Dovremmo assumere integratori di DHA per potenziare la funzione cerebrale?

La carenza palese di omega-3 è rara, ma gli esperimenti a breve termine sulla funzione cognitiva suggeriscono che potrebbe esserci una dose ottimale di DHA?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Ecco la mia copertura della storia del cuore degli omega-3:
• L'olio di pesce è solo olio di serpente ? (
• Omega-3 e il racconto del pesce eschimese (<br/> • Dovremmo prendere EPA e DHA Omega-3 per il nostro cuore?(http://nutritionfacts .org/video/dovremmo-prendere-epa-e-dha-omega-3-per-il-nostro-cuore/)

Poi, ho avuto due video sull'integrazione di DHA in gravidanza: Le donne incinte e che allattano dovrebbero assumere DHA? ( e Dovrebbero le donne vegane Supplemento con DHA durante la gravidanza? (

E infine, la salute cognitiva, che è iniziata con Resta sintonizzato per l'emozionante conclusione di I vegani dovrebbero assumere DHA per preservare la funzione cerebrale? (

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60 Risposte a “Dovremmo assumere integratori di DHA per potenziare la funzione cerebrale?”

  1. no supplements do much over the short term. It's always about the long term where the answers are found. Seen as Greger recommends 250mg of DHA for brain function i think we know what the results of his next video are going to suggest. Don't understand though why he's going over old ground and studies. He's already done videos on this

  2. DHA recommended for pregnant women.
    Rest of the video:
    6 studies on short-term DHA supplementation on brain function:
    4 showed no difference between control/placebo group
    1 showed improvement
    1 showed decline.
    Next video will be about long term effect.

    I was looking for a comment like this when started watching the video 😀

  3. OMG OMG OMG… that ending! Next what, next where/when…This wasn't season finale, right?
    I sure hope this guy doesn't trip over a banana peel in the mean time…

  4. It is a good question. The body does produce it's own DHA, which the critics (DHA / fish oil industry?) claim is not enough. People have too many damaged genes, eat really bad stuff all the time, and have been shown repeatedly to be really short on optimum mineral levels that to make heads or tails out of the DHA question is impossible. Also, long term vegans tend to become really low in energy. Are these trials even looking at this aspect? Perhaps each person who does not eat meats / fish has to do their own DHA trials and answer the energy question for themselves.

  5. How do vegans get enough vitamin K2 besides natto or supplements?
    I know fermented cod, skate and high vitamin butter oil have k2 but they don't say how much and i try to stay away from supplements.

  6. I need HELPPPPP!!! I'm in a nutritional dilemma!! I'm 5'11 130 lbs and trying to gain weight on a vegan diet. The best and easiest way for me to gain is to eat a ton of peanuts, cashews, and almonds. However, doing this throws my Omega 6:3 ratio out of wack (so much Omega 6 in nuts)! Is this okay considering the main source of Omega 6 is whole foods or must I change something???

  7. So what does the recommendation of 2 tbsp of ground flaxseed cover? Is this enough for DHA or is algae supplementation needed additionally?

  8. PUFAs are not stable, and are dangerous to your health. Eat fresh food, stay away from omega-3 supplements if you know what's good for ya!

  9. mind mind mind. Jut try it. Try having say 1-3 grams of dha a day from quality algae oil supplement. Its totally fudging amazing. you WILL be amazed!
    Imf your scared, up the dose slowly! Time to start living from the heart yall. Life never stops being bliss omnce we do 😊

  10. DHA supplements make me feel really bossy and manipulative. I don't know why. It's good because I've had two promotions in the last 4 years, but still.

  11. One major variable that is poorly tracked is partially hydrogenated oil or trans-fats. This is not found in nature. Individuals display many different primary inflammation responses to it.

    It can cause chronic tissue inflammation and pain. Chronic inflammation is a precursor to many diseases, even fatal ones.

    These trans-fats interfere with hormone & neurotransmitter production, cell wall integrity, and childhood development.

    Trans-fats can be very slow to be eliminated from body tissue. I am convinced that elimination of dietary trans-fats, consumption of heathy fatty acids, and the burning of stored body fat are all essential to permanent recovery from chronic inflammation.

    People respond in dramatically different ways to healthy fatty acids, depending on their tolerance or disease from trans-fats. Studies on ALA, EPA & DHA are also confounded by trans-fat variables.

    Partially hydrogenated oil has finally been banned in USA peanut butter, probable due to the immense consumption by kids, the large amount of it in each serving and undeniable studies that link reduced IQ in kids to peanut butter consumption.

    I have been consuming only Smuckers brand or fresh-ground peanuts for many decades before this ban.

    I hope it is banned in all food products; especially starting with foods targeted towards kids, such as candy and breakfast cereal.

    The excuses for using trans-fats are that it improves "mouth feel", as it is softer than cold lard even before warming up in the mouth. Mixed with oil, or replacing it, it reduces the transfer of oil to packaging. It may exchange food oils for a rancidity-delaying "vegetable shortening".

  12. Been having memory problems for the last couple years (been vegan for 4); started taking 900mg omega-3 from algae daily and noticed a drastic improvement in my cognitive function (speed of recollection and clarity of memory) after a week.

  13. According to Brenda Davis, Japanese and other Pacific Islanders cannot produce enough enzymes to convert ALA omega-3 fatty acids to EPA/DHA fatty acid. Maybe, evolution of certain races and their relationship to their environment has to be factored in. I will continue to consume salmon and sardines to get my EPA/DHA as algae supplements are too expensive for the average person especially in food deserts where algae supplements are non-existent.

  14. You’re a real hero for what you do! Love all your videos I watch them all day. Could you do a video going over research and studies on fillers in supplements. Like magnesium stearate and titanium dioxide. There’s a ton of controversy and and lack of information regarding sourcing and health effects. I would trust it coming from you! Thank you doc you’re awesome!

  15. Another Dr. Greger Useless video. Why bother making a video when there is no conclusion, no advise, no nothing. He always says, next video, but there is no next video.

  16. I saw a doctor that advised big doses of EPA/DHA daily (4g/day was the most effective) against depression, he also said that it only worked for people who had big inflammations issues (CRP). For people with no inflammations, he said it made their depression worse. Everything was in a study and the video is there on YouTube

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