È meglio bere un po' di alcol piuttosto che non bere affatto?

Anche se l'alcol provoca il cancro e non esiste il “paradosso francese”, che dire della famosa curva a J, dove sì, bere troppo è negativo, ma sembra che i bevitori leggeri abbiano una mortalità inferiore rispetto agli astenuti?

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Aspetta, l'HDL non è più il colesterolo “buono”? Dai un'occhiata alle mie analogie con il posacenere e le scarpe da ginnastica in riferimento ai fattori di rischio causali nel mio olio di cocco e all'aumento del colesterolo “buono” HDL (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/ olio di cocco-e-il-boost-in-hdl-good-cholesterol/) video.<br/>
Quanto cancro l'alcol provoca davvero, però? Potresti esserti perso il primo video di questa serie Can Alcohol Cause Cancer? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-alcohol-cause-cancer).

E che dire del resveratrolo e del paradosso francese? Vedi La migliore fonte di resveratrolo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Best-Source-of-Resveratrol) e cosa spiega il paradosso francese? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-explains-the-french-paradox).

Restate sintonizzati per il finale: i benefici dell'alcol superano i rischi? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Do-Any-benefits-of-Alcohol-Outweigh-the-Risks).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-it-better-to-drink-little-alcohol-than-none -at-all e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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100 Risposte a “È meglio bere un po' di alcol piuttosto che non bere affatto?”

  1. Thanks for that information Dr. Greger! Although I don't drink it clears up a lot of confusion out there!

  2. My blood pressure is low -has been all my life, so a slight rise in pressure from moderate drinking that brings me into the 'normal' range is not a concern for me. Quitting my glass of wine or beer a day will have more of a negative effect on me than continuing because I get health benefits from the social bonding with my friends and partner and honestly a life without a glass of good French wine or glass of Guinness is not one I want. Better to relax and not worry about it and enjoy life IMO …Sláinte! 😉

  3. Fixed it: "Is it better to drink a little poison than none at all?"
    (Ethanol is, after all, used as paint stripper – albeit when nearly pure)

  4. I wonder about this study "Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion, Mortality, and Cardiovascular Events".

    "An estimated sodium intake between 3 g per day and 6 g per day was associated with a lower risk of death and cardiovascular events than either a higher or lower estimated level of sodium intake. As compared with an estimated potassium excretion of less than 1.50 g per day, higher potassium excretion was associated with a reduction in the risk of the composite outcome."

    3-6g sodium would translate to 7,5-15g of NaCl. How can this be healthy? The WHO recommends 5g/day of NaCl. http://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/guidelines/sodium_intake_printversion.pdf

  5. does this mean that moderate amounts of sugar is also detrimental since alcohol is merely a transformed sugar through the process of fermentation

  6. Maybe I should resume enjoying that 100ml of port at bedtime after seeing the J – shaped distribution curve. Thanks Dr. GREGER.

  7. Wonder what Dan Buettner who has studied The Blue Zones and who claims the longest lived cultures all drink in moderation (he recommends a couple of glasses of red daily as part of his nine healthy habits for longevity) and cardiologist Dr Joel Kahn who recommends a glass of red every day, have to say in response?

  8. Not surprised one bit ! Even a glass of red wine is barely beneficial
    Better of eating a bunch of red grapes instead I thinks

  9. Ah shoot! Thinking I am maybe doing just a little good or at least no harm, a glass of red wine while I cook dinner has become an integral and quite enjoyable part of the process. Now that my rationalization that the glass of wine is helping my health is gone, I'll have to seriously reflect whether the enjoyment of that glass of wine is sufficient to justify the health risk. I have tried a mug of green tea while I cook, and while pleasurable and undeniably very healthy, it just doesn't have the same decompressive effect after a long day as a nice glass of old vine zin. I fully accept that making health decisions from a place of knowledge is far better than making them from a place of ignorance, but blissful ignorance does have a certain visceral appeal. Well I don't follow Dr. Greger so that he can confirm my biases and preconceived notions for me. So goodbye Cab, so long Merlot, later Zinfandel.

  10. It still has benefits. It's a muscle relaxer. Wine does have a great deal of anti oxidents and its a social fixation. I don't think wine is a particularly healthy source of antioxidents given alcohols negatives. But like most things, the poison is in the dose. Which this channel never seems to discuss. I.e saturated fat is bad. Okay, but if you're eating saturated fat while in a calorie deficit, bad things don't happen. I have maybe 6 drinks a year. We are not made of glass. You will not die if you have one drink a week.

  11. AMAZING AMAZING Video. Wow. Incredible logical thinking and reasoning. Very impressed with this video and the mendelian studies.

  12. Now all your muslim friends and abstentionists from many Church will tell you :" See, we were right dude, despite all the propaganda around":)

  13. Maybe we should be vegans. But if we do, I'd like to add some carve outs – HEAVY CREAM, Ice Cream, BUTTER, BACON, Steak, Lobster, I think that would work for me.

  14. A little bit now and again is fine, have some in a sauce or salad dressing you're making or put some in homemade ice cream to help it not go rock solid ; )

  15. Are you going with that myth that LDL cholesterol is more important than HDL?

    Are people still really stuck on this false belief? The science just doesn't support it…

    You have an excellent narrative voice by the way.

  16. The goal is not to lay gently into the grave in a well preserved body. If moderate alcohol consumption gives you joy, do it, at least nobody had to die for the drink to land in your hand.

  17. I've assumed there was some particular physiological explanation like: 'If the diet is less than optimal, a little alcohol might improve things for some reason' .
    The truth is: Nutrition is far from being an 'exact sciene' and so many people (including the experts) believe in things that are probably not true because it can become so complicated especially for two reasons:
    a) A lot of people are not qualified scientifically (many, many pitfalls, especially when it comes to interpreting the results of a study)
    b) People have either an agenda and/or a confirmation bias.

  18. Also, there has been a lot of publicity about drinking red wine in the "Mediterranean" diet and the concurrent health benefits of resveratrol, so I think this has contributed to some confusion.

  19. I always thought the "benefits in moderation" of ethanol was bullshit. I mean humans have evolved from mammals who have always been exposed to some ethanol, so we should be able to handle it quite well but there's no plausible mechanism of benefit. We're naturally exposed to some small amounts of ethanol from activity of gastrointestinal bacteria, but why would you benefit from seeking out extra alcohol?

    The best you can say is that drinking a VERY small amount simply has a… very small negative effect. So a tolerable dose but for no benefit. Okay, in the past ethanol was relevant for inhibiting bacterial growth. Yes, I am aware that low ethanol concentrations doesn't 'kill bacteria' but low concentrations of alcohol DEFINITELY DO inhibit the growth so a microscopic contamination of your stored beverage doesn't become absolutely infested with bacteria and the toxins they produce after storage. But we have pasteurisation now, everyone knows if you want to preserve bottled water just boil it.

  20. I hear you on this. It pushes your perception of alcohol. But it does not explain the many healthy centenarians that drink a little throughout the week. Just Moderate alcohol intake….i.e. a glass of wine…..Because of the problems with alcohol consumptions, I get your point of view. It is the excess

    Watch the below story:

  21. I only drink when I'm out at some place where I don't really trust the folks serving the food. A number of times people at the same table as me got sick but I didn't. If you don't trust the food but don't want to be a party pooper, I think I'd actually encourage some moderate drinking.

  22. I have an active gene associated with less empathy under stress. In the same way TMAO is seen to enable the Alzheimer gene, would the TMAO association with anxiety or depression enable such genetics? Would the active gene, plus carcinogen influence heighten resistance to the advice of a whole food diet? Imagining a trusted food source put into question, coupled with social influence to remain the same, and our innate need to be 'part of' rather than on the dangerous fringes, the unknown – our own sense of preservation keeps us sick. Talk about forbidden fruit huh

  23. thank you for your video. I stopped drinking when started my sugar detox and never drunk ever since (over a year). not even a drop of it…I feel great. my doctor says that all my plant based diet is a myth , she had many vegans/vegetarians with cancers etc…she suggested me to start drinking wine….I refused to listen

  24. I thought for sure that halfway through you would suggest that the social aspect was the protective element contributing to the J-curve, but if it disappeared even without correcting for social gatherings, then alcohol is certainly a causative agent of detrimental health consequences.

  25. The public does deserve to hear the truth. How disappointing that doctors may see the invalidity of the study yet continue to promote small amounts of daily alcohol. And yes, there will be many forceful denials from the general public.

  26. Maimonides, apparently DISAGREES with you Dr. Greger.  MODERATE consumption – of WINE, in particular is BENEFICIAL.

  27. This is so true, My family from both sides is over 6ft tall including the women while i barely hit 5.5. Been a small unhealthy runt for 47 years and have tried drugs/alcohol to cope with the scars of bullying from home and school. The only thing that stops me from becoming a raging drug addicted alcoholic is my health, thank god. The only drug that i can somewhat tolerate is weed.

  28. Ooh, this is aplicable to me. I quit drinking coz i got tongue cancer. If i continue to eat & live the way i did before i was diagnosed w/ cancer, it is very likely that i too would become 1 of those quiter who die before my time.

  29. Ethanol smells and tastes nasty, it's a known carcinogen. I ask people why they don't smoke it's always "cancer" and then I explain that's why I don't drink.


  31. I can barely finish one glass of wine, and I won't sleep well. I just listen to my body. I think most people drink to escape their disturbing feelings, but you can do that with meditation, exercise, and real food.

  32. Great info. Ive never been under the impression that alcohol was ever good for you, because it is inherently poison.

    With that said, I’m a foodie and a skinny guy, but I am also live clean and eat healthy guy who doesn’t have excess time to make lots of food. I like certain alcoholic drinks with well-paired meals because they enhance the food experience and my appetite which is fun (lots of research about increased appetite due to alcohol), and most of all and in moderation, I really enjoy the feeling of the extra calories I get from something like a beer as I often struggle very much to feel full, even after large nutrient-diverse meals.

    I’ve explored every diet from standard to ONLY raw fruits and veggies, and landed on WFPB in part due to your website.

    Coming back to my main point, I don’t use this train of logic to support drinking alcohol or defend that it is healthy. I often go through months where my body personally doesn’t feel like touching the stuff and I don’t, but I like to share this example so it’s reminded for everybody that there is rarely a black and white equation to this stuff. And to hopefully discourage a religious or legalistic mentality around some of these outliers.

    What’s the light to this situation for me? Purely the sensation of feeling more full after eating meals. It really helps me and some of my other very skinny cousins, and when you’re younger and hustling and bustling, and dinner is eaten, you don’t have time to just make more food sometimes lol

  33. Wow so glad I watched this. I have been cycling a glass of organic red wine (usually pinot noir) 1-3 times a week over the last 5 years thinking that it would improve my health. What I noticed is that every time I had a glass of red wine it felt like I was damaging myself slightly, especially in my gut, like it would give me cramps, bloating, dehydration, etc, usually every time. I have been thinking, this cannot be good for me, but yet i still kept it up because of all the info on the internet saying a glass of wine a day is good for you. After watching this video, I am now done with it. Thanks.

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