herbs, and grasses/grains you eat.

    Your next question may be; so why do so many vegans lack muscle mass??
    Many vegans today are consuming foods grown in large warehouses, hydroponically, and in hot houses.
    Even a greenhouse has an effect on the foods grown in them.

    The foods grown in an enclosure, mainly hydroponically and hot houses, are grown under artificial light.
    Greenhouses filter out a substantial amount of natural sunlight, blocking the uv rays, the color spectrum from the sun.

    in order for plants to produce higher levels of amino acids they need as much natural sunlight as they can get.

    Okay; so the reason gorillas have so much muscle mass and strength is, they are eating large amounts of naturally grown foods that consume all the natural sunlight they can.
    These naturally grown foods are high in amino acids.
    The high levels of amino acids the gorilla eats causes the body to build large amounts of protein, stored as muscle.

    Any proteins needed for healing or what ever the body might need is consumed from the muscle mass on the body.
    This is the reason flesh wounds tend to heal very quickly. They are a wound at the location of the muscle/protein.

    A person with low muscle mass tends to heal much slower than a person with greater amounts of muscle mass.

    We do not need to consume protein, our body don't know what to do with it, and purges it.

    We need to increase the amount of naturally grown foods we eat.

    The foods we eat need to be grown in the soil under full natural sunlight in order to produce the amino acids our body needs for protein building.

  39. I'm vegetarian and switched over with my 3 year old about 7 months ago. I really want to go full vegan but i live with non vegetarians. I cook pretty much all the meals and they have been really accepting of my meals and I give ideas for a meat to add to What I make. I don't think they will be as understanding when I start taking out the milk, cream, butter, eggs etc. I want my son and I to go fully vegan but can't move away from the nonplant eaters. How do I do this. What should I do.

  40. I, also, don't tell people I'm vegan because I, too, hate all the "What do you eat?" questions. I just try to avoid it and say "I'm a vegg type and don't eat much meat". I can't stand the looks I get if I use the "V" word.

  41. You can get all the protein, from plants ✅❤️💪😬🦷🌿🍊🍓🍠🥬🥑🍅🍆🥦🌮🌯🥗🍛… 100% !! Protein is plants 🌱. That is scientifically a fact. Dr. Greger. Science rules. Please watch this documentary ! It is vital, for everyone ✅🌎😊 !!!!
    Germs and viruses🧟‍♂️💩🦠🐣🐔🐮🐷🐟🦆🦇🐶… 😵 is meat and cheese and fish and milk. That is scientifically a fact.
    No Fibre 🍖, cancer, heart attack 🧟‍♂️🍖😮😵, High blood pressure… 51% death rate 😵🦠🍖. Scientifically a fact.
    Vegans have 4% cancer ✅❤️😬 flat teeth 🦷. And that’s it. Lots of fibre ✅😉. Low blood pressure, Long life ✅😉. That is a fact as well.
    Delicious vegan food, from YouTube, or at the grocery department. ✅❤️🌯🌰🍊🍏🥗🥭🌮🍓🥜🍌…. Make the change, now. So easy ✅😊🌎👍

    🧻❌. 🚽🚿😉❤️✅

    ‘Me explaining how you can still build muscle on a plant based diet’ says the Gorilla 🦍❤️💪✅ 98.6% the same as humans.😬 flat teeth🦷✅👈. -1% cancer in the wild !!! Scientifically a fact.

    “As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.” Pythageras. ✅❤️👏💪🌎🥳…

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