Perché la nutrizione è così commercializzata?

Perché il campo della nutrizione è spesso più incentrato sul marketing dei prodotti che sull'educazione delle persone sui fondamenti di un'alimentazione sana?

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Questo fa parte della mia serie estesa di video sulla trappola riduzionista. Si veda, ad esempio, Reductionism and the Deficiency Mentality ( I video precedenti che toccano l'argomento includono Industry Response to Plants Not Pills ( ) e La teoria delle fibre è sbagliata? (<br/>
La regola Five to One Fiber ( -fiber-rule) vale comunque, poiché è un'indicazione di quanto sia pesantemente elaborato un prodotto.

Ci sono due aspetti dell'argomento della proprietà intellettuale quando si tratta di cibo. Esploro entrambi in Piante come proprietà intellettuale – Sbagliato in modo evidente? (

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40 Risposte a “Perché la nutrizione è così commercializzata?”

  1. It's the instant noodle society. Take a pill and continue eating junk. Perhaps we are better off living up to 40s to hasten the evolution.

  2. So glad you are addressing this again, as T Colin Campbell is being dismissed as a King Lear figure, yelling into the wilderness on this topic. This valid call for a more comprehensive paradigm of nutrition recommendation needs to gain traction. Thanks for posting.

  3. It's important to know how to supplement for people like myself with Crohn's that have a limited dietary palette, so most fruits and vegetables are virtually indigestible.
    And please for the love of god people stop linking me to studies about high fiber diets, FMT, hook worms and shit and thinking I haven't seen it before. If some yahoo article had the solution to crohn's we wouldn't have so many people with it.

  4. It doesn't help that cultures are consistently becoming more lazy and entitled. They don't want to work hard to be healthy. They want to sit on their butts eating cheeseburgers and gravy fries while taking supplements in the morning that they cringe at every time they get a taste. Just eat the damn foods! God, they're not bad at all. Everyone is mind blown nowadays when you say you eat plain broccoli steamed because, "where's the cheese sauce?". Like no. Not everything needs to be smothered in animal fat and thus be super unhealthy. You're just addicted to the food and a specific brand of "food porn".

  5. Dr Greger for World President! Seriously, though, Dr Greger, thanks for the amazing work you do in cutting through all the profit-driven crap about nutrition and telling it like it is. 🙂

  6. I love whole foods. It is the best nutrition and medicine that we can ever put into our bodies. One day the rest of the world will wake up and be amazed! Thank you Dr. Greger.

  7. Basically don't bother with supplements for the majority of people accept for B12. Go direct to the natural foods instead.

  8. There's a place for allopathy, but it has become commonplace because of the profits it yields. There are much better "natural" alternatives.

  9. Love your videos, I've been listening to the audio book of how not to buy lately and am loving it. I have been on Whole food plant based since june, but was vegan for years before that. I love having all this great info in one book, and I feel like with so many studies covered in one book it is very hard to argue with. I want to buy the book for everyone I know!!!

  10. 1:40 Brocco-berry supplement made me think of Barak Obama.  (Probably nobody cares, but I just wanted to say that.)  Eat the broccoli and blueberries, though.  Forget the supplement.

  11. We have an egg industry, a drug industry, a supplements industry….

    …can we have a broccoli industry now?

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