Il grande fiasco proteico

Il campo della nutrizione ha sbagliato in modo spettacolare il fabbisogno proteico umano, portando a un massiccio ricalcolo.

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Il livello “basso” di proteine ​​nel latte materno umano (circa il 6% delle calorie) non significa che gli adulti ne abbiano bisogno solo così tanto perché i bambini sono dei polloni così voraci. Un neonato può succhiare 500 calorie al giorno. Un adulto, dieci volte più pesante—150 libbre, diciamo—in genere non consuma dieci volte più cibo (5 ,000 calorie). Quindi, dal momento che pesiamo dieci volte di più, ma possiamo mangiarne solo quattro o cinque volte di più, il nostro cibo deve essere più concentrato in proteine, ma le persone tendono comunque a prenderne molto di più del necessario. Guarda il mio video I vegetariani assumono abbastanza proteine? (<br/>
Sono preferibili fonti proteiche vegetali ( Vedi, ad esempio:
• Restrizione calorica vs. restrizione proteica animale ( -animal-protein-restriction/)

• Guerre intestinali: acido solfidrico vs. butirrato (
• Fonte proteica: un test acido per la funzione renale (

Che dire della qualità delle proteine, però? Dovremmo provare a mescolare alcuni cibi insieme ai pasti? Vedi Il mito della combinazione di proteine ​​( .

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay.
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100 Risposte a “Il grande fiasco proteico”

  1. Human brain grows fastest during breast feeding first 2 years of life.

    If meat is essential part of our evolution and its high protein content is responsible for our brain's rapid growth then why does human breast milk have only 1% protein (even less than chimp, sheep, cow & gorilla's milk) ? This shows that we are herbivores and protein has only small (role) impact (<1%) on brain growth & development.

  2. Omnivore Theory: Animal Protein (in meat) is essential for human brain growth and development. Google it if you have any doubts.

    Fact#1. Human brain grows fastest the first year of life while breast feeding only on mother's milk. Google it if you have any doubts.

    Fact#2. Human milk has one of lowest % (1%) of protein of all animals. Even less than cow (3.4%), dog (7.5%), chimpanzee or gorilla. Google it if you have any doubts.

    Conclusion: Very little Protein (1%) is needed for human brain growth and development. Therefore Omnivore theory is proven false.

  3. Our bodies are very efficient at recycling amino acids. Even if you are a bodybuilder there is no reason to be chugging protein shake 2-3 times at day. All you are going to do is get bloating and gas. I have had great gains from a diet with plenty of beans and grilled chicken.

  4. "By going vegan and doing an 18:6 intermittent fast (dinner to next day lunch = 18 hrs) I up-regulate AMPK and down-regulate mTOR, the same thing that metformin does for diabetics who live longer than people who don't take. We now know that AMPK can be up-regulated by IF, exercise, and eating a whole food plant based diet. This is new science so Google: PubMed, AMPK, mTOR and Intermittent fasting and learn something new."

  5. Wrong. speaker needs to visit India and study how lack of protein causes multi billion dollar sickness among Indians. many are vegetarians and have no clue how to get some animal protein daily. i experimented on my own body. if i cut out animal protein i developed high BP skin became wrinkled so soon i added it and things were normal. it is a major problem for many other countries in Asia ,Africa and Latin America

  6. someone needs to send this information to dr. Now from houston tx. he recommends high protein, low carb to his weightloss patients and it drives me crazy. 🙁 even doctors really think thats the right diet, but its literally flipped. ive lost 160lbs high carb, low fat vegan!

  7. This doctor bases his claim for lower protein intake on the "science" that breast milk contains less than 1% of protein. Yes, breast milk contains about 1% of protein, because 100 g of breast milk contains about 4.4 g of fat, 1 g of protein, 7 g of carb, and 87.6 g of water. If you take the water out of the equation, the fat-protein-carb ratio of breast milk is 35:8:56. If you were to "scientifically" base your optimum protein intake on the protein ratio in breast milk, you should have said 8% instead of 1% (which is misleading).

    Moreover, why not base your optimum fat and carb intake on breast milk as well? Does that mean that you need to be on a relatively high fat-low protein-high carb diet by eating 35 g of fat, 8 g of protein, and 56 g of carb per 100 g of your macronutrients????

    Haven't this doctor been promoting high carb, low fat, low protein diet???

    What's going on?!?

  8. This is so wrong, it's not even funny. First off, infant's bodies are so different from adult bodies, they might as well be different species. For example, the tolerance for drugs. Even something as simple as Tylenol isn't dealt with the same way between adults and infants. one would assume the total dose for an adult would be much higher than an infant because of the increased weight, but mg/kg dosing already takes weight into account, and yet the maximum tolerable dose for an infant is 15mg/kg, while the adult dose is between 20-50 mg/kg. Infants can't eat honey, and they even have a completely different form of hemoglobin in their blood. Basing the adult diet on what a baby needs is a ridiculous endeavor.

    More specifically, with regards to protein, adults have three major differences when it comes to the amount of protein they need. 1. infants have very low muscle tone and weight, their bodies are weak and their metabolism is focused on cellular growth and building energy reserves(baby fat). However, upon reaching puberty, adult bodies vastly increase their skeletal muscle weight, irrespective of training or field of work. 2. Adults have more things to do, places to go, work, athletics, weight training etc. These things build up even greater muscle definition and weight. 3. The biggest difference is that ONLY ADULT bodies use protein as a major energy source (that's right). In order to ensure the proper body composition, adult bodies burn protein, keeping the protein metabolism in check in case of sudden famine, or wasting illnesses. This ensures that if you burn a large quantity of fat in a short time, the body can adapt quickly to return to a healthy composition ratio between fat and bone and muscle. Since infant metabolisms are set firmly towards growth, they don't have to be concerned with composition yet.

    To summarize, Adults need much greater amounts of protein than infants do. It is scientific fact.

  9. 2:56 Looks like Evolutionary Nutrition is about as sound a 'science' as Evolutionary Psychology (which is also a load of horse crap.) It's amazing how many 'scientists' can invent imaginary cavemen scenarios to support whatever modern cultural bias they have.

  10. So according to video (Gregor), 180 lb person needs 70 grams protein per day.  I've eaten vegan, and 70 grams protein from vegan food is not easy.  

    Plus he doesn't tell you that as people get older i.e. 60s+, they tend to lose muscle mass and a little more protein is helpful for this.

  11. Most adults need between 45 and 55 grams of protein per day. That is it. I heard somebody talking in my dietician course that this one girl said her daily requirements were 85 gram of protein per day. I'm like "WTF?" That's insanity! Americans are so stupid. I'm ashamed to be American.

  12. .8 gram per kilogram is adequate IF and ONLY IF The PER of the protein is near one which it is for eggs, meat or soy. Most plant food has a PER of .77 and that doesn't even consider the lysine requirement. Your best bet is to calculate your lysine requirement and every other amino acid falls in place. If based on ideal weight you need 60 gram of protein (using .8 grams per kilogram) you'd need near 80 gram of plant protein other than soy to get the minimum required lysine as well as an effective 60 gram of protein if based on a PER of one.

  13. Question: Mainstream science seems to suggest that humans' brains grew in size and intelligence once we could cook meat, hence, making it easier to digest and release its nutrients more easily, allowing our bodies and brains to evolve to their present state. Without the protein in animal meat (and being able to cook that meat), how did we evolve to becoming such adroit, resilient, intelligent beings?

  14. People need to realize that pure sugar might not be best for you, but if they think thats bad, why don't they stay away from oil? how about protein powder? They are the same thing of a different macronutrient. unnecessary and not good for you! Whole foods is the best, most balanced natural way 😀

  15. I would rather go by the percentage of protein calories in my food. Human breast milk is about 2% of the total calories, sounds right for humans. If you go by the RDA then I would be consuming 100 grams of protein a day, forget that if I want to keep my kidneys and bones as I try to gracefully age, 100 grams would be crazy. The FDA's recommendations have been industry skewed from the beginning.

  16. a 3kg baby should eat 550gr of milk a day, about 5,5 gr of protein , which is about 2g of protein per kg of lean mass (maybe a little more) ….. thats a lot of protein of high quality .. we need to see things in prospective …

  17. Let's talk about the failures of veganism
      1st of all modern fruits are full of sugars, totally unlike their ancient ancestors which were small almost bitter and only ripened for about a month of the year vs modern fruit which available 24/7/365 which is not natural
      2. vegan diets are typically deficient in healthy ratios of fats/proteins/carbs
       3. Most vegans look like they never lifted anything heavier than a potato
       4. hormonal imbalances tend to occur in female bodies
      5. altough young, active growing bodies can tolerate high carbs older less active bodies do less well on high carbs
    6. Vegans seem to think that plants like to be eaten. No No No! All plants contain a variety of toxic substances to discourage their being eaten. DYK that caffeine is actually an insecticide? DYK most veggies, especially the leafy ones, contain oxalates which can contribute to kidney stones? DYK that juicing increases n concentrates these toxic substances? "Oh no whee-ohh we're saving the planet aren't we"😭
    7.There's too much more to mention here…

  18. If one is to accept the percentage of protein in human breast milk as the percentage of protein adults should consume, what about the percentage of fat in human breast milk? Is that also the suggested amount for adults? Probably not because it would go against low fat vegan beliefs. In other other words, just because specific percentages of protein and fat are adequate for a baby, one can't extrapolate that those same percentages are ideal for adults.

  19. This channel is obviously not for people that are very active in the gym as well as lead an active lifestyle. I subscribed last week and now unsubscribing. This is very bad advice for anyone that incorporates resistance training into their exercise routine. If you're a couch potato…maybe not. I would suggest Rhonda Patrick if you are a very active person.

  20. Using an human infant is not predictive for an adult human. If this were so and a basis for recommendations then adults should consume the majority of their calories from fat. I am sure Dr. Greger would say whey.

  21. At what age does our brain grow fastest ? Before the Age of One while breast feeding on Mother's milk which has the least amount of PROTEIN of all mammals ! So if you want to have a big brain, don't eat protein. Eat Carbs (7% of milk is carb) and fat (3-5% is fat) and water (>90% is water).

  22. Taking in more than the RDA recommendations will NOT harm the kidneys or liver in people with normal functioning organs. Please anybody find me 1 Study that demonstrate this, that protein will be the sole cause. I bet nobody will be able to find it

  23. I tried a "low" protein diet (0.5 grams per lbs) while I was weightlifting for many hours per week and the effects on my body were horrifying. After increase the amount of protein I was consuming my body and my energy rapidly improved.I guess everyone is different.

  24. I hear lots of people making claims that they run out of energy if they don't eat enough protein, and they carry protein bars with them to avoid fatigue….that never really made sense to me, but the number of people who swear by that is large. As far as an athlete's need for protein, the claims made seem way too high. One thing to keep in mind with athletes is that even those who are doing extreme workouts for maximum gains in muscle, they can only add about a thimble full of muscle per day on their entire bodies. That is not very much protein, because most of that added muscle is water. The idea seems to be, that if you don't have very high levels of amino acids from food in your blood 24/7, then you will not be able to achieve maximum gains in the shortest time. Of course, performance enhancing drugs can dramatically increase the protein utilized for building tissue and that would increase the body's need for protein. In either case, it seems unhealthful, or even dangerous, long term.

  25. They need to recalculate again – and learn that humans, just like all plants and animals, and microbes – MAKE THEIR OWN PROTEINS AND AMINO ACIDS. We are no different as a species.

  26. Doc got the math off…"Ideal weight in pounds times 4 divide by 10" it should be "ideal weight in kilograms times 4 divide by 10"…Also, Ideal weight? How do I get my ideal weight, is that based on BMI non-overweight range of weights for my height?

  27. Way to generalized –  a large body of new evidence, the International PROT-AGE Study Group [3] and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) [11] concluded that daily protein requirement of healthy individuals over 65 years is 1.0–1.2 g protein/kg/bw. A further increase is recommended for individuals with acute or chronic illnesses (1.2–1.5 g protein/kg/bw) and severe illnesses, injuries, or malnutrition (2.0 protein g/kg/bw) [3,11]. Although these new recommendations have been formulated for adults >65 years, this is only an agreed conceptual cut-off point. Since it has been estimated that 0.5–1% of muscle mass is lost annually from the age of 50 [36], an increased dietary protein intake may be required earlier in life in order to mitigate the muscle ageing process. One of the longest (14-week) interventional studies to date revealed that in adults aged 55–77, ingestion of 0.8 g protein/kg/bw was associated with decreased mid-thigh muscle area and decreased urinary nitrogen excretion (when compared to the second week of the intervention), suggesting that the current RDA might be below the actual requirements of an ageing adult [9]. The link between protein consumption at the RDA level and adverse health outcomes was also confirmed in longitudinal observational studies. As discovered by Houston and others [37], older adults (70–79 years) whose daily protein intake was 1.1 ± 0.4 g/kg/bw had lost 40% less lean body mass over the course of three years than those who consumed 0.8 ± 0.3 g/kg/bw. In summary, protein requirements vary on an individual basis and depend on various factors, such as age, health status and PAL. These factors are not reflected in current recommendations for the general population. Therefore, an increase in intake of dietary protein beginning around midlife merits further research

  28. It's stupid to think human breast milk is perfect food, its perfect only for babies up to 6 to 12 months. The amount of protein that people need is changing during their lives and their source as well. Only in vegan or keto you are ok with 0,8-1 g / kg FFM. And it also depends on whether you are sitting all day or actively doing sports.

  29. Human Brain grows fastest at birth to 1 years of age, fueled only by her mother's milk. How much protein does human milk have that fuels such growth ? LOWEST % of all land mammals including Herbivores. This is Proof that we are Herbivores.

  30. This is gold! Thanks for doing the research and posting!! Bottom line, there simply can be too much of a good thing.

  31. Here’s the facts:

    Animal foods are superior sources of protein. It’s not even close. No matter what metric you use (Net Protein Utilization (NPU), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Protein Digestibility (PD). etc), animal protein is more complete and more bioavailable.
    Animal products have additional nutrients unique to animals that plants lack – but we really need to thrive. DHA, EPA, B12, D3, K2, Heme Iron, Retinol (true vitamin A) to name a few.
    Plant sources of protein often come with carbohydrates (beans, legumes). So you end up consuming a large amount of carbohydrate and fiber just to meet your basic needs. For most people this is too much fiber and carbohydrate. Conversely, nuts are so high in fat (calories) that you’d have to allocate your entire calorie budget to nuts to use them as a main protein source. Tofu is the only plant source of protein that kind of mimics the macro nutrient advantages of meat and eggs – mostly protein and fat, low carb.
    Plant sources of protein also contain anti nutrients such as oxalates, phytates and lectins. These are poisons created by plants to protect themselves. They’re designed to irritate the stomachs and guts of animals and insects that eat them. Plants don’t want to be eaten. This is their defense. So plants need to be prepared properly to reduce or remove those anti nutrients – but you can’t get them all no matter how well you prepare. People with IBS, SIBO, candida, leaky gut, Crohns, and other autoimmune diseases really need to be careful with plant foods and carbohydrates. Unfortunately, this is an ever growing segment of our population, especially among vegans.
    Animal products, such as meat are hypoallergenic. They contain no anti-nutrients or fiber to irritate the gut or block the absorption of minerals. They are easily and fully digestible.

    This is why plant matter is not considered a serious source of protein. It can help prevent overt signs of protein deficiency, but it’s not an optimal choice.

    Literally every culture in the world has always known this just from generations of trial and error. When you are recovering from injury or illness, when you are feeling ruin down, if you are pregnant – basically any condition that requires optimal nutrition – animal products (milk, meat, eggs, organs, etc) are always the most coveted and prized foods. And for good reason – they are superior across the board.

  32. I can feel protein deficiency for several days every time I exercise and don't take my protein shakes. It's called sore muscles and slow regeneration.

    How come almost everybody, who doesn't consider protein to be important, has either a low muscle mass (like Dr Greger? :)) or a high body fat percentage?

  33. Excellent ! The argument of human breast milk is such a blow to the protein centric culture that we have devloppedin the west and that is detrimental not only to us but to the environment as it encourages the consumption of meat .

  34. u know when u have a protein deficiency if u crave meat or cant get satiated from plants
    as well as ur arms will feel weak, ur movements become slower and ur eye lids look like u want to sleep

  35. This video is misleading and downright unethical. Higher protein has all sorts of benefits including increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat, reducing appetite, improving mood, and improving recovery from exercise and injury. Increased muscle mass doesn't only improve one's appearance (although it does do this and it's wrong to dismiss this), it improves health and general quality of life in all sorts of other ways. Everyone who's physically able should be doing resistance exercise and consuming high protein. If you don't do this, you're resigning yourself to avoidable physical weakness, increased risk of injury, and metabolic impairment, especially as you age. "High protein" here is just around 25% of calories. A diet based on whole soy, beans, and vegetables with limited whole grains, nuts, and fruits, and no refined carbs or fats can provide this, but it isn't the most palatable diet. Refined protein foods like pea or hemp protein isolate powder and seitan/gluten can balance out foods lower in protein and higher in carbs, such as fruits and whole grains, or higher in fats, such as nuts, seeds, avocado, and olive oil.

  36. The theory wasn't too destroyed as it was still being taught in nursing school in the 90's which included pictures of little children in Africa with big bellies from protein deficiency.

  37. @Oliver Leslie
    Here is part of your link on vitamin C:
    "Of course this discovery does not prove that the gut flora are capable of producing physiological relevant quantities of vitamin C" . The link goes on to say the bacteria in question "has been been linked to human urogenital infections, and C. diphtheria is associated with opportunistic diphtheria infections".
    Keep taking the tablets, Oliver.

  38. I like doctor Greger, but I do spot a problem with this. If he’s going to say that human breast milk is the “perfect food ratio for all humans” and not just babies, to argue we only need 5% of our calories from protein (breast milk is 5% protein), then to be logically consistent he will also have to argue that we should be getting 58% of our calories from fat (with almost half of that being saturated fat) because human breast milk is 58% fat (26% Saturated fat). But he doesn’t do this. So clearly he thinks that as we age, our dietary needs become different from the needs of a baby. I’m not saying he’s wrong about protein requirements being low, I agree they’re lower than people think. I’m rather saying that his argument using breast milk to support it is flawed, he basically contradicts himself with it. He should focus on other arguments.

  39. Four years later and the Wikipedia article on Kwashiorkor is still wrong. In the talk page there are tons of references explaining that it's not caused by protein deficiency but no one bothered to rewrite the article.

  40. Any adverse effects of consuming too much plant protein per day?

    My sister is 5'6" 157lbs
    Her vegan personal Trainer wants her taking 125g of protein per day on a 1285 calories/day diet, 1.5 hours exercise per day, for 90 days (a boot camp)

    Is that too much protein?
    What should she be taking?
    After the Boot Camp?
    Thank you 😊🙏💜✌

  41. Why babies don't need as much protein as kids and adults is a separate question. That doesn't disprove that every other age group does require a sufficient and higher percentage of protein. Also, he mentions 0.8 – 0.9 per Kg that amount is specifically for sedentary adults, not for active adults who work out. For active adults it is actually much higher in the 1.8 – 2.2 range . Do your homework.

  42. Please do a video on the negative affect of cruciferous goitrogens and soy on thyroid function, cascading to auto-immune issues, leading to cancer. Thank you.

  43. Breast milk is the perfect food for growing babies, as babies began to crawl and then walk they develop more muscle and progress to a different diet with higher protein. Breast milk is not the ideal food for all age groups and stages of life and health of humans.

  44. This video misquotes the work of J. C. Waterlow, stating "there is no real evidence of dietary protein deficiency" when a simple reading of the abstract will show that he was merely restating some of the criticism out there, that he goes on to disagree with. The full quote is, "This theory has been contested from several points of view: that hypoalbuminaemia is not the major factor determining the presence of oedema, and that there is no real evidence of dietary protein deficiency. The resolution of this question is of some importance from the point of view of public health diagnosis and prevention." A couple lines later in the abstract, he contends that the classical theory of protein deficiency in Kwashiorkor is essentially correct.

    I mean, you can read the abstract below for yourself

  45. Current studies support 50 grams of protein for a 150 lb person for nitrogen balance, but at least 75 grams of protein to keep glutathione levels high!

  46. That's still 70-90 g of protein per day for the average adult male. I'm an advocate in WFPB diets, but I wonder how many beans, grains, nuts, etc. you have to eat per day to reach that level of protein intake….

  47. When they're making the argument that protein increased the brain's size. I laugh and I laugh hard. Yeah inflammation can make an organ larger.

  48. Man Gregor really had to ignore a lot of science to make this video. I’m all about that vegan lifestyle but Gregor’s advice on this topic is simply not evidence based. It’s a low blow to say but… following his protein recommendations will probably make you about as muscular as he is 😕

  49. Yes, 0.8g protein/kg body weight. That’s what the field of nutrition and dietetics uses as the protein needs of the average, healthy adult. I’m so confused why you are choosing to throw the field of nutrition/Dietetics under the bus when we are ones performing and advocating for the exact research you use to argue your point. The only ones advocating for higher protein needs for healthy adults are NOT real nutrition professionals, but are those in the fitness industry and those with other biases. Please do not lump the entire field of dietetics, which emphasizes evidence-based practice, in with those that promote fad diets like paleo or Keto. We already have enough difficulty getting taken seriously. Thank you.

  50. I love it when the most overweight, unhealthy people that take 10 different medications ask me where I get my protein from, as if they’re concerned for my well-being! 😂 I’m one of the most fit and healthy 44 year olds I know. Why? Bc I’ve been plant-based for 11 years, I’m an endurance athlete, and I’ll never look back.

  51. Protein is back in style again and this time it's on steroids !
    Everything has gobs of protein now. Atlas Coffee – now with 16g of protein per cup !
    Granny's Maple Yogurt – now w 16g protein ! Warlborough cigarettes – now w 16g protein per stick !
    We may see an uptick in Kidney disease shortly.

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