Effetti collaterali di Kombucha: fa male?

Quali sono i rischi rispetto ai benefici del consumo di kombucha? Ne puoi bere troppo?

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È Il tè Kombucha ti fa bene? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-kombucha-tea-goodfor-you/) è il mio precedente video kombucha che ho menzionato.

Quali sono le migliori bevande? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-are-the-best-beverages/). Guarda il video per scoprirlo.

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100 Risposte a “Effetti collaterali di Kombucha: fa male?”

  1. Dr Greger , you're not leaving cited sources on screen long enough for people to actually read them. Your previous format videos of a voice over with cited sources is much more easy to follow and assimilate. It is distracting to try and watch you and the sources cited at the same time. Thanks

  2. Yet Gregor said on a recent Q and A that we should take ANY of the COVID vaccines, although they are all warp sped, experimental, and their criminal manufacturers cannot be held liable for damages, and since then the safety of two of them have been called into question. He’s also said pregnant women could take flu vaccines when there’s never been a safety study done on pregnant women for obvious reasons.
    Don’t trust kombucha and their manufacturers when it comes to their self serving claims, but trust known criminal corporations when it comes to their vaccines (they conduct their own trials and our captured regulatory agency, the FDA, get paid 75% of their review budget from the industry to review the data).
    What a hack Gregor has become. He has lost credibility.

  3. I read somewhere that green tea is more beneficial than black tea when brewing kombucha and that the bad cases are usually from the kombucha brewed with black tea. I wonder if they specify which kind of kombucha it was in those case reports.

  4. I'm sure if it's still better for you than pop or soda. So I'm still gonna drink it occasionally. I drink it so rarely cuz it ain't cheap. Great now I'm craving it.

  5. So your entire argument is based around a few extreme reactions? Maybe its not a miracle elixir, but its certainly better than soda. Sounds like you're blowing the risks way out of proportion. Do you also recommend that your patients not eat peanuts or romaine lettuce, which seem to cause way more adverse reactions? I think we need to cut through the BS and fund some real studies to get to the bottom of this.

  6. Great Report!! I learned again. I would liked to see you comment that with the increased popularity of kombucha that we are undergoing a population scale trial of the effects of consuming it. Are we seeing increased reports of adverse effects?

  7. I made my own kombucha based on the ravings of a close friend. I developed a lop sided gut flora, lol. then, I thought, hummmm, maybe something unhealthy is also growing in it. After all, Momma always told me not to eat spoiled food, lol.

  8. While I enjoy a bottle of kombucha occasionally, like 3 or 4 times a year, I've never experienced any negative effects. On the other hand, I've not noticed any appreciable positive effects either.
    Good info. Thanks!

  9. I was legit addicted to kombucha for years. So expensive! And I felt awfully elitist given the price. But I literally had a hard time stopping. Seems that low level of sugar and alcohol create cravings- shocker!

  10. Kombucha is good for what ails you.
    It cures apoplexy, bilious fever, boils, bruises, clap, colic, consumption, croup, drunkenness, dysentery, dyspepsia, flux, goiters, gout, hives, infertility, lock jaw, lumbago, miasma, nostalgia, pertussis, pleurisy, pox, rheumatism, rubella, scarlet fever, scurvy, sprains, thrush and typhoid fever!
    Prayer and Divine intervention helpful.
    Your results may vary.

  11. Kombucha is one option for those trying not to drink alcohol, if it's potentially dangerous, what other options are there that are not just more water, or something caffeinated and sugary?

  12. My guess is that it's best to stick with the leading brands of kombucha, drink no more than a few ounces at a time, and limit total daily consumption to one cup.

    That said, it's probably better to just double down on other probiotic foods/drinks, such as kefir, sauerkraut, miso, and yogurt. (If you're vegan, then consume plant-based yogurt.)

  13. Shocker that a plant-based drink that's relatively cheap and can be made at home wouldn't have much research on it. The claims are probably "far-reaching" because the claims for all probiotic foods or pills are similarly far-reaching because the microbiome has enormous influence on your health. Diseases can caused or cured, there's nothing implausible about it. Since most stories of adverse effects happen with homemade Kombucha, if you want to be risk-averse, stick with the store-bought stuff.

  14. I drink it all the time. For years. Chem panel perfect and teeth are perfect. A1C perfect. Cholesterol perfect. Vitals perfect.

  15. Its all nonsense bullshit the pharma wants you get sick and to needs them… Ive been drinking kombucha for 3 years now i bicycle 100-150km every week. Plus 40 hours or hard work as a mecanicien ive never felt better.. For the people Feeling dizzy and having headache its part of the detoxifying progress i guess i felt the same in the begennings for maybe a few months or less…. Heres where it get crazy.. My wife has the crohn disorder.. She was sick often.. Many time after a meal she would get sick if she ate too much or depending on the food.. The kombuch pretty much resolved every of her problems… And i mean EVERY disgestive problem. She had.. Its been a few years now she learned from. Me how to brew it and shes totally sold to it.. She would never go back.. Ohh and btw in distilling my water too cant believe how much crap theres is in our tap water….sorry for my poor English

  16. I tend to occasionally get kombucha to mix with other drinks like a kind of non alcoholic cocktail haha. Find it can make juice drinks a lot more fun due to its sour/carbonated flavor.

    Don't personally find much out of it in terms of healthiness since it seems not much different than a more acidic(?) sweet tea. Imagine just drinking straight tea without the added sugars would be better personally. But, I like mixing it up with the stuff occasionally.

  17. The poisonings were surely homemade brews. You can find isolated case studies of people giving themself food poisoning with all foods.
    A lot more people home brew now, but the information on how to safely do it is easier to obtain. So you notice all of his case studies are quite old.
    If you're kitchen isn't clean don't ferment.
    Work with clean equipment.
    After you've made your new batch of kombucha pour some of the prior batch on top of it, and then cover the jar with something clean and breathable.
    Avoid working on different types of ferments on the same day.

  18. I don’t drink it to avoid cancer, but enjoy the energy that it gives me, so I will continue drinking my kombucha. Cheers Dr Greger!

  19. I have been brewing my own Kombucha as the commercial product was costing me as much as a bad Starbucks addiction.
    While I can’t ‘see’ any real change to my health and I’m not unhealthy to begin with, it keeps me from pouring an evening cocktail and the snack drawer. Yes, good self control could have the same effect- but given that I’ve been on that slippery slope, I think I will stick with the Kombucha for now.
    Unless I see your material say it’s BAD for you 🤣. Thank you for the great content.

  20. Why is the benefit must only be in stuff that "cures cancer" and "eliminates wrinkles"? Why can't the benefit simply be in enjoying the drink? Or these are some heavily depressed bunch who hate enjoyments and good feelings?

    And one guy or two had negative effects after kombucha some 30 years ago – how is this even scientific? This is pure anecdotal evidence, where likely kombucha wasn't the problem in itself. Following this kind of logic, we can declare nuts and anything else that gives allergic reactions to some people as bad and not recommended.

    I drink kombucha regularly without any ill effects. I drink it, because I enjoy it.

    Disliked the video for being unreasonable.

  21. I thought it was just a source of probiotics for vegans not a miracle cure all. Is it not a good source of probiotics??

  22. Nearly gave me a stomach ulcer when I tried drinking even small, diluted amounts. Full of sugar and alcohol, it's toxic overpriced and worthless. For actual health benefits, drink diluted acv or hibiscus tea.

  23. In regards to Dr. Greger's anecdotes of those people ending up in the hospital. The thing we need to keep in mind is, what was the original source of that Kombucha? Was it store-bought? Did they get it from a friend if so who was that friend? Or did they make it themselves? Where proper hygiene practices followed? What was their experience level with making it? Did they know what they were doing? What type of tea did they use? What type of sugar did they use? Was it organic tea or was it contaminated tea from China with chemicals and heavy metals in it? How much Kombucha do they drink per day (the dose is 1 cup)? There are so many variables to take into account! The truth is Kombucha has been around for thousands of years. So if it was harmful then it would have been stopped and known long ago. And one other thing to remember is homemade Kombucha is superior and completely different from inferior store-bought Kombucha. You can't even compare the two!

  24. The fear of kombucha taking over the soda market is evident. Once the big dudes are involved, any number of studies against Kombucha will come out. Don't drink Kombucha, keep drinking Cocacola. 😝

  25. Kinda ridiculous video. It's statistically insignificant. Drink your kombucha if you want. It's a great way to reduce sugar intake for people who are addicted to soda. It also has minimal amount of alcohol (<0.5%) which can be beneficial. Everything is out to kill you. Infections happen. Wasn't it lettuce that was giving people salmonella? Crazy. Pick and choose your battles.

  26. Remember people – this is a video on a channel named Nutrition Facts. I'd challenge if this guy actually has an MD. I really don't care to find out.

  27. All I know kombucha helps with my digestion big time no more gastritis pain in the morning for people who never try kombucha should start slow, synergy brand is my favorite, I am learning how to make my own

  28. I personally know people who have cured their IBS and other major health problems through kombucha. I think that the significant benefits from it far outweigh any negative. The amount of people who consume kombucha and have absolutely no negative reaction, makes you wonder how you can scientifically determine that it is a negative impact on your body. Done properly it is one of the most beneficial things you can consume in your body and advising people not to consume it baffles me, there should be major studies done on kombucha and the only reason why there isn't I guarantee is because big Pharma will lose out on many medications that kombucha can replace.

  29. The only reason why any of these people got sick from kombucha was because it obviously was not brewed properly and it had contamination. Kombucha is an amazing health drink that our bodies need, I highly advise learning to make your own getting your own scoby and treating your guts to some wonderful probiotics and gut Flora that our bodies so desperately need in today's age of processed food and antibiotics.

  30. I’ve been drinking kombucha everyday for the last 6 years and I even brew my own kombucha. No problems here.

  31. The case states the patient was a 22-year old Filipino male recently diagnosed with HIV a month earlier. He consumed 34oz (1 liter) of raw Kombucha in one sitting though he did share some of it with a friend but it doesn't sound like he has ever consumed it previously, so 15 hours latter he ends up in the hospital with acute renal failure after ingesting Kombucha. His other medical history included anaphylaxis to peanuts. People with peanut allergies shouldn't eat peanuts and people with yeast sensitives shouldn't consume certain fermented beverages like Belgium Beers and Kombucha either. Obviously he had both issues. Kombucha should not be consumed like water, too much of a good thing doesn't make it better. This doesn't mean Kombucha is bad it just means you need to be sensible. This guy consumed it as a means to help raise is T-cell count though there is little if any evidence to support that theory. The question should be how much Kombucha is safe to consume, for some that may mean not at all.

  32. I’ve been drinking a half a bottle of store bought kombucha daily for 10 years. It helps my IBS symptoms (it didn’t “cure” my IBS though). I haven’t had any ill effects from it. I’m not going to stop using something that helps me because of a few anecdotal stories that did not prove causation.

  33. Well there are lovers and then comes the poeple who are always gonna criticize and try to be the smart one.
    Stop scaring people just to get attention.
    Everyone is eating fried food and gmo all the time how harmful is that but since a new healthy thing has come up let's target it.

  34. I started making kombucha 2 years ago and I never drink more than one cup a day. It has had a very positive effect on my digestion. I noticed at the grocery store that they sell kombucha that has gone through the first fermentation process but not the second one. Instead they use carbonation. I wonder if that makes a difference.

  35. I got what I believe to be alcohol poisoning after 1/2 bottle of kombuchua that had been left out of the refrigerator for a little while and then later a single serving of a rum mixed drink. My skin turned red and I felt extremely sick, FWIW. It was the organic kind that they sell in Costco. Caveat: I may be allergic to rum, or alcohol in general, but I never had that bad a reaction to just alcohol. Now I just avoid it all.

  36. I still enjoy making my own kombucha if only because of my enjoyment of the cartoon adventure time, but I will be more careful with the scobi.

  37. Sorry but you've cherry picked information from articles to support your hypothesis. The elaborate nature of the one 2003 Study devotes pages to the documented health benefits of the drink, and the other two deaths that you referenced in the beginning of the video happened in 1995 all in the same area that was traced back to one bad batch of tea.

    With that being said, there is volumes of evidence showing the benefits of tea and kombucha is a more bioavailable version in its fermented form. Also, the probiotic benefit is overwhelming as there are studies showing the 14 different strains of bacteria and yeast present in varying forms in kombucha. I've been a commercial brewer now for nine years and I've read almost every study you referenced in this video.

  38. I make my own Kombucha so I was very interested in your comments. So I was disappointed with the lack of studies (that's what I got from the Vid) . Later, I thought about deconstructing Kombucha into it's common components and talking about them. (vinegar, black tea, whatever is left)?

  39. Although I’m sure there’s plenty more science needs to be done im curious as to how superior kombucha with a good level of pre-biotics would preform against a control!

  40. People on this channel are the very people who'd be most likely to drink Kombucha for a variety of reasons ("detox!", it's vegan!, it's probiotics!, "it has so many health benefits"). While it's probably far superior as a bacteria booster than any of the junk supplements on the market, looks like yet another oopsie that people trying too hard to be healthy have made.

  41. Honnestly Kombucha is not sold as a remedy but rather as a fermented drink like root beer here in Canada. Most of them are quite sugary but safe to use. The case reports are mainly falling for the survivor bias, on the million bottles that people drink only few report those issues thus like for peanut allergy, the issue is not in the peanut.

  42. Kombucha been around for centuries. We make our own Kombucha, it's so easy. But the big companies make nothing….now it is unsafe lol. But you can keep buying your alcohol and cigarettes 😜

  43. Acidosis happens if you drink large amounts of kombucha, and people might not be aware of that, which might explain people getting sick when drinking it in large amounts. Kombucha also contains caffeine , which could be problematic for people with compromised kidney function, and make acidosis worse.

    However, consumed in moderate amounts (a bottle or so a day), it's not really worse than any other probiotic food.

  44. I bought 12 bottles of kombucha from the internet and now drinking my first… while watching videos about it and realising, that I probably should have informed myself before buying. Cheers, Mr. Greger 🍻

  45. I basically never had a headache for my entire life, maybe only the few times I got the flu. In my 50s I started getting migraines that would last 8 to 10 hours. They became quite frequent, 2 or 3 times a week. I had started drinking 1/2 a bottle of kombucha every night after my dinner, so 8oz I guess. Had been drinking the kombucha for probably over a year before the headaches started so it didn't register that may be the cause. Was just reading about migraines and came across the info that some people get migraines from kombucha. So I cut out the kombucha and the migraines went away immediately. After a month or so I decided to add kefir to my diet. After a few days migraines came back. Stopped the kefir and migraines gone. It's seems that for some people the over consumption of fermented foods causes issues. Could be similar to lactose. We all have a limited tolerance for it, it's just different for each person.

  46. He sounds like a doctor.. He’ll probably give radiation or chemotherapy to a cancer patient without explaining the side affects… Hypocrisy at it’s best!!!

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