Effetti del raschiamento della lingua su placca, gengivite e cavità

Il raschiamento della lingua e lo spazzolamento della lingua sono praticati da secoli in molti continenti del mondo, ma fanno qualcosa per placca, gengivite e carie?

Dovremmo unirci a gran parte del resto del mondo che ha raschiato e spazzolato la lingua per secoli, o quelle pratiche come l'estrazione dell'olio (frusciare olio tra i denti), dove i rischi superano i benefici?

Ho fatto una serie di video sull'estrazione del petrolio, e la linea di fondo è che non dovresti farlo perché puoi accidentalmente respirare olio nei tuoi polmoni e ottenere qualcosa chiamato polmonite lipoide. È lo stesso motivo per cui non dovresti mai mettere la vaselina o un'altra vaselina nelle narici: quando ti sdrai di notte, gocciola nei polmoni. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere I rischi dell'estrazione del petrolio (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-risks-of-oil-pulling/) .<br/>
Comunque, grattarsi la lingua è legittimo? Non sembra esserci alcun beneficio per placca, malattie gengivali o carie, ma sembra che potrebbero esserci benefici per l'alito cattivo. Restate sintonizzati!

Questo è il primo di una serie di cinque video sul raschiarsi la lingua. Resta sintonizzato per:
• Raschiamento della lingua vs. Spazzolamento della lingua per il trattamento dell'alitosi (alitosi) (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/tongue- grattare-contro-spazzolare-la-lingua-per-trattare-alitosi-alito-cattivo)
• Il raschiamento della lingua provoca il cancro? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-tongue-scrapers-cause-cancer)
• In che modo il raschiamento della lingua può influire sulla salute del cuore (
• Come pulire la lingua (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to- clean-your-tongue)

I video sull'alitosi che ho citato sono Come trattare naturalmente l'alitosi associata al rivestimento della lingua (alitosi ) (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-naturally-treat-tongue-coating-associated-halitosis-bad-breath) e Alimenti che causano e aiutano l'alitosi (alito cattivo) (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/foods-that-cause -e-aiuto-alitosi-alito-cattivo).

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Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/effects-of-tongue-scraping-on-plaque-gingivitis-and -cavities e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su https://nutritionfacts.org/video/effects-of-tongue-scraping-on-plaque-gingivitis-and- cavità . Troverai anche una trascrizione e riconoscimenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze e un modo semplice per cercare (anche per lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2, 000 argomenti di salute.

Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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27 Risposte a “Effetti del raschiamento della lingua su placca, gengivite e cavità”

  1. Once i switched from toothpaste to baking soda, my yearly cavities quit appearing and i fired my dentist 11 years ago. I did go for a checkup some yrs back and that dentist said my teeth are amazingly clean. What is the secret? Baking soda.

  2. Who said scraping would have an effect on those things? The only reason i do it is for bad breath. And honestly i feel like my mouth is cleaner after scraping in the morning or if you just ate something that will not go away. Its STUCK in your mouth somehow. Scrape your tongue and that will fix that. Its good practice to do everyday. PPL wont suddenly back off when you start talking, or, stop offering you gum and tick tacks. Yea that's a sign. 😂 Be a clean person. Dont offend others by your lack of hygiene.

  3. I've been brushing my tongue for 8 years with a modified wide toothbrush. I found out the tongue is the main source of bad breath back then. After buying an already wide brush, I bite on it with my teeth to widen the hairs. It's much more effective than more common brushes, I simply don't understand why more people do this. Brushing a few minutes is more than enough. It's the best way to lessen your bad breath. White plague always seems to appear while sleeping, even though when taking a nap for two hours it's negligible. So sleep needs to be longer than that.

    I also buy cloves in a few hundreds of grams every many months. Taking two cloves before sleeping is another ideal way to prevent white plague appearing. I've been doing that for a while as well. And as Greger explained elsewhere, it's extremely high in antioxidants as well. It's the best antibacterial, high antioxidant way for me to counter best breath as well.

  4. Perfect timing for this series! I recently saw your video on mouthwash negatively effecting the oral microbiome by killing good bacteria along with the bad. It got me thinking if my tongue scraping was having a similar negative effect by scraping the good away with the bad. But I couldn't find any studies that had been done on that. Hopefully this series will answer my questions.

  5. I’ve been using a copper tongue scraper for years now! It’s amazing. Apparently it’s an old Ayurvedic practice. Such a cheap tool and in my experience makes a big difference.

    In that one study they compared it to listerine, it appeared you get the benefits but presumably without the negative effects of these harsh mouthwashes that you alerted us to. Why just ‘brush’ over that part? 😊

  6. i tongue scrape while showering. every single time i scrape about 1/4 tsp of beige goo. not sure if it makes any difference, but i "feel" cleaner.

  7. I love how Axenfeld Rigers syndrome dental autoimmune disease is comparable to bad breath maybe this is a joke on Axfeld Rigers syndrome as not a life long disability but let's compare it to someone who doesn't care about their teeth?

  8. Talk about timing! I bought a couple of tongue scrapers this morning. Then I look at youtube to see a Dr. Greger videos released just 11 hours prior on the same day. o/ Thank you!

  9. Tongue scraping (do it gently!) is also helpful for removing excess toothpaste without having to rinse out mouth after brushing. It can be very beneficial to leave the toothpaste ingredients on teeth (no rinsing) to aid in cavity prevention and desensitization.

  10. Dr Esselstyn talks a lot about the beneficial bacteria that reside in the crypts and grooves of the tongue. (Producing the critical cardiovascular chemical nitric oxide).
    I hope Dr Greger series touches on this.
    Also, what is the effect of daily flushing of the nasal cavity? Recent research indicates that the paranasal sinuses are also intimately involved in the production of this chemical.

  11. I swish my mouth with xylitol and it cleans my tongue better than tongue scraper without removing good bacteria. I tried tongue scraping for a couple of months and didn't notice any positive effects.

  12. Practically speaking, I sometimes scrape my tongue to get a taste out of my mouth or to enhance my ability to taste things which the gunk seems to affect. It is helpful when your tongue is burning from spicy food, more helpful than anything else that I've tried for a burning tongue. I feel a perceivable difference and when I haven't scraped my tongue for too long I notice.

    One trick to help reduce gagging is to try to force an exaggerated smile when you are sticking out your tongue, which apparently counteracts the gag-reflex to some degree. Otherwise, I can get only about 3/5 or 2/3 back on my tongue without gagging but I still can't scrape all the way back without gagging.

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