Testare la teoria della combustione dei grassi

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DESCRIZIONE: Finalmente c'è una soluzione al mistero del perché le noci non sembrano rendere le persone prendere peso. Sembra essere una combinazione di fattori, tra cui una spinta al nostro metabolismo, che ci porta a bruciare più depositi di grasso. Questo è il quinto di una serie di video in sette parti sull'affascinante fenomeno del mistero delle calorie mancanti. In altre parole, perché le noci non ci fanno ingrassare? Rivedo l'equilibrio delle prove in Nuts and Obesity: The Weight of Evidence ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-and-obesity-the-weight-of-evidence /) e ha introdotto due teorie (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/solving-the-mystery-of-the-missing- calorie/) di lunedì, entrambe non ben supportate da uno studio sul burro di arachidi che ho dettagliato nel video di martedì (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/testing-the-pistachio-principle/). Il video del giorno di ieri, Testing the Dietary Compensation Theory ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/testing-the-dietary-compensation-theory/) , ha descritto uno studio elegante utilizzando frullati di noci che spiegava il pezzo di soppressione dell'appetito. Quindi, se il mistero è ora risolto, di cosa parlano gli ultimi due video? Bene, oggi abbiamo appreso che le noci possono aumentare la combustione dei grassi nel corpo, ma come? Forse è l'arginina (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fat-burning-via-arginine/); forse sono i flavonoidi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fat-burning-via-flavonoids/). Restate sintonizzati!<br/>
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/testing-the-fat-burning-theory/ e lui cercherà di rispondere!

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20 Risposte a “Testare la teoria della combustione dei grassi”

  1. Does it matter if the nuts are raw or roasted or cooked in another way? E.g. could you get your peanuts in peanut soup?

  2. It would be a shame for you not to get ripped when other normal people are able to burn calories   easily with Reborn Lean Max (search for it on google).

  3. yes, exactly what high fat proponents have been saying all along. If you eat fat, your body preferentially burns fat (and happily so). If you eat carbs, your body preferentially burns glucose (and glycogen) and, it could be argued, with increasing unhappiness as the body ages.

  4. No Surprise. Lower insulin insulin levels from the high fiber/lower carb nature of nuts don't block leptin in the brain as long. Better leptin sensitivity = decreased appetite / increased fidgeting / spontaneous activity (N.E.A.T)

  5. This is likely to be an evolutionary development for nut and seed bearing plants to allow their seeds and nuts to be spread and then germinate, otherwise if the nuts and seeds eventually killed the animals which dispersed them they wouldn't get dispersed? Birds, which have developed for flight, are lightweight but some eat seeds and nuts only, and there ain't no fat birds in the wild!

  6. So basically, unless you're an unfortunate individual who responds differently, you can subtract 30% of the calories. Is that how we could view this? Plus of course the added benefits nuts have.

  7. As always, the human body is neither stupid nor able to adapt to relatively recent drastic changes in living conditions , like an abnormal animal product consumption ,,,, that is about 100 years old …. on the other hand we have been eating nuts for our entire history,,, and of course got adapted to regulating these TYPE of calories….

  8. But we can of course keep on eating meet and dairy everyday,,, and after some thousand years of Diabetes , Cancer, Cardiovascular conditions, ,,,, see who has survived , adapted…. wright?

  9. I wonder if other plantbased foods effect resting energy expenditure as well. If that's true then one might be burning even more calories.

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