Dovremmo preoccuparci del cianuro dei semi di lino?

Nel peggiore dei casi, quanti semi di lino sono troppi?
L'americano medio dovrebbe attenersi meno di 1,5 cucchiai al giorno se li mangerai tutti i giorni. Quindi, la mia raccomandazione Daily Dozen da cucchiaio al giorno dovrebbe essere al sicuro da uno qualsiasi di questi standard.

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• Semi di lino e sopravvivenza al cancro al seno: prove cliniche ( video/semi di lino-cancro-al-seno-sopravvivenza-evidenza-clinica/)
• I semi di lino possono aiutare a prevenire il cancro al seno? (
• Semi di lino contro cancro alla prostata (
• Semi di lino per il dolore al seno ( -semi-per-mal-seno/)
• Semi di lino vs. diabete (
• Semi di lino e prevenzione del cancro al seno (

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100 Risposte a “Dovremmo preoccuparci del cianuro dei semi di lino?”

  1. 150 tablespoons of flaxseed? … 1.8 kilograms LOL … deffo stay away from that limit! 🙂
    The answer to the video title is a resounding "no"

  2. I used to make raw flaxseed crackers. It's possible to eat half a cup or more this way because it's delicious. This video is helpful in dosing my flaxseed intake when I feel like going raw again.

  3. You should go on the joe rogan podcast to educate people about the pros of a plant based diet. He has been spreading some false information about vegan diet.

  4. I use 2 tablespoons in my smoothie, only because 1 tablespoon aways sticks to the side of the blender. Otherwise, I'd get relatively none.

  5. Flaxseed aint healthy for everyone. I use to take flaxseed as advised by the good Dr. But after a while i started to get horrible stomach cramps. Couldnt figure it out. But purely by mistake i didnt buy any for a week, then the stomach cramps went. After i bought some more and ate, then within days the pain started to come back. I stopped flaxseed, the cramps went away again. Thats how i figured it out. So whatever was going on flaxseed aint healthy for everyone. I even soaked them and blended them and had them raw.

  6. I will keep eating my low-cyanide foods because I'm not going to give up the rest of the common foods with low-dose-cyanide. We got a huge liver for a reason, might as well use it for what it is for (dealing with low dose poisons, not for enabling booze binging)

  7. Great video! Was drinking a smoothie with a tablespoon of ground flaxseeds in it watching this so I was quite invested.

  8. its almost like i m finding out every other day and video, which ' supposedly good and 'healthy' food is no longer good for me …….oh man….its crazy ….in a few years we probably cannot eat anything anymore.. we either got allergic to it or .everything got poisonous…was messed with…… its madness

  9. The only way I could ever see anyone consuming very large quantities of flax seeds is via a dehydrated flax, flat bread. Otherwise this is like worrying about the toxicity of rice, bogus.

  10. I grind my own flaxseeds as they stopped selling ground flaxseeds in Sweden. I probably get it more fresh like this anyway.

  11. Ground up flaxseed is the worst thing you can buy! It's already oxidized! You should only buy flax seeds whole and ground them yourself right before you eat them.

  12. …So if I decide to ignore this advice and consume 2 tablespoons every day for the rest of my life (>1.5 tablespoon mentioned limit), would that be more harmful than helpful to my health?

  13. Funny in Sweden they feed people 80g of flax as a fibre flush in a wellness center. Yet I once heard Dr Greger mention that the publisher of the Swedish version of his book, was worried about the recommended 1 tablespoon a day of flax…

  14. I try to eat a cup/day & got used to the fiber, eventually dropping the time it took to eat down from 1/4c each hour. For fear of toxicity, I heat them at 200 degrees Fahrenheit (wide range you can choose from actually) for 30 minutes (minimum), to break down dangerous compounds & preserve omega-3s, then grind & mix with 8-10 x (weight of linseed) water. Improvement in my liver, gut, breathing & sleep.

  15. Thank you for your thorough research. I've been consuming 1-2 Tbs flaxseed meal almost daily for 2-3 yrs, following your advise. Relieved I don't have to cook it! Glad you have our backs. You are the best!

  16. Shouldn't we treat the cyanide in flax seed similar to the way we treat arsenic in rice? Dr. Greger recommends caution regarding rice intake because chronic exposure to arsenic leads to increased risk of cancer, even though there is no risk of "acute" arsenic poisoning from rice. Should we not err on the side of caution when it comes to chronic cyanide exposure? The fact that one study shows no changes in rat sperm is hardly reassuring.

  17. Meanwhile here in Sweden they even banned the sale of ground flaxseeds 😛 thank goodness they are so easy to grind myself! I always get my daily tablespoon in my turmeric carrot "cake" oatmeal every morning 🙂 Thank you Dr. Greger, now I have something to refer any concerned fellow Swedes to 🙂

  18. What about children ages 1-10 y.o.? I give my children ages 2-4, ground flax in their oatmeal and toast and have wondered about toxicity. I assume this study can refer to children too? I give them 1-2tbsp sometimes daily…

  19. How about vegan and plant base making flax seeds flat bread by grinding 3 cup of flax and some making complete grind flax instead of flour . I believe they all are alive .
    Substituting flax as a source of carb or bead seems dangerous.
    Not a single thing on planet is without cons or negative .
    Moderation in everything from food to anything is the key.
    /////// best way to consume food is to consume less/////

  20. Damn great, I hoped I could trust dennree .___. It is a quite big organic company in germany, most organic shops near me are even theirs. Not going to buy their flaxseed though…

  21. How does cyanide get into flax in the first place? Pollution? Pesticides (would probably be zero in certified organic flax, ideally)? Does flax produce cyanide? Can the concentration be minimized by choosing or avoiding flax from certain regions? Is chia seed oil an alternative without this issue?

  22. This is interesting maybe for those keto people eating flax meal for breakfast, and even those people really need to try 😀

  23. This is importent people are making pan cooked soft tortilla type bread substitutes using 100% ground flaxseed. Right on Facebook you can find the videos.

  24. Why do you recommend only 1 tablespoon, if at least 3 would be absolutely safe? Flaxseed has high protein and fibre content which is desirable, isn't it?

  25. Awesome video as always, which begs the question: Should We Be Concerned About the Cyanide from B12 supplements? For example, the leaflet in "Vitamin B12 Gerda 1000 µg/4 ml" says for maintenance we should be consuming 1 ampule (as an oral solution) per week. but vegan doctors recommend sticking to 2000-2500 µg per week. So I drink 2 ampules each week. should I be concerned with its cyanide content?

  26. I recently watched a video from Dr. G where he says the four tablespoons a day can help reduce cholesterol. Maybe I should cut it to two tablespoons.

  27. Doesn't roasting flaxseed reduces cyanide a lot ? Why have any cyanide when you can just roast it (without salt) and ground it daily as per consumption ?

  28. At the end, it says you should stay below 1.5 tablespoon of flax seeds per day, if you eat them everyday, to stay below the safety limit for cyanide. But it must be mentioned, that it assumes you don't eat any other source of cyanide. Many foods contain cyanide and so does B12 supplement – cyanocobalamin. So the actual limit of flax seeds per day is somewhat lower.

  29. Yes ,but there's cyanide in loads of other plant based foods too and arsenic in rice but you never hear of people having issues with it.No need to stress over these things.We are probably inhaling a lot more harmful chemicals walking through our cities.But we want to worry about flaxseeds?! A bit of common sense and rational people,please!

    In TWO previous videos, you discredited people eating Apricot seeds, saying they could die because of the cyanide content in the seeds…but here you are promoting flaxseeds that also contain Cyanide, and even going as far as telling us that overdosing won't even kill you??? My conclusion about your Apricot seeds videos is you displayed journals with biased results from biased researchers funded by big Pharma, coz i know you're not a friend of big Pharma(you've continously made that clear) and I don't think they paid you to talk about Apricot kernels that way…because apricot kernels DO really work and they've never killed no one as those results showed:

  31. also the from what I understood the rat study about the long term effects of cyanide were done not with flax seeds but with isolated cyanide and there is often a strong difference between the plant package and the isolated substance. I would not be able to eat as many flax seeds as it is required to even reach toxicity after all.

  32. Allright. What I want to know now is, how fast exactly, did the person have to run in order to get to the toilet in time after consuming 100g of flax seed?

  33. Yeah, there are days I get between 4 and 5 tablespoons of ground flax seed a day (2 tablespoons in my smoothies and maybe another two in chia/flax almond milk and some flax I put in my bread I make)

  34. When Dr. Gregor recommends 1 tablespoon, does that mean a level tablespoon or a heaping tablespoon? It’s a big difference…

  35. I nuke 20 grams of flaxseeds in the microwave with my oatmeal for 3 mins for breakfast everyday. does heating up/cooking it destroy any of the micronutrient contents in flax?

  36. I'm a 6'2" adult male….I use 2 tablespoons in my oatmeal everyday. Love it. 2 to 4 times a month I use a tablespoon to make a flax egg for my lentil loafs. Love ground flaxseeds.

  37. oh you mean Amygdalin? the cancer killing property! please don't lie about this Dr. Gregor. it's properly bonded with other elements and is safe to consume. Released only when met with cancerous cells or growths.

  38. Thank you doctor for this precious information.
    Is there the info somewhere about which type (brown or golden) flaxseeds contain less amount of the amygdalin?

  39. After discovering Dr Greger I started adding a tablespoon of flaxseed meal to my oatmeal everyday. About six months in I started experiencing some tenderness in my right testicle. It felt hard and seemed to be higher than normal. Then, one day, I randomly watched this video. As I heard the part about the effects of flaxseed on rat testicles I wondered if that could be causing my pain. I quit adding it to my breakfast and voilà, My symptoms subsided over next month. Cause and effect? Who knows.

  40. This channel is dangerous. Flaxseed has been known as a bugkiller since the dawn of time and the corpses preserved with flaxoils are still uneaten because of that toxicity. You are a collection of little bugs, don't eat bugkiller frankenfood or feed it to children, they don't deserve to be poisoned and neither do you.

    And as for flaxseed having the largest pct of polyphenolic acids yeah, true. BPA and DDT are polyphenols too, polyphenols are dangerous, don't eat it.

  41. I consume about 1.5 kilos of finely ground linseed per month. Hasn't done anything bad to me, yet. (I dont know how much that is in American units, cups and spoons)

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