E. coli resistente agli antibiotici e UTI nei vegetariani rispetto ai mangiatori di carne

Il pollo biologico è stato testato per l'E. coli che causa infezioni del tratto urinario. Il pollo contaminato può causare più di un milione di infezioni del tratto urinario nelle donne americane ogni anno.

Mangiatori di carne (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/antibiotic-resistance-genes-in-the-guts-of-vegetarians-vs-meat-eaters).

Oltre l'era dei miracoli: affrontare un'era post-antibiotica (https:// Nutritionfacts.org/video/past-the-age-of-miracles-facing-a-post-antibiotic-age/) è il mio video che spiega la preoccupazione per i batteri resistenti agli antibiotici.

Questo problema è uno dei motivi per cui sostengo lo sviluppo della carne coltivata. Per saperne di più, vedi Gli effetti sulla salute umana della carne coltivata: resistenza agli antibiotici (

38 Risposte a “E. coli resistente agli antibiotici e UTI nei vegetariani rispetto ai mangiatori di carne”

  1. I'd like to see Nurtitionfacts do a video on phages. I've seen something about how phages can kill super bugs when antibiotics lose their ability, until the bugs build a resistance to phages, while losing their resistance to antibiotics.

  2. What about eggs? Do eggs have a link to ExPec since they are distinctive relation to chicken. Also, as far as dumping billions of chickens, could they not be given to the wild or something? Money over health how sad.

  3. My wife developed a UTI with a resistant infection that spread to her kidneys, then went septic. This followed a single meal of chicken tacos. She nearly died and kept getting released from the hospital. They would put her on an antibiotic that was working until she was stabilized, then release her with a DIFFERENT INEFFECTIVE ANTIBIOTIC, then the bacteria would increase again, they would readmit her, stabilize her on the effective antibiotic, then the cycle would repeat. It was enraging to know exactly how the food system and medical system almost killed my wife. How many hospital superbugs are made this way? Use effective antibiotics but don’t finish the full course, then prescribe a different less effective option after release? We needed to specifically ask for that effective option and threaten a sit in to finally get it prescribed for outpatient, and by then we were nearly expecting her to not make it. As I predicted, she made an immediate full recovery on the antibiotic that was actually working!

  4. It's horrible. I avoid chicken. But can we please remember that spinach and romaine lettuce have caused some of the worst recalls in history because of animal run off? Filth is the bigger problem, no?

  5. I wonder if correct handling of meat in the kitchen such as using separate cutting boards for meat and veg could help to reduce transmission of these E.coli strains. The ideal solution of course is going vegan, but its not possible for everyone (e.g. it might be difficult for elderly people), so it would be good to know what impact correct meat handling has.

  6. Cook your food properly and wash your hands proper with antibacterial soap. Dont have unprotected sex, especially anal sex. You have no E Coli to worry about

  7. They could use radiation to kill off the E. coli. before shipping it. This was propose, but it freaked out to many people and the idea was dropped.

  8. Some of this is because some farmers use manure on crops and there are cases of runoff from other farms such as that of animal farms and other farmers inhumanely don't allow their produce pickers to use the restroom so they defecate where they can which is in the fields so they don't get caught taking a break so for most part the farmers or corporations are responsible for e coli outbreaks due to the fact that they don't allow for restroom breaks therefore causing unsanitary conditions because pickers don't get to wash their hands.

  9. D-Mannose is a plant-based supplement that works wonders to prevent UTIs. I used to have recurring UTIs since I have a paralyzed, neurogenic bladder due to a spinal cord injury. From frequent use of antibiotics I developed strains resistant to most of them, so UTIs became increasingly hard to treat. Then five years ago I heard about D-Mannose on a YouTube channel and began taking it. Since then have had only one infection, when I stopped taking it under doctor's orders.

  10. I have recently gone vegan due to 40 years of chronic embedded uti from multiple pathogens with antibiotic resistance.Hoping it helps.

  11. Given the increased consumption of Turkey and ham for the holidays of Thanksgiving & Christmas one would anticipate a spike in UTI’s in late November and in December. This should be a relatively easy chart or medical records review.

  12. You mean the poultry industry would fail to make profit? Well, one can certainly see why the US government wouldn't choose to prioritize the life and health of its human citizens over those profits, right?

    Really pisses me off.

  13. Looking at a cohort of vegans/vegetarians during the holidays who eat chicken, turkey and ham during the holidays would definitely be a better way at getting to the heart of the question. I would bet there is a way to access the 7th Day Adventist data to also show a difference in the rate of UTI's between the vegan, vegetarians, and omnivores but the answer to this question was essentially answered by Dr. Greger. Thanks for your sharp insight on this issue.

  14. At the time of posting this video, the page had 899K followers. Every day it seems it gets a thousand new subscribers! FANTASTIC! What a tribute to Michael Greger's dedication and the quality of his work.

  15. Here's an interesting anecdotal data point, I've been a vegetarian for 52 years and in the last 47 of those years I've gotten food poisoning only once (on 1/18/2020). I didn't have any cases of intestinal flu during that time either.

    I don't know what got me in 2020, but I do know what I was eating, and it was something I eat regularly at the same restaurant. Sometimes your luck just runs out.

  16. What can cause Salmonella infection?
    You can get a Salmonella infection from a variety of foods, including chicken, turkey, beef, pork, eggs, fruits, sprouts, other vegetables, and even processed foods, such as nut butters, frozen pot pies, chicken nuggets, and stuffed chicken entrees. Some recent Salmonella outbreaks that sickened people in many states were linked to chicken, ground turkey, ground beef, raw tuna, mushrooms, onions, peaches, papayas, cut fruits, cashew brie, and tahini.

    Food isn’t the only way Salmonella spread to people. The bacteria also spread through contaminated water, the environment, other people, and animals. Even pets and animals you might come into contact with at petting zoos, farms, fairs, and schools and daycares can carry Salmonella and other harmful germs. Get tips to help you stay safe around feathery, furry, and scaly friends. (CDC)
    Which means that salmonella and other bacteria are presently everywhere in almost all types of food.

  17. Dr Gregor is the champion of vegan propaganda. He loves to join unrelated pieces together to speculate bad outcomes of meat eating.
    Bacteria can be antibiotic resistant because of injudicious use of antibiotics, and they are equally likely present in meat and poultry, as well as vegetables. All types of food can get contaminated with them. It doesn't disqualify only meat as a bad food.

  18. Myself, my partner and my daughter, who was two at the time all got norovirus symptoms a few hours after eating what appeared to be a badly re-heated chicken pie at a weatherspoons pub. After the first bout of extreme vomiting and dhiorrea, nausea and dhiorrea re-occured for months on end until I clocked that it happened every time we ate chicken. We stopped eating it. My other half and daughter gradually started eating it again after a few months and are fine but I haven't eaten it for 15 years. I haven't missed it and I haven't had a stomach bug since (but then I haven't eaten in a dodgy cheap pub since then either). I'll never go vegan by choice but I do agree that the way the Americans treat their domestic livestock is criminal and insane and it's sad that such deprivation for a few extra bucks is a trend that has seeped out of that country in the last few decades.

  19. This is mind-blowing information – thank you for sharing Dr. Greger. To those who consume decomposing flesh, chicken ova, and the mucus of cows and goats, and who ask, ‘but is being vegan healthy?’: think about your question. 🐥🌱

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