Effetti di neurotossicità del frutto della stella

Il frutto della stella contiene una neurotossina nota come caramboxina che può causare danni cerebrali irreversibili a dosi sufficientemente elevate.

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Il video che ho citato è Calcoli renali e spinaci, bietole e verdure non mangiano troppo(https://nutritionfacts.org/video/kidney-stones-and-spinach-chard-and-beet-greens-dont-eat-too-much/), qual è il seguito di ossalati negli spinaci e calcoli renali: dovremmo preoccuparci? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Oxalates-in-Spinach-and-Kidney-Stones-Should-We-Be-Concerned).

Per alcuni video più vecchi che ho fatto sui calcoli renali, vedere Come prevenire i calcoli renali con la dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-prevent-kidney-stones-with-diet) e Come trattare i calcoli renali con la dieta (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-treat-kidney-stones-with-diet/).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/neurotoxicity-effects-of-star-fruit e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/neurotoxicity-effects-of-star-fruit. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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100 Risposte a “Effetti di neurotossicità del frutto della stella”

  1. That's right dr vegan, make sure you tell all your vegan zombie followers what fruit to eat/not eat so they don't die. You really can't make this stuff up

  2. The star fruit it my favorite fruit and I always wait for it to be on sale at the Asian market. NOOOOOO!!!!!! Guess it's time to find a new favorite food. I'm so sad.

  3. This is even more shocking than the warts cured by tape!
    Luckily I always found star fruits underwhelming. You expect them to be so much and then they're not. Ever!
    Thanks Dr. Greger. 🙂

  4. I wonder if any of the studies took into account the ripeness of the fruit. I have seen many people eat very bitter unripe starfruit. I only like startfruit when it is ripened right off the tree, otherwise it is too bitter and astringent.

  5. Please can you do more research on algae because I have stopped taking it for now. But I want to be sure it's safe to take again. I buy my algae capsules from 'Healthspan'

  6. What really gets me about this is that starfruit is in abundance on Maui and tons of people eat it their including me when I lived there and now I’m wondering what the risk is, if the native Hawaiians ate starfruit before colonization, and why the hell nobody knows about this

  7. Interesting! And by interesting I really mean scary.
    I've had these maybe 10 times in my lifetime and other than having a peculiar look/shape, they're pretty bland / boring… Bye bye star fruit.

  8. i wonder if ripeness makes a diffrence, like it does with many oxalate containing fruits, usually the star fruit you can buy is very unripe, its almost impossible to find fully ripe star fruit outside of the tropics, i wonder what the have used in the studies.

  9. Wow, who knew? There should be a warning lable on star fruit that PREGNANT women should NOT eat, nor for diabetics or people with kidney disease. I think I have tried once, but I will never buy again.

  10. I live in Jamaica and every one in my neighborhood has 1 tree in there yard. I have one tree as well and I have eaten up to six of these at a time with no problem. So IDK what the scare is.

  11. So scary! I bought a few star fruit last year, and ran across a warning about them while looking up how to prepare them. I guess star fruit aren’t that common in this country, but I have impaired kidneys and was never told by my doctor not to eat them! 😵

  12. UGH- add to the list of plants doc Greger said we can’t eat: spinach (oxalates), rice (arsenic) coconuts (saturated fat), kombucha (death)

  13. You have reached the stars with this beautiful production! this looks top shelf as can be! And you're looking excellent Dr G! Love, love, love it! You're always elevating to the next level! 🙂 and now you're at the top!

  14. Well, Im glad I don't care for starfuit much, I find it kinda boring, small and expensive, ratter spend on other exotic fruits with more flesh and wont kill my kidney 🙂

  15. I'm a Brazilian, and unfortunately this danger hasn't been made public knowledge to us.
    Yeah, this fruit is quite common around here, mostly in within the country and rural areas.
    Another GREaT video, doctor!!! Thanks so much for sharing the knowledge!!!

  16. Asians eat those like Westerners eat apples. Lucky for me though I never liked the taste so probably only ever had it once or twice as a kid

  17. Looks like your video editing skills improved – very impressive. Looking forward to the new book. Good job timing it in December right when people are making new year's resolutions. I got an audio book version of the 1st book and started making changes.

  18. The study didnt even mention of ripe or unripe fruit.. thats like saying ackee will kill u so dont eat it yet its a staple fruit in jamaica.. more untrustworthy fear mongering coming from dr greger.. If the fruit is ready for you to spread it seed its not going to hurt you.. this is why we shouldnt be eating things that dont want to be eaten and shouldnt ignore our tastebuds.. you can taste the toxins..everything has its own protective toxins that will kill u over time.. like how if you eat flax seeds and seaweed and spinach you loose all your hair and then you get skin cancer if you go outside.

  19. It would be interesting to find out how most star fruits eaten are grown and sold for those studies? Ideally, all fruits should be picked vine ripped and ready to eat on the spot. Most start fruits bought in stores are picked green since they must stay good until they reach their destination away from the tropics. Maybe the toxins referred to by the studies would be rendered inoffensive if grown and picked properly like we do here in the tropics and consume as we harvest. Just keeping an open mind as we do not know how to grow good food anymore and find blame where it does not always belong.

  20. Damn, I didn't know any of that, apart from that it was high in oxalates. I love star fruit, but I guess I am gonna just eat other fruits instead now.

  21. I'm pretty sure that's because the dumb asses eat them unripened and have never seen a starfruit tree in there life. Even if its yellow in a store it still isn't ripened unless it did so on a tree.

  22. ummmmm…..this sounds like Star fruit is……TOXIC…….so……I think the better advice is….don't eat it……plenty of other fruit to eat….eat a mango instead…

  23. This is like the fugu of the fruit world 😬 I have two of these bad boys in my fridge and was about to eat one when I looked up if I should eat the skin and this popped up. I have kidney damage due to diabetes. Dodged a bullet there 😮

  24. So basically as long as your kidneys are healthy and you only eat say one a day you should be fine… remember kidneys are a filter. So makes sense if you have bad kidneys your not gonna filter out the toxics.

  25. Thank you, very informative. We own three star fruit carambola trees from which we harvest maybe 12 5 gallon buckets full of starfruit and give them all away except for the one my wife eats and a half dozen I may eat in a year. I'm not doubting the science only reporting on some field anecdotal evidence. Of the thousands we've given away over the years we've never heard of one incident. Why?

  26. Question: Is it true that most of the toxins are concentrated in the edges of the fruit and it lessens the more it ripens?
    As a child, we were told that it had toxins. So we were taught how to eat it. (I ate quite a few of these growing up) We had to cut off the edges of the fruit. And we could eat about two in one sitting. As a juice, we added lime or sour orange juice to it.
    My brain is working fine; My Kidneys are doing their job. My tree is loaded and I just fermented a batch and thinking of making Jam with a next batch. So I should get my kidneys checked?

  27. Ahm,.. It's more in CKD, According to you Dr Greger, we should avoid everything and just rely on consuming only air and then look like you in the end !

  28. I don't believe it. There is a big starfruit tree in my home and I eat more than 10 starfruit everyday when they are ripe. I'm still alive.

  29. Ok… so one vid says they're your heart's best friend and this one says they're your kidney's worst enemy… who to believe??? I have a bag of tree ripened stars just waiting to be juiced.

  30. One of my nephews is now on hemodialysis and wating for a kidney transplant because he simply ate a bunch of starfruits (known as carambolas in Brazil). After eating them he started having convulsions and almost went into a coma. The toxin in the fruit destroyed his kidneys, which now don't function anymore. He lives in an area in Brazil were this fruit is plentiful. The doctors who assisted him told us that for someone in his condition (he already had some kidney problems) only one starfruit could have caused some serious damage and he had three of them. It took the doctors a couple days to remove the toxin from his body and he nearly died. Poor young man!

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