Prevenire le malattie infiammatorie intestinali con la dieta

Qual è il ruolo degli alimenti ad alto contenuto di zolfo nelle malattie infiammatorie intestinali (IBD)? Seguire una dieta ricca di prodotti animali può alterare il tuo microbioma più velocemente rispetto all'assunzione di un antibiotico.

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Questo è il primo di una serie di video in tre parti. Resta sintonizzato per la migliore dieta per il trattamento della colite ulcerosa ( e La migliore dieta per il trattamento del morbo di Crohn ( ).

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54 Risposte a “Prevenire le malattie infiammatorie intestinali con la dieta”

  1. After 1,5 year going whole food plant based I had issues with a lot of gas and intestinal issues like incomplete emptying and/or diarrea and/or constipation. Tried a lot of things like supplements for the breakdown of the fibers etc. I thoroughly believe all the claims that plant based diet will do wonders for your health but I think my gut is so fucked up from 20+ years of meat eating that I cant go vegan anymore. 1,5 years of patiently allowing for the change to happen and still I was getting super gassy with terrible smell and having really bad issues with the gut (everything else felt great). After talking to the sibo-specialist gojiman after having sibo I still didnt manage to resolve the issue. So now I eat pasta and meat and I have zero issues with my gut, I feel better but I know this is not a solution, this is me ignoring the problem. But the stress it caused me is more dentrimental than the diet I have. I want to go back to veganism and plant based diet. I just dont know how to do it anymore because of all the issues I get. If you have similliar issues please lets talk about it. If you can offer any help please do so…

  2. Lectins, pesticides, antibiotics ? once again uncontrolled gorging on copious amounts of meat/animal produce (especially grain fed) is the anti-Christ (TMAO).

  3. I got diagnosed with ulcerative colitis while being vegan for 4 years.
    I made sure I cook everything by myself no fast food, no convenient food, no meat replacements, no sugar etc.
    Not saying that this isn't true what Dr. Greger is stating here but I can say that the person is individual when it comes to diet. I now have to eat meat just because my protein source was mostly beans, lentils, peas, soy brown rice, chickpeas and so on. Which I can't simply digest anymore because of the fiber. I get massive problems the Gas is killing me and also I get diarrhea very fast. Even if I soak it overnight for example the beas lentils and chickpeas.
    But I was vegan for 4 years so it's very weird that I can't do it anymore I ate stuff like that everyday with no Problem!
    Now I can live a somewhat normal Life when eating organic meat once or twice a week.
    Has anyone had a similar experience?

  4. Will there be a followup for people for who this info came to late? 😅🙋‍♀️ I've seen 14 specialist and I'm still (4 years already) stuck on the fodmap diet. Wich does not combine well with veganism.

  5. Can someone help me? Ive developed some kind of immflamitory bowl issue after eating lots of penut butter on toast and jam on toast…… My shit is literally almost black and has been that way for months, even after i returned to whole foods the issue doesnt go away, and i get (arthritic-like) flair ups in my fingers, neck and toes whenever i ingest a portion of processed foods. Its like my gut is perminently screwed.

    The only time my poo isnt black was when i experimented and ate ONLY sweet potatoes for muliple days. But obviously i want to eat beans, fruit, veg, whole grains and other stuff also, and whenever i do….black poo 🙁

  6. I heard Titanium Dioxide is one of the most common things to use in pills and incredibly prevalent in processed spices. And that can play a role in perforation, allowing the bacteria to set up show where it doesn't belong.

  7. I take amino acids, but my gas rarely stinks. I bet my body is absorbing the methionine before it reaches the colon and can get converted to hydrogen sulfide. It would be interesting to see a study on that.

  8. Interesting. I am going to go look up the term for the study of human farts now. Otherwise I will just assume it is flatology.

  9. Well again, dr. Greger telling the whole truth. H2S is bad for you right?

    "This trend of clinical trial on finding H2S donors or H2S-releasing drugs can be a very big breakthrough for the treatment of several diseases which are almost incurable till date"

    "Even though H2S has to deal with its own double face (toxic and protective) attitude which has pushed it into several controversies, it is recently found that various ion channels in multiple systems and organs advocate the protective role of H2S"


    "Cancer.The slow-releasing H2S donor GYY4137 can kill seven different human cancer cell lines (HeLa, HCT-116, Hep G2, HL-60, MCF-7, MV4-11, and U2OS) in a concentration-dependent manner. This indicates that H2S could be a potential anticancer agent (112). Moreover, H2S-releasing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (HS-NSAID) composed of a traditional NSAID to which an H2S-releasing moiety is covalently attached have significant anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown that HS-NSAID can inhibit the growth of all cancer cells, such as human colon, breast, pancreatic, prostate, lung, and leukemia cancer cells, by inhibiting cell proliferation, inducing apoptosis, and causing G0/G1 cell cycle block. These data indicate that H2S may have potential antigrowth activity against various human cancer cells (113)."

    "Pei et al. showed that H2S can decrease the viability of PC-3 cells (a human prostate cancer cell line) in a dose-dependent manner (78). Importantly, both CSE and CBS are expressed in the prostate. Thus, H2S-releasing diets or drugs may be beneficial in the treatment of prostate cancer."

    "Moreover, NOSH-aspirin, a NO- and H2S-releasing agent, has been found to inhibit colon cancer growth by inhibiting cell proliferation, inducing apoptosis, and causing G0/G1 cell cycle block (80). Overall, these results indirectly demonstrate that H2S has strong anticancer potential that merits further evaluation."

    "Fortunately, atherosclerosis can be interrupted by H2S. Increasing evidence has proven that H2S plays a significant role in all these biological processes and that disruption of H2S homeostasis may contribute to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis (89). For instance, H2S plays an antiatherogenic role by suppressing the formation of human macrophage foam cells. H2S inhibits the formation of macrophage-derived foam cells, which is a crucial event in the development of atherosclerosis, by downregulating CD36, SR-A, and ACAT-1 expression and inhibiting oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) binding and uptake of macrophages (66, 67). In addition to its important role in preventing atherosclerosis, H2S has also direct benefits for coronary heart disease (CHD) patients. Plasma H2S levels in patients with CHD show a significant inverse correlation with the severity of CHD and changes in the coronary artery (90). Moreover, providing H2S balneotherapy to CHD patients has been shown to result in significant prolongation of stress bicycle exercise. In the hot climate of arid zones, use of moderate H2S baths raises the tolerance of CHD patients to exercise, attenuates clinical manifestations of CHD, and consequently reduces daily nitrate need"

    "Moreover, H2S can protect neurons from oxidative stress, which is responsible for neuronal damage and degeneration in AD. H2S protects neurons against glutamate-mediated oxidative stress by enhancing the activities of γ-GCS and cystine transport, which results in incremental changes of glutathione levels (98). These findings suggest that H2S is a promising therapeutic target for treating neurodegenerative diseases."

    "Low blood H2S levels may contribute to the vascular inflammation observed in diabetes because supplementation with H2S can prevent inflammatory factor interleukin-8 (IL-8) and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) secretion by monocytes cultured in high-glucose medium"

    "development of diabetic vascular complications. However, protective effects of H2S on the endothelial cells under high-glucose conditions have also been observed. "

  10. MD with IBD here. I still feel like you're missing the ball on Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Tuberculosis (MAP) in Crohns Disease. Seems like a topic right up your rally.

  11. Thanks you so much…. the gut bacteria and mikrobiom … so important. I got crohns and I am in remission since 4 years – …. I'm vegan highcarb-lowfat since 4 years. It works. 👌🙋🏻‍♀️

  12. Thanks Dr. Greger! Would love a follow up on diet tips for those of us who already have IBD. WFPB is challenging when our bodies no longer seem to like fiber.

  13. SUCH a great topic! Thanks for helping to spread the word about how nutrition can prevent IBD. So many people are still told by their doctors that nutrition has no role! Times are changing, thank goodness. With 61% of Americans struggling with bothersome gut issues, there is a lot we can do to improve quality of life in our communities!

  14. Changing. my diet to WFPB solved all my digestion issues (side-effect, it solved asthma too…!). I'm now medication free (2 years and still going)! I just posted a video on how it changed my life and I just wanted to say thank you to Dr. Greger for all your work! 🙂

  15. I took Omeprazole for a flare of gastritis in the fall of 2020. I took a low dose for 10 weeks.
    Since then, without a change in my diet, I have gained weight…2 lbs a month.
    I attribute the weight gain to the med changing my guts biological make up.
    I take probiotics….hopefully, I will get back to normal soon.

  16. This is excellent information. I really wish Dr. Greger would go back to doing voice over videos though, his mannerisms are distracting. The older videos were so much better.

  17. Um, no, this is bologna. IBD is AUTOIMMUNE. There are so MANY vegetarians who have IBD. Certain foods may aggravate the IBD, but IBD is NOT due to diet. Just ask a few vegetarians who have the disease.

  18. what are your thoughts on kappa carrageenan, i have read that it can cause inflammation in bowel and intestines. is food grade different – i want to make vegan cheese and this has also been said to give better results than agar agar.

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