Effetti collaterali del sostituto del sale di cloruro di potassio

Gli effetti collaterali del cloruro di potassio. I reni sani sono necessari per l'escrezione di potassio. Se non sei sicuro di essere a rischio, chiedi al tuo medico di sottoporti al test di funzionalità renale.

Se sei in crisi, puoi chiamare il National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24 ore al giorno, sette giorni alla settimana, a 580-273-8255.

Questo è il video finale di una serie in tre parti. Se ti sei perso i primi due, controlla Meno di 1 su 5, Incontra le assunzioni consigliate di sodio e potassio (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fewer-than-1-in-273-soddisfano le assunzioni raccomandate di sodio e potassio) e i sostituti del sale di cloruro di potassio sono efficaci? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-potassium-chloride-salt-substitutes-efficace/)<br/>
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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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68 Risposte a “Effetti collaterali del sostituto del sale di cloruro di potassio”

  1. 20 bananas a day is only about 10g of potassium, in about 2500kcal. I could eat 4kg of Kale in a day, get almost 15g of potassium, but less than 2000kcal. These prehistoric estimates of potassium intake are very challenging for modern humans. I'm happy with the daily dozen so far, I'll have to track my potassium intake when following the checklist, but I'd be surprised if it's much higher than the recommended intake.

  2. beginning of the video: "where's the catch?".
    half of the video: still no bad news. anxiety.
    end of the video: can't believe there were no significant bad news.

  3. So, the conclusion is for healthy people to swap out regular salt with potassium chloride? But it sounds like one has to do a lot of checking with the doctor before one dares to take it. As one might have some hidden diseases that one doesn’t know of…

  4. Why are potassium supplements limited to two percent of RDV? Annoying and expensive option. Last visit to the grocery store, I had to hunt for Morton’s potassium chloride salt substitute. They were stuck on the bottom row next to an entire line of “natural” sea and pink salt, none of which include iodine. Actually, do any potassium chloride salt makers add iodine?…which many people are deficient in.

  5. Да, хлорид калия в супе отлично заменил соль. Если посыпать сухую пищу, то крупинки портят вкус, может разводить водой..

  6. Just curious what this means for people who are still on blood pressure meds since they haven’t been on a plant-based diet long enough yet. These medications warn you not to take the salt substitutes. So what does that mean for someone like that?

  7. Dr Michael Greger, I appreciate you for all the information you have earnestly provide, however, I would like to ask you if you could not use GOD'S ALMIGHTY NAME in vain. please and thank you.

  8. Hello Mr Dr Greggor, please make a video on health benefits of heroin! And also differences between different types of administration! Thanks!!

  9. 4:50
    yea i somehow didnt know how dangerous salt was
    like 4 years ago i did like salt water flushes once every 5 months or so (experimenting etc) and later figured out that the doses of salt that i was doing (1-2 heaping tablespoons) were allegedly deadly 🤨 somehow luckily nothing bad happened 😅

  10. I'm confused about the suicide thing. So you have to take a tablespoon of potassium chloride all at once for it to be deadly? Or is that like a daily limit? Seems dangerous still 🙁

  11. Have you ever tried Green Salt? It is dehydrated, powdered Salicornia (sea asparagus) that has an umami, salty flavor with only half the sodium.

  12. If one's standard medical lab test for serum potassium level is within the "normal" range, can one's daily potassium intake is at lease close to recommended (about 4.5 grams)?

  13. Interesting, but… I need sodium to limit my muscle cramps !!! Do you think that potassium would work as well !? I'm already getting the required potassium quota, and more (bananas, greens, …).

  14. Great video, but probably not necessary to take Jesus' name in vain. I don't want to judge too harshly, because I often do this myself, but not in published material.

  15. Who need to put salt or sugar on ripe fruits, they are delicious on their own for a frugivore anatomy like us or maybe if they are not ripe or low quality i guess…

  16. Great to know, especially for my mom. As for me, I usually add a sprinkle of low sodium potassium chloride with a little Himalayan pink salt. Is something wrong with Himalayan salt?? I don't eat any high sodium foods almost ever, so without adding salt, my blood pressure is too low.

  17. You mentioned Lithium Chloride in passing, but what about Ammonium Chloride? It's a traditional candy flavouring here in Finland. It tastes very different from Sodium Chloride but once you get used to the taste it's really nice.

  18. This series was huge! Thank you my friend for all the selfless, tireless invaluable work you and your cohort do to educate and improve the lives of us, the ignorant masses. You and your cohort are as close to sainthood as I've ever seen in science. Blessings, blessings, blessings.

  19. And the stocks of potassium chloride have just increased 100% and the shelves in our health food stores are being cleared as we watch – get in there, Dr Greger!

  20. It's impossible to make good sourdough bread without salt! But, I did successively cut the salt with a 1/3 potassium chloride. It taste great too!

  21. If I were to switch to 100% potassium chloride, how would I get iodine in my diet? I haven't seen any brands with iodized versions.

  22. you're full of crap, if you say you could remove salt from food and not even miss it then your taste buds are deficient, salt makes vegetables way more delicious

  23. I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease 2 years ago. My eGFR ranged from 48-52. I was told by my doctor that it would progress over time, but this progression could be slowed by medication which would be prescribed when my eGFR reached 40. I read about plant based diets and decided to give it a try. 6 weeks after eating mainly brown rice and vegetables my eGFR went up to 65. Now, 18 months after a whole food plant based diet my eGFR is 94. Incidentally I had pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, and was on 8 prescription medications. I was 60 pounds overweight. I am in my late 60's. I take no prescriptions now. I lost the 60 pounds, my cholesterol is 117, my asthma is gone, my A1c is 5.4, and my blood pressure averages 108/62. I have seasonal allergies, and sadly they did not go away ( I had hoped). By the way, I also eat 5 bananas a day. None of the doctors I have ever seen suggested a whole food plant based diet. I credit Drs. Greger, Barnard, and McDougall as having saved my life.

  24. frank suarez viene hablando de esto hace a;os, y en uno de sus videos dijo que las farmaceuticas hace a;os hicieron pasar unna ley para que no se puede vender capsulas con mas de 100mg de postasio! y imaginence que uno tiene k consumir al dia 4800! porque no buscan sanar a las gente y el potasio es una de las cosas k mas puede salvar vidas por a to2 les falta, y les digo porque….

  25. I found potassium chloride from an agricultural store, very cheap, it says it's 100% potassium chloride. I mixed with regular (sodium) salt, 50/50. Let's hope it works 😬👍🏼

  26. Please, Dr Geger, there’s no need to use Jesus’s name or highlight the health risks of “religion”. I much prefer your videos when they’re courteous and professional.

  27. Nooo salt you must be insane! it's called electrolytes and chloride for stomach that's why 🎩 potassium and salt YES

  28. I was amazed what I found when I started tracking sodium intake. While eating no processed meats, salty snacks or added table salt, I still found I was pushing the 1500 mg / day recommended limit. I was eating two slices of multi-grain bread on a sandwich for lunch, each of which I discovered contained 250 mg of sodium. Just one slice of plant based cheese added another 250. If I added 4 strips of tempeh bacon, that would add another 640, or 1,390 mg of sodium just at lunch. Eat plant based, as the doctor advises, but be cautious of the sodium even in otherwise healthy plant based foods. Since watching this video series, I switched to a lower sodium whole wheat bread and substituted fresh vegetables with some NuSalt and hummus for the tempeh and cheese. Still a delicious lunch, but with much lower sodium and higher potassium.

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