Benefici dei mirtilli per il cervello

I mirtilli possono migliorare significativamente le prestazioni cognitive entro poche ore dal consumo.

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Per ulteriori informazioni sulle bacche, dai un'occhiata a:
• Il succo di mirtillo rosso può curare le infezioni della vescica? (
• Ridurre il dolore muscolare con le bacche (
• Potenziamento dell'attività delle cellule killer naturali ( /)
• Inibizione dell'aggregazione piastrinica con le bacche ( /inibire-l'aggregazione-piastrinica-con-bacche/)
• I benefici di Acai vs. mirtilli per la funzione arteriosa (
• Benefici dei mirtilli per la funzione dell'arteria (
• I benefici dei mirtilli per la pressione sanguigna possono essere bloccati dallo yogurt (http:/ /nutrizione

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85 Risposte a “Benefici dei mirtilli per il cervello”

  1. Those blueberries in your picture are not natural. I have consumed real natural blueberries and I know what theyre like. These ones in the pic are acidic in taste. The purple juice is totally unatural. Some are also slightly green. The meat should white, juiceless, have specific blueberry taste and a couple cups of them should be like a mild pre-workout powder. They should also boost vision like – Immediatly!!!. Those purple weakling, acidic and almost tasteless "blueberries" are an attrocity of modern agriculture.

  2. 1/2 cup Blueberries in my oatmeal each day. I pick them locally where they are abundant all over the area I live in. Free and Pesticide free.

  3. Is anyone getting YouTube recommending them videos of zero backed up claims that we need to eat meat? YouTube started this on me and I don't think I watched anything to trigger it. I think it's also using what I write in comments 😱

  4. It isn't just blueberries it is ALL BERRIES. Listen to Dr. Robert Morse.

    Additionally, all of you who are still eating cereal with your blueberries are dampening the effects of the blueberries. If you want the benefits, eat them by themselves or with other berries/

  5. I used to load up on coffee before exams, once up to the point I started hearing voices in my head, this was after downing about 2 litres in about 2 hours though. Guess I should have been going for blueberries…

  6. 3:11 I know they list the P-value as being less than .05 there, but those error bars are overlapping *quite* a bit…I wonder if they calculated the SEM properly or if they just let the software pick a random type of error to graph?

  7. OMG! I've been teaching that y-axis trick since 1991. THANK YOU SO MUCH! We've gotta spread the word on this nonsense when it comes to presenting data.

  8. What's a good substitute/the next best thing? Especially asking for parts of the world closer to the equator and far from blueberry-growing places.

  9. Amebic liver abscesses characteristically adhere to the underside of the diaphragm and then burst into the overlying lung whereupon the patient coughs up the contents of the abscess.This isnt always what happens but it is common. A patient of mine who did this said "Its funny, doc,my sputum tastes of liver " !

  10. I saw the title of this and got excited as I prepared to eat my oats with blueberries. 44 seconds in and he's putting me off lol I hope this gets better.

  11. The real question is how enormous is the difference between wild, naturally produced blueberries and those industrially produced ones… In nutritional values, not to mention in taste.

  12. Okay, so I used to work in a post-op urology unit. I never looked at wine the same way after calling my TURP patient’s urine as “Rose” and “Cabernet” … 🤢

  13. How can this conclusions be made? It's not like you can give people blueberries that aren't blueberries for the control.

  14. Hello Dr.Greger love this channel, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I BEG YOU could you do an video about Keratosis Pilaris and diet? Or anyway too improve its aperance internally or externally. PLEASE from someone that has bad KP and because of it has low self-esteem.

  15. The graph at 3:11… Aren't there only 2 data points with error bars that allow the trend observed to be reversed according to experimental uncertainty?

  16. There is a gentleman Yosef, he has a farm in Peyton Colorado U.S. Ahavah Farm, he Farms completely chemical-free, which means he cannot be classified as an organic farm. But he supplies the best vegetables I've ever tasted in my life, and on the Brix scale he's getting higher numbers than what you find in the store. I'm wondering if this would translate into healthier food. It would be awesome to see him scale up to feed tens of thousands which he is talked about. But his customer base and funding is not there at this point in time. But this would be an interesting thing to see a study done on. And since organic does use chemicals I'm pretty sure there hasn't been a study done on chemically free food compared to intentionally sprayed food.?


  18. Does anybody talk about the cancerous PESTICIDES inside regular supermarket vegetables and fruits?
    Arent they dangerous for humans? By eating a plant based diet, you must consume a lot of those chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides)…

    Im tryin to go VEGAN, but this is a topic thats kind of holding me back.

  19. 🤣 just saw the story of you eating elderberries 😂🤣
    I'm thankful – you made this expierience – and not me!!!
    So therefore I better eat blueberries to get smarter – and go on watching your Channel! Love it 😘

  20. Did you just use the same not-starting-from-zero trick that was used by the supplement company at the beginning of the video? Thanks for the otherwise great videos.

  21. Thanks for the video with all the good information. The season for picking blueberries is now, so I will pick a blueberries picker today and start picking blueberries!

  22. I credit daily consumption of at least 1cup of wild Blueberries for 2 years to the healing of my Brain after a massive Hemoraghic Stroke in my Right Parietal Brain Lobe. I had Blindness & many other deficits. I regained my Washington State drivers license priviledge after those 2 years of Wild Blueberry consumption! Amazing!!

  23. “6 cups of frozen wild blueberries…”
    Me: Damn, that is like 840g of wild blueberries a day?
    The research paper: 24g of wild blueberries.
    Me again: unknowingly sipping 140g of blueberries into my soy milk smoothie

  24. Greger thinks a cup of wild blueberries is 15-24g, internet says as high as 190g to 30g. I’ve been eating/drinking 140-150g of this stuff and haven’t keeled over or diabetes.

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